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L. W Zhang , R.S. Wang , J. Th.M.De Hosson , Y.L. Xia and F. G. Wang 1) The State Key Lab. for Materials Modification by Laser , Ion and Electron Beams , Dalian University of Technology , Dalian 116023 , China 2) Department of Applied Physics , University of Groningen , The Netherlands


A three-dimensional transient heat transfer model for laser transformation hardening process has been developed in this paper. The finite size of the laser treated sample, the surface heat loss of the sample, the latent heat of phase transformation and the temperature dependence of thermal properties of materials were considered. The heat source was considered as a moving Gaussian heat flux with a constant velocity. Three-dimension unequally spatial grid explicit finite difference equations, alternating direction implicit finite difference equations and implicit finite difference equations were deduced respectively. Three programs to calculate the temperature field were developed using Fortran language. The transient temperature fields of C22, 42CrMo, C60 steel samples during laser transformation hardening process were calculated using these programs, and the widths and depths of laser transformation hardening zones were also predicted. C22, 42CrMo, C60 steel samples were treated by CO_2 laser,the widths and depths of laser transformation hardening zones of these samples were also measured experimentally. The calculated widths and depths of laser transformation hardening zones are in good agreement with the experimental results.

关键词: temperature field , null , null

CORRELATION BETWEEN STRESS COMPONENTS AND STRESS CORROSION CRACKS IN BRASS Lecturer,Department of Materials Physics,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China

QIAO Lijie LIU Rui XIAO Jimei University of Science and Technology Beijing , Beijing , China


The effects of stress components on nucleation sites and propagation directions of stress cor- rosion cracks in brass were investigated with specimens under mode Ⅱ and mode Ⅲ loadings. The results indicated that under mode Ⅱ loading,stress corrosion cracks nucleated on the site with maximum normal stress component and propagated along the plane perpendieular to the maximum normal stress,under mode Ⅲ loading,the stress corrosion crack was not evident on the 45°plane due to the general corrosion in aqueous solution with high NH_4OH concentra- tion,while stress corroded in aqueous solution with low NH_4OH concentration, numerous cracks with spacings of 10—150μm were found on the 45°plane with maximum normal stress and no stress corrosion cracks was observed on the plane with maximum shear stress.

关键词: stress corrosion cracking , null , null , null

An Alternative Sol-Gel Method Applied to TiO2 Coating on Al Scale Fiber

Lei Miao , Sakae Tanemura , Thi Hue Nguyen , Li Luo , Masaki Tanemura , Shoichi Toh , Kenji Kaneko , Masahiro Kawasaki


An alternative sol-gel method has been applied to fabricate anatase and rutile TiO2 coatings uniformly on Al scale fibers with very thin naturally oxidized layer from mixed precursors of Ti tetraisopropoxide, acetyl acetone, deionizer water and ethanol in different molar ratios. The crystal structure of TiO2 coatings on Al scale fiber was confirmed by both XRD and TEM. The surface morphology of the coatings was observed by SEM and the chemical composition of the grown TiO2 was analyzed by EDS in TEM. Anatase coating, having a fine crystalline structure, was grown at 450℃ while rutile was being done at 670℃. The TEM results indicated that the fabricated TiO2 coatings consisted of anatase/rutile polycrystalline structures. The optimal fabrication conditions for TiO2 coatings with about 400 nm in thickness on Al scale fibers were established through the characterization results.

关键词: Sol-gel method , null , null , null , null

Effects of CeO2 applied to preformed oxide scales on subsequent oxidation of Fe-20Cr at 1000 degrees C

Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology

In order to explore the relationships between rare earth elements existing in oxides and growth rate and adhesion of oxide scales, CeO2 thin films were prepared on Fe-20Cr alloys after preoxidation at 1000 degrees C; subsequent isothermal and cyclic oxidation was carried out, and the oxide adhesion was determined by using the tensile pull test. The results demonstrated that similar to the effects of CeO2 on the as polished Fe-20Cr alloy, the application of CeO2 to the preformed oxides could decrease the subsequent oxidation rate, improve the cyclic oxidation resistance of the alloy and raise the adhesion strength of the oxide scales. These beneficial effects of the applied CeO2 decreased with increasing pre- oxidation time. The fact that virtually none of CeO2 applied on the preoxidised preformed layer reached the metal/oxide interface suggests that the 'sulphur trapping effect', through which CeO2 may act, is minimal in the present system.

关键词: rare earth elements;oxidation;oxide adhesion;CeO2;Fe-20Cr alloy;high-temperature oxidation;chromia-forming alloys;stainless-steel;segregation;cr2o3;cr

Change in Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions From Energy Use in China′s Iron and Steel Industry

SUN Wenqiang , CAI Jiuju , MAO Hujun , GUAN Duojiao


As the largest energy consuming manufacturing sector and one of the most important sources of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, the China′s iron and steel industry has paid attention to the study of changing trend and influencing factors of CO2 emissions from energy use. The logarithmic mean Divisia index (LMDI) technique is used to decompose total change in CO2 emissions into four factors: emission factor effect, energy structure effect, energy consumption effect, and steel production effect. The results show that the steel production effect is the major factor which is responsible for the rise in CO2 emissions; whereas the energy consumption effect contributes most to the reduction in CO2 emissions. And the emission factor effect makes a weak negative contribution to the increase of CO2 emissions. To find out the detailed relationship between change in energy consumption or steel production and change in CO2 emissions, the correlation equations are also proposed.

关键词: CO2 emissions , energy use , LMDI technique , steel production , energy consumption

(alpha-PbO2-type nanophase of TiO2 from coesite-bearing eclogite in the Dabie Mountains, China

American Mineralogist

A natural high-pressure phase of titanium oxide with alpha-PbO2-structure has been found in omphacite from coesite-bearing eclogite at Shima in the Dabie Mountains, China. High-resolution transmission electron microscope observations have revealed an orthorhombic lattice, corresponding to alpha-PbO2-type TiO2, with cell parameters a = 0.461 nm, b = 0.540 nm, c = 0.497 nm and space group Pbcn. It occurs as nanometer-thick (< 2 nm) lamellae between multiple twinned rutile crystals, providing additional evidence of very high-pressure, metamorphism at 7 GPa, 900 degrees C. This implies subduction of continental material to a depth of more than 200 kilometers. alpha-PbO-type TiO2 could be an extremely useful index mineral for ultrahigh-pressure.

关键词: high-pressure phase;ries crater;rutile;polymorph;titanium

Development of Glass Ceramics Made From Ferrous Tailings and Slag in China

LIU Chengjun , SHI Peiyang , ZHANG Dayong , JIANG Maofa


A great amount of ferrous tailings and slag cause severe damage to the ecological environment, which must be reclaimed and utilized. The composition, type, and characteristics of ferrous tailings and slag in China were introduced. The research status and the application outlook of glass ceramics made from ferrous tailings and slag were discussed. Glass ceramics made from ferrous tailings and slag can be applied to various fields, and it will be environmentally conscious materials in the 21st century.

关键词: glass ceramics;ferrous tailings;slag

STATISTICAL EVALUATION OF CRITICAL INCLUSION FACTOR FOR SECONDARY RECRYSTALLIZATON IN 3%Si STEEL Lecturer,Department of Materials Engineering,Southwestern Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610031,China

LI Shuchen Southwestern Jiaotong University , Chengdu , ChinaCHEN Mengzhe KE Jun University of Science and Technology Beijing , Beijing , China


On the basis of statistical data of MnS in the conventional 3% Si steel sheeets after various annealing processes,the critical inclusion factor has been evaluated to be 20 mm~(-1).The inhi- bition of MnS to grain growth has been exactly described.

关键词: 3%Si steel , null , null

Introduction to atmospheric corrosion research in China

Science and Technology of Advanced Materials

In this paper, we introduce the research on atmospheric corrosion in China. We describe the climate characteristics and the classification of atmospheric corrosivity across the whole country. We also describe the rusting evolution under simulated wet/dry cyclic conditions. (C) 2007 NIMS and Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

关键词: atmospheric corrosion;corrosivity;rusting evolution;weathering steels;rust;mechanism;so2;o-3;no2

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