Z.H.Jiang 1)
Y.He 2)
X.L.Jiang 1)
G.J.Han 1) and S.S.Rui 1) 1) Department of Iron & Steel Metallurgy
School of Material and Metallurgical Science
Northeastern University
Shenyang 110006
China 2) Institute of Metal Research
The Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shenyang 110015
The thermal conductivities of different typical species filling materials for sliding gate systems for steel ladles were measured using a hot wire technique, and the relationships between thermal conductivity and temperature were regressed. The factors affecting thermal conductivity were analyzed by using variance analysis for a perpendicular experiment. The effects of thermal conductivity on sliding gate free tapping were studied, and it was revealed that decreasing the thermal conductivity of the filling materials is beneficial in enhancing the rate of free tapping for sliding gates.
filling materials
Chinese Science Bulletin
A study was carried out in order to investigate the effect of contaminants and meteorological variables on the rust layer of carbon steel exposed in Shenyang urban atmosphere. Seven kinds of contaminants and twelve kinds of meteorological parameters were also registered in order to correlate the data with respect to corrosion rate and the stepwise multiple regression analysis was carried out in order to obtain the best regression model. The sum of rainfall time as well as sunshine time and the concentration of H(2)S could stimulate initial atmospheric corrosion of carbon steel. The initial atmospheric corrosion kinetics of carbon steel was observed to follow the cubic equation. The corrosion products were analyzed by XRD and the transformation of phases in different periods was discussed.
contaminants;meteorological parameters;carbon steel;urban atmospheric;corrosion;stepwise multiple regression;corrosion products;rust;pollution
LIU Zhonghao CHEN Lian Institute of Metal Research
Academia Sinica
Within the range of 77 to 295 K,the strength and plastieity of 18Ni maraging steel increase with decreasing temperature and decrease with increasing hydrogen content.The susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement of the maraged specimens is superior to solid solution ones.The dislocations after plastically deforming will tangle into dislocation cells which reduce thermselves in size as the temperature decreases,and coarsen as the hydrogen content in- creases.No cryogenie deformation twin was found.The tensile fracture surfaces of the solu- tion and maraged specimens containing 5.90 ppm hydrogen under 295 to 223 K are revealed as quasi-cleavage and intergranular features respectively and as transgranular ones under other experimental conditions.The influence of hydrogen on the mechanical behaviour of steel and the mechanism of hydrogen induced deformation and fracture are discussed. Research Assistant, Institute of Metal Research,Academia Sinica, Shenyang 110015,China
maraging steel
NING Hua ZHANG Lixin Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals
Academia Sinica
The segregation behaviour of P and its effect on structure of 70%-reduction cold rolled Fe-P alloys containing different contents of P,e.g.,0.007,0.06 and 0.09% P,during annealing at 200-700℃ under vacuum have been studied by means of metallography and EPMA.The P was found to segregate preferentially along dislocation line during recovery annealing.The P-riched dislocation densing region,the P-depleted region and the sub-grain-like boundary thus formed.The nuclei grow preferentially during recrystallization in such region that the P segregation is more evident and the residual strain by dislocation densing increases to large extent.After recrystallizing,the P segregates along grain boundaries and makes the grains in alloy fine. Engineer,Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals,Academia Sinica,Shenyang 110015,China
Corrosion Science
The early stages of the evolution of atmospheric corrosion of carbon steels exposed in both a laboratory simulated and a natural atmosphere environment in Shenyang have been observed by in situ scanning electron microscopy. In the case of laboratory cyclic wet-dry tests, even though the chloride content level is very low, filiform corrosion is initiated in the early stage. The filiform corrosion grows in random directions, forming a network of ridges. White nodules nucleate and grow on the ridges during continued corrosion and eventually connect with each other to form the initial corrosion scale. Pits were also found on the surface beneath corrosion products. In the case of a natural atmospheric environment, both filiform corrosion and other localized corrosion, such as pitting and inter-granular attack take place in the initial stage. It is obvious that there is variety of localized corrosion in the initial stage of atmospheric corrosion. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
steel;atmospheric corrosion;initial stage;localized corrosion;in-situ;iron;electrolyte;thickness
SO_2 polluted environment