S. J. Chen
S. Y. Yin
L. Feng and L. Y. Li( 1) School of Materials Science and Engineering
Beijing Polytechnic University
Beijing 100022
China 2)National Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding Production Technology
Harbin 150001
Based on the existing component models in the Pspice software package, a combined model for Insulat- ed the Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) is established, in which a non - linear is introduced to represent the parasitic capacitance. Using this model, computerized simulation is conducted for the FB - ZVZCS - PWM soft - ewitching converter,the switching and energy-transferring characteristics of the components are analyzed.The simulation results are testified by experiments.It is proved that by abopting appropriate models,computerized simulation becomes an effective tool for investigation of arc welding inverter power source.
arc welding inverter
X. Y. Li
X. T. Tian and H. C. Zhu( 1)Weldng Division
Beijing Polytechnic University
Beijing 100022
China 2)National ho. of Advanced Welding Technology
Harbin 150001
Mismatching is one of the basic characteristics of welded joints.Overmatched welded joint with a crack in hard weld is simplified as a cracked body of CCP type SHS (a hard bar sandwiched between two soft material with a crier perallel to the interface ) in this paper.Effects of mechanical heterogeneity on fatigue crack growth and crack closure of this model are studied by experimental and elastic - plastic finite element methods. It is found that, residual plastic deformation remaining in the wake of a growing crack tip, which cases crack closure,is affected the plastic deformation in adjacent soft mate- rial near by the crack tip. Both the shape of crack tip plastic zone and stress distribution ahead of crack tip in heterogeneous cracked body are different from that of homogeneous one. Crack closure (open- ing) loads are estimated by investigating the changes of crack tip opening displacement during fatigue loading, and a new model of crack oening process is presented. Because of the difference in the effect of mechanical heterogeneity on displacement of non - fatigue crack and fatigue crack, conventional CTOD can not reflect the real deformation at crack tip of SHS specimens.
welded joint
QIAO Lijie LIU Rui XIAO Jimei University of Science and Technology Beijing
The effects of stress components on nucleation sites and propagation directions of stress cor- rosion cracks in brass were investigated with specimens under mode Ⅱ and mode Ⅲ loadings. The results indicated that under mode Ⅱ loading,stress corrosion cracks nucleated on the site with maximum normal stress component and propagated along the plane perpendieular to the maximum normal stress,under mode Ⅲ loading,the stress corrosion crack was not evident on the 45°plane due to the general corrosion in aqueous solution with high NH_4OH concentra- tion,while stress corroded in aqueous solution with low NH_4OH concentration, numerous cracks with spacings of 10—150μm were found on the 45°plane with maximum normal stress and no stress corrosion cracks was observed on the plane with maximum shear stress.
stress corrosion cracking