采用瓦特电镀液在石英光纤表面Ni-B化学镀层上制备了厚镍镀层.考察了硫酸镍,十二烷基硫酸钠、电流密度以及氧化镧对镍沉积速率和镀层质量的影响,确定了其最适宜值分别为180 g/L、0.08 g/L、0.8 A/dm2和0.9 g/L.用扫描电镜、体视显微镜对镀层的表面形貌进行了表征和分析.结果表明,稀土氧化镧细化了晶粒尺寸、提高了镀层的致密程度和显微硬度.制得的样品厚度约为840 μm,显微硬度为334 HV,电阻率为21μΩ·cm,致密程度为96.4%,润湿时间为2 s.
Watt electroplating solution was used to prepare a thick nickel deposit on the surface of electroless Ni-P-B alloy coated quartz optical fiber.The effects of the nickel sulfate,sodium dodecyl sulfate,current density and lanthanum oxide on nickel deposition rate and coating quality were studied and their suitable values were determined to be 180 g/L,0.08 g/L.0.8 A/dm~2,and 0.9 g/L,respectively.Scanning electron microscopy and stereomicroscope were employed to characterize and analyze the surface morphology of the deposit.The results showed that lanthanum oxide helps reduce grain size and improve compactness and microhardness of the Ni coating.The prepared Ni deposit has a thickness of 840μm,microhardness of 334 HV,resistivity of 2 s.
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