研究了不同性能镀钯铜线对其键合质量的影响,分析了不同钯层厚度、不同延伸率和拉断力、镀钯铜线热影响区长短对铜线键合质量的作用机制。研究结果表明:镀钯铜线钯层厚度过小会造成Electronic-Flame-Off( EFO)过程中的Free Air Ball( FAB)偏球、第一焊点形状不稳定及钯层分布不均匀;延伸率过小和拉断力过大会造成焊点颈部应力集中,并产生微裂纹而造成焊点的拉力和球剪切力偏低;镀钯铜线的高强度和低延伸率降低其再结晶温度,造成长的热影响区和颈部晶粒粗大,降低其力学性能,焊接过程中产生颈部裂纹和塌丝。
The different mechanical properties of Pd coated copper wire were investigated, and the effects of Pd thickness, wire elongation/strength and wire HAZ on the strength of copper wire bonding were discussed. It is found that small Pd thickness can cause the Pd elements to distribute non-uniformly on Free Air Ball after Electronic Flame Off, lead to form a Golf ball, and the ball shape will be astable. Small elongation and high tensile strength may cause micro-crack at the bonding neck, thus resulting in insufficient bonding strength. High tensile strength and small elongation of copper coating Pd wire can decrease the temperature of re-crystal, increase the length of HAZ, and form excessive large grain on the neck, those can cause some crack on the neck and flat wire, then reduce the life of device.
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