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D. W Shi , J. Y Huang and Q. W Long(International Centre for Materials Physics , Institute of Metal Research , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Shenyang 110015 , China Laboratory of Atomic Imaging of Solids , Institute of Metal Research , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Shenyang 110015 , ChinaState Key Laboratory for Fatigue and Fracture of Materials , Institute of Metal Research , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Shenyang 110015 , China )


We proposed an equation of Langevin type to describe the interface evolution in crystals under nonequilibrium conditions(such as in Cu-Fe or Cu-Co system upon ball miling). The scaling property (H) of this equation is in good agreement with the Monte Carlo simulations decribed by Bellon and Averback. In this equation the volume dchsion and intedece diffusion are all important and this is consistent with some experimental results.

关键词: scaling , null , null , null


J.X. Zhang , YF. Zheng , W .Cai and L. C. Zhao (School of Materials Science and Engineering , Harbin Institute of Technology , Harbin 150001 , China Laboratory of Atomic Imaging of Solids , Institute of Metal Research , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Shenyang 110015 , China )


The A/D type twin boundary in a Cu-Zn-Al shape memory alloy appears curved under TEM and shows impularly sermted steps under HREM Crystallogmphic analysis shows that the macroscopic curve results hem non-selfaccommodation of the boundary, the deviation from exact twin orientation and a pwtrential orientation for lower boundary enerpy.

关键词: shape memory alloy , null , null

Quantitative Analysis of Non-Crystalline and Crystalline Solids in Blast Furnace Slag

WANG Haifeng , ZHANG Chunxia , QI Yuanhong


China is short of water seriously. But granulation of blast furnace slag (BFS) with water has many disadvantages, such as high water consumption and difficulty in heat recycling. So developing a new dry granulation technique to treat BFS is very important. The applicability of BFS directly depends on the content of non-crystalline solids in the slag after treatment. So it is of theoretical and practical significance to analyze the content of non-crystalline solids in the slag quantitatively and simply. Metallographical test is mainly adopted to quantify the non-crystalline in BFS now with the shortages such as making sample complexly, determining difficultly and personally. For the diffraction intensity of non-crystalline is proportionate to the content of non-crystalline in BFS, X-ray diffraction method was adopted to quantify the non-crystalline and the crystalline solids in BFS. The quantificational coefficient between the crystalline and the non-crystalline solids of BFS is 0.70 whose main composition is: w(CaO)38.2%,w(SiO2)35.7%,w(Al2O3)16.3%,w(MgO)8.3%. The relatively error of using X-ray diffraction instrument to quantitative analyse non-crystalline content of BFS is less than 1%.

关键词: Blast Furnace Slag;Non-Crystalline;Crystalline;Quantificational Analysis


Chinese Physics Letters

We study the crack propagation in layered solids and find that when there exists an easy-fractured layer, the fractal surface becomes more rough, which is characterized by larger fractal dimensions.

关键词: dimension

Melting and superheating of crystalline solids: From bulk to nanocrystals

Progress in Materials Science

Melting of solids is a common phenomenon in nature. It is also one of the most important phase transformations in materials science and engineering. In recent years, extensive experimental and theoretical investigations in conjunction with computer simulations on melting of solids, with various geometries ranging from bulk forms to nanometer-sized clusters, have greatly enhanced our understanding of the nature of melting. This paper reviewed the up-to-date research results on this classical and cutting-edge topic. Emphasis was made on melting and superheating of nano-sized particles and thin films including thermodynamic and kinetic analyses of the size effect and the interfacial structure effect on melting processes. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

关键词: isolated tin nanoparticles;embedded pb nanoparticles;kinetic stability;limit;energy ion-scattering;equation-of-state;small particles;electron-microscopy;molecular-dynamics;al(110) surface;al matrix

Synthesis of nanocrystalline materials from amorphous solids

Advanced Materials

The key to the formation of nanocrystallites from amorphous solids lies in the annealing temperature. This aspect of the preparation of nanocrystalline materials is covered, as are other attractive features of this method, for example, that it can be applied to most alloy and pure element systems, large quantities of nanocrystalline samples can be produced, and the grain size can be controlled. The properties of these materials are also described and it is concluded that more studies on 3D bulk: porosity-free, and clean samples are needed.

关键词: ultrafine grain-structure;alloys;selenium;sizes

Crystallization kinetics of amorphous solids under pressure

Physical Review B

The pressure effect on crystallization kinetics of amorphous solids was investigated by means of thermodynamic analysis. A model was developed to describe the nucleation process under pressure by considering the crystalline/amorphous (c/a) interface that plays a dominant role in the nucleation process. Applying the model to three types of crystallization process, polymorphous (a-Se), primary (Al89La6Ni5), and eutectic (Ni80P20), we found the calculated results can give reasonable explanations for the experimental observations. The calculation suggests that for a-Se and Ni80P20 amorphous alloy, the initial stage of nucleation is a volume expansion process due to the c/a interface formation, resulting in an increase in the nucleation work with an increment of pressure. Hence the crystallization temperature of the amorphous phase rises when a pressure is applied, while for the Al-La-Ni amorphous alloy, the nucleation barrier decreases at higher pressures. The coincidence between the calculation and the experimental results illustrates that the cia interface formation is the governing factor in the crystallization kinetics of the amorphous solids. [S0163-1829(99)03534-1].

关键词: activation volume;nanocrystalline state;metallic glasses;diffusion;alloy;selenium;phase;se;transformations;microstructure

Recent developments in high temperature intermetallics research in China


A comprehensive survey was made of various advances of intermetallics research in China. The investigation focussed on the fundamental research and materials development. Charge density distribution and site occupancy of alloying elements, environmental embrittlement and chemical reaction, interface structures and phase transformation at the atomic scale, nanocrystalline intermetallics and its thermal stability, superplastic behavior and anomalous yield strength peak are reviewed. Several Ti-Al and Ni-Al based alloys have been manufactured, and show good mechanical properties. Diverse components have been fabricated successfully. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

关键词: aluminides, miscellaneous;hydrogen embrittlement;mechanical properties;at high temperatures;superplastic behavior;phase interfaces;grain-boundary fracture;in-situ composites;environmental;embrittlement;hydrogen embrittlement;ni3al;compression;alloys;co3ti;boron;feal


Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids

The formation of Fe-SiC composite, nanocrystalline solids through ball milling is reported. The effects of mechanical deformation, crystallite size and gaseous elements on the solid state reaction between Fe and SiC are also investigated. The formation of Fe3C after a long milling time is attributed to the kinetics of the reaction between nanocrystalline Fe and SiC.


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