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G.W. Chang , G.C. Jin , S.Y.Chen , X.D. Yue


According to the nature of the periodic bending deformation of solid-liquid interface in the solidification process of continuous casting slab,The nucleation and extension of crack was analyzed by the variation of temperature gradient and dendritic spacing in the front edge of solid-liquid interface. The results indicate that the bending deformation of interface makes temperature field change in the front edge of solid-liquid interface; the occurrence of temperature gradient along drawing direction provides the condition for the growth of secondary dendrites; The crack source formed during the middle and final stage of solidification may extend to the surface of casting slab and become internal crack. The theoretical analysis is basically agreement with the experimental results.

关键词: continuous casting , null , null

First-principles investigations of isotope effects in thermodynamic properties of TiX2 (X = H, D, and T) system

Journal of Alloys and Compounds

As hydrogen, deuterium and tritium storage materials, a series of investigations of mechanical and thermal properties of titanium hydrides, deuterides and tritides have been performed, however, very limited theoretical studies of thermodynamic properties for them can be found. Based on density-functional theory (DFT) and density-functional perturbation theory (DFPT) we have discussed systematically the hydrogen isotope effects on the thermodynamic properties of TiX2 (X = H, D, and T) system. Our calculations indicate that for evaluating accurately their physical properties at absolute zero temperature, such as the equilibrium lattice constants, bulk modulus, and heat of formation, the zero-point energy correction must be taken into account. By performing the phonon calculation within quasiharmonic approximation (QHA), we obtain their vibrational free energies, vibrational entropies, and temperature dependence of specific heat, thermal expansion, and bulk modulus. Those results demonstrate that comparing with TiH2, TiT2 and TiD2 are more stable and the zero-point effects play an important role in their thermal expansion. The increase in the force constant between Ti and H causes the higher value of specific heat of TiH2 during the phase transition from FCC to FCT. In addition, comparing with available experimental values, we can conclude that QHA is feasible for describing the thermal properties of TiX2. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: isotope effects;thermodynamic properties;density-functional;perturbation theory;quasiharmonic approximation;functional perturbation-theory;neutron spectroscopy;thermal-properties;titanium;hydrogen;dependence;expansion;constants;palladium;hydrides


张昕 , 周鑫 , 张红



关键词: X射线辐照 , 线粒体DNA损伤 , D310片段突变 , 聚合酶链式反应


朱杰武 , 柳永宁 , 许雁 , 冯耀荣

机械工程材料 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3738.2005.06.007

在不同温度下测试了X70管线钢动态断裂韧度K1d、J1d和止裂韧度K1a以及夏氏V型缺口冲击韧度Ak,对三者的关系进行了分析.结果表明:温度和加载速率都对断裂韧度产生影响;加载速率变化引起的韧-脆断裂转变具有热激活特征,在热激活分析基础上,在应力强度因子速率K=15 MPa·m1/2s-1条件下,得出断裂韧度、止裂韧度和冲击韧度三者的关系:Ak=4.84×106T-2.8K1d(或K1a).可以用小试样Ak数据计算得到K1d和K1a.

关键词: 管线钢 , 断裂韧度 , 止裂韧度 , 韧-脆断裂转变


陈永亮 , 崔雅静 , 杨烨 , 王磊 , 李仪成 , 张勇 , 赵勇


通过在SmFeAsO中Fe位上掺入5d过渡金属Ir,得到了一种新的铁基超导体SmFe_(1-x)Ir_xAsO,当x=0.05时,样品表现出超导电性,超导转变温度为8K,当x=0. 15时,超导转变温度达到最大值17. 3K X射线衍射结果表明所有样品均属四方ZrCuSiAs-type结构,SEM结果表明SmFe_(1-x)Ir_xAsO样品具有片层状形貌特征,随着Ir掺杂量的增大,晶格参数a增大而c减小,结合EDX数据,表明Ir掺人了SmFeAsO晶格当中.

关键词: 铁基超导体 , ZrCuSiAs结构


魏恺文 , 王泽敏 , 曾晓雁

金属学报 doi:10.11900/0412.1961.2015.00212

利用OM, SEM, EDS, XRF和XRD等方法研究了AZ91D镁合金在激光选区熔化中的元素烧损机制以及烧损对成形试样化学成分、显微组织及力学性能的影响. 结果表明, 成形试样中Mg的相对含量(86.61%~88.68%)低于粉末原料中Mg的相对含量(90.63%), 而其Al的相对含量(10.40%~12.56%)则高于后者(8.97%). 该结果与基于Langmuir模型的计算结果相符, 表明在激光作用下主要是Mg发生了烧损. 成形试样的Mg与Al质量比η随激光体能量密度EV的增加呈现先上升后下降并最终趋于稳定的演变规律. 采用55.6 J/mm3EV所成形试样(试样No.8)的η值最接近粉末原料. 使用回归分析法建立了ηEV的解析关系, 其拟合度指标系数R2为0.858. 成分变化最为显著之一的成形试样No.1 (采用166.7 J/mm3EV所成形)与压铸态AZ91D 的组织特征相似, 均为β-Mg17Al12相呈网状分布于α-Mg基体间的典型凝固组织. 但成形试样No.1的β-Mg17Al12相含量及其α-Mg基体中Al的固溶量明显高于压铸态AZ91D. 成分变化导致成形试样No.1的拉伸强度及显微硬度得到提升, 但使其延伸率有所下降.

关键词: 激光选区熔化 , AZ91D镁合金 , 元素烧损 , 化学成分 , 显微组织 , 力学性能

Energy levels of the d*(8) electron and d*(2) hole system

Physical Review B

In the investigation of the optical and magnetic properties of the semiconductors containing transition-metal ions, the one-electron orbital cannot be treated with a pure d orbital because of a strong covalence. This paper presents the energy matrix of the d*(8) and d*(2) (d* means a modified d function) system, in which the covalence is described by two covalent factors. The differences between the matrix diagonal elements of the t(2)(m)e(n) term of the d*(8) system and the t(2)(6-m)e(4-n) term of the d*(2) system vary with m and n. The d(N) electron system can be explained with the d(10-N) hole system because the difference between the energy matrix of the d(N) and d(10-N) systems has a fixed value. However, this kind of simple relation does not exist for the d*(N) and d*(10-N) systems when the covalence is considered. A numerical calculation shows that the variation of the energy levels with the covalence for Ni2+ in the d*(8) electron system is larger than that in the d*(2) hole system. The calculated energy levels obtained from the d*(8) matrix are in good agreement with the experimental data of the Ni2+ ion for ZnS:Ni and ZnSe:Ni. This suggests that the d*(8) electron system instead of the d*(2) hole system should be used in the investigation of optical and magnetic properties of semiconductor containing Ni2+ ions.

关键词: zns-ni;absorption;vanadium;impurities;spectra;ions


张兴 , 郑成武 , 李宁 , 周兴丹 , 李正强 , 华瑞茂

液晶与显示 doi:10.3788/YJYXS20122704.0448


关键词: 3D显示 , 眼镜式3D显示 , 裸眼式3D显示 , 液晶材料

Anomalous phase composition in the two-phase region of DyFe(3-x)Al(x) (x <= 1.0)

Powder Diffraction

The structure transitions and phase relationships of DyFe(3-x)Al(x) compounds have been investigated by X-ray powder diffraction. Our XRD results show that each of the compounds with x <= 0.45 crystallizes in the rhombohedral PuNi(3)-type structure with space group R (3) over barm and Z=9; for the 0.8 <= x<1.0 compounds, each has a hexagonal structure of the CeNi(3) type with space group P6(3)/mmc and Z=6; and each of the samples with 0.45<x<0.8 is a two-phase mixture of the PuNi(3)- and CeNi(3)-type structures. The calculated XRD intensities of the DyFe(3-x)Al(x) compounds with x=0.2, 0.33, 0.4, and 0.45 indicate that Dy occupies the 3a and 6c sites, Fe and Al distribute randomly on the 18h site, and the 3b and 6c sites are exclusively occupied by Fe, which agrees well with those of our experimental XRD patterns. The XRD intensities of the DyFe(3-x)Al(x) compounds with x=0.8 and 1.0 have also been calculated and found to agree with the experimental results with Dy on the 2c and 4f sites, Fe and Al at the 12k site, and Fe at the 2a, 2b, and 2d sites. In the two-phase region with x=0.45-0.8, the values of unit-cell parameters and phase compositions are linearly dependent on the value of x, indicating that the two phases are constituted by the same composition x with different stacking arrangements. This abnormal two-phase equilibrium is further confirmed by the structural analysis of the DyFe(2.33)Al(0.67) (or x=0.67) sample. The samples with x=1.1 and 1.2 were also analyzed, and each found to be a mixture of more than two phases. (C) 2010 International Centre for Diffraction Data. [DOI: 10.1154/1.3507088]

关键词: X-ray powder diffraction;DyFe(3-x)Al(x) system;structure change;anomalous phase composition;magnetic-properties;intermetallic compounds;al substitution;rare-earth;fe;dy6fe23;refinement;aluminum;dy2fe17;co


朱桂兰 , 何崇智



关键词: X射线衍射仪

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