H. Ying1)
X. D. Sun1)
Q. B. Yang1)
J. B. Li2)
Y. M. Wang2)
Z. Zhang3) and J. You3)1) School of Materials and Metallurgy
Northeastern University
Shenyang 110006
China2) Departm ent of Materials
School of Mechanical Engineering
Shenyang University
China3) Liaoning Analyzing and Testing Research Center
Shenyang 110015
Starting from cheap inorganic salts , ultrafine P L Z T po w ders were synthesized by a co pre cipitation m ethod . The results show that the precursor precipitate obtained by the co precipita tion method transfor ms co m pletely to P L Z T phase by calcining at 420 ℃ for 4 hours , about300 ℃low er than the nor m al transform ation te m perature of P L Z T obtained by m ixed oxidemethod . The effect of residual N H4 N O3 in the precursor precipitate on transfor m ation te m perature of the P L Z Tpow der w as investigated . The residual N H4 N O3 in the precursor po w der can reduce further the P L Z Ttransfor m ation tem perature to about 300 ℃, but a sm alla mount of Zr O2 and Pb Ti O3 re m ained . By a proper control of the synthesizing route , a P L Z T po w der with a pri m ary particle size of 10 n m and an agglom eration size of 0 3 μm hasbeen produced .
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
The off-center displacement of Ni3+ ion in SrO crystal is investigated by analyzing its anisotropic g factors g(//) and g(perpendicular to) by using the perturbation formulas of the g factors for a 3d(7) ion in axial (tetragonal or trigonal) symmetry. In these formulas, the contributions to the g factors from the mixture of different energy states, low symmetry distortion and covalency effect are included and the parameters related to these effects can be obtained from the optical spectral and local structural parameters of the studied system. Based on the studies, it is found that the Ni3+ impurity may take an off-center displacement by about 0.23 Angstrom along the [1 1 1] direction and result in a trigonally distorted [NiO6](9-) cluster. Interestingly, the observed Ni3+ center has the unusual T-4(1) ground orbital triplet due to the weak crystal field of the host SrO, which is different from the usual E-2 ground orbital doublet for Ni3+ under strong octahedral fields. The reasonableness of the results is discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
defect structure;electron paramagnetic resonance;crystal- and;ligand-field theory;Ni3+;SrO;atomic screening constants;transition metal ions;paramagnetic-resonance;spin resonance;superposition model;scf;functions;crystals;oxide;co2+;epr