以α-Si3 N4为原料,Y2 O3和MgO为复合烧结助剂,通过无压烧结制备出氮化硅陶瓷。为了优化实验配方和工艺参数,采用正交实验研究了成型压力、保压时间、保温时间、烧结温度、烧结助剂含量以及配比对氮化硅陶瓷气孔率和抗弯强度的影响规律。结果表明,影响氮化硅陶瓷气孔率的主要因素是烧结助剂含量和配比,而影响其抗弯强度的主要因素是烧结助剂配比和烧结温度。经分析得出,最佳工艺参数为成型压力16 MPa,保压时间120 s,保温时间2 h,烧结温度1750℃,烧结助剂含量12wt%,烧结助剂配比1∶1;经最佳工艺烧结后的氮化硅陶瓷,相对密度为94.53%,气孔率为1.09%,抗弯强度为410.73 MPa。
Silicon nitride ceramics were prepared by pressureless sintering , using α-Si3 N4 as raw material, Y2 O3 and MgO as sintering additives .In order to optimize the experiment formulation and process parameters , the effects of forming pressure , pressure-holding time , holding time , sintering temperature , the content and the ratio of sintering additives on the apparent porosity and bending strength of the silicon nitride ceramics were investigated by using the orthogonal experiment .The results show that the content and the ratio of sintering additives mainly affect the apparent porosity of ceramics , but the ratio of sintering additives and sintering temperature mainly affect the bending strength of ceramics .The optimal parameters were as follows:pressure of 16 MPa, pressure-holding time of 120 s, holding time of 2 h, sintering temperature of 1750 ℃, the content of sintering additives of 12wt% and the ratio of sintering additives of 1∶1 .Silicon nitride ceramics sintered after the optimal parameters have the density of 94.53%, apparent porosity of 1.09%and bending strength of 410.73 MPa.
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