


本文采用详细化学反应动力学模型对二甲醚对向流扩散燃烧火焰进行了数值模拟,通过分析二甲醚燃烧过程中基元反应速度、关键中间产物和自由基,得到了二甲醚在对向流扩散燃烧中氧化的主要反应途径.结果表明,反应主要发生在高温区域(大于 800 K),CH2O、H2 和 CH4是重要的中间产物;OH、H 和 CH3是重要的自由基,在生成 CO、CO2和 H2O 的过程中起到关键性作用.

A numerical simulation of chemical kinetic process in DME/air counterflow diffusion flame with a detailed kinetic model is performed. The chemical kinetic process of dimethyl ether oxidation in the diffusion flame is obtained by analyzing the reaction rates of the elementary reactions, the key intermediate species and radicals. The results indicate that the reactions are mainly in the high-temperature region (greater than 800 K). CH2O, H2 and CH4 are the key intermediate species;OH, H and CH3 are the key radicals which play important role in the oxidation of dimethyl ether.


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