


采用共沉淀-共沸蒸馏法合成锶掺杂的锰酸镧(LSM)粉体,在此基础上制备了LSM与钇稳定的氧化锆(YSZ)的复合材料,并研究了该材料应用于固体氧化物电解池(SOEC)阳极的性能.通过XRD、TEM、SEM等手段分析了该材料的化学稳定性及微观结构.通过动电位扫描以及电化学阻抗谱(EIS)研究了该阳极材料的电化学性能.TEM分析显示共沉淀-共沸蒸馏法在减小粉体粒径方面要优于传统的共沉淀方法.SEM结果显示经过1200 ℃,2 h的烧结后,复合阳极与电解质结合紧密,阳极材料内部孔隙均匀,YSZ与LSM两相各自形成连通的网络结构.对不同组成和不同结构的阳极复合材料的电化学性能进行了测试,结果显示多层的阳极结构增加了三相界面(TPB)的长度.

Strontium-doped lanthanum manganites (LSM) perovskite were synthesized by coprecipitation-azeotropic distillation (CP-AD) method. The powder was mixed with yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) powder to fabricate composite anodes of solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs), and their electrochemical properties were investigated at 800 ℃, which is the SOEC working temperature. The TEM analysis demonstrated that the CP-AD method had advantages in reducing the particle size and dispersing the particles from each other. The SEM analysis showed that the electrode layer combined closely with the electrolyte and almost no defects were observed after sintering at 1200 ℃ for 2 h. The porosity was well distributed and the LSM and YSZ networks were formed respectively. Electrochemical performances of LSM-YSZ composite anodes with different components and structures were measured. The results showed that multi-layer structure increased the length of thriple phase boundary (TPB).


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