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H.M. Lu and K.M. Fang Metallurgy School , University of Science and Technology Beijing , Beijing 100083 , China Z.X. Qiu Department of Nonferrous Metallurgy , Northeastern University , Shenyang 110006 , China


Multiple regression equations of liquidus temperature, electrical conductivity and bath density of the Na_3AlF_6-AlF_3-BaC1_2-NaCl system were obtained from experiments by using orthogonal regression method. The experiments were carried out in 100A cell with low melting point electrolyte, the influences of cathodic current density, electrolytic temperature, density differences of bath and liquid aluminum on current efficiency (CE) were studied; when the electrolyte cryolite ratio was 2.5, w(BaC1_2) and w(NaCl) were 48% and 10%, respectively, CE reached 90% and specific energy consumption was 10.97k Wb/kg/kg. Because of the fact that aluminum metal obtained floated on the surface of molten electrolyte, this electrolysis method was then defined as low temperature aluminum floating electrolysis. The results showed that the new low temperature aluminum electrolysis process in the Na_3AlF_6-AlF_3-BaC1_2-NaCl bath system was practical and promising.

关键词: low temperature aluminum floating electrolysis , null , null , null


杜龙 , 矫桂琼 , 黄涛 , 赵龙 , 黄峰

复合材料学报 doi:10.3321/j.issn:1000-3851.2007.06.024


关键词: 夹层结构 , Z-pin增强 , 剪切性能


徐祥 , 杨明 , 梁益龙 , 张世伟 , 龚乾江

材料导报 doi:10.11896/j.issn.1005-023X.2016.18.030

在Gleeble-3500热模拟试验机上对211Z.X耐热高强韧铝合金进行了等温热压缩实验,实验的应变温度为350~500℃、应变速率为0.01~10 s-1.研究了不同变形条件下的流变特征,并分析该合金高温变形时流变应力的规律,构建了材料流变应力本构模型;同时基于动态材料模型建立了加工图,确立了该合金在实验条件的最佳工艺参数.结果显示:功率耗散图与失稳图随应变量的增加而变化,功率耗散峰区由3个逐渐减为1个,失稳区域随应变而移动并逐渐增大;在加工图中,随着应变的增大,安全加工区域逐渐减小.综合加工图与微观组织的分析结果,211Z.X铝合金最佳的加工工艺区间为:变形温度485~500℃、应变速率0.03~10 s-1.

关键词: 211Z.X耐热高强韧铝合金 , 热压缩变形 , 加工图

Subsolidus phase relation and crystal structure in the Pr(1+x-y)Ba(2-x-z)Ca(y+z)Cu(3)O(7 +/-delta) system

Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing

The Pr(1+x)Ba(2-x)Cu(3)O(7+/-delta) solid solution was investigated by means of X-ray powder diffraction combined with Rietveld analysis. A Pr123 single phase could be synthesized under Pr-rich conditions by sintering at 950 degreesC in air. The solubility range of Pr(1+x)Ba(2-x)Cu(3)O(7+/-delta) solid solution is 0.08 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.80. The structure of Pr(1+x)Ba(2-x)Cu(3)O(7+/-delta) for 0.08 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.30 is orthorhombic. The structure transforms into tetragonal for 0.30 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.80. To form the Pr123 single phase, the Ba sites in the Pr123 structure must have partial Pr ions, and the least amount is x = 0.08. Ba ions cannot occupy the sites of Pr ions. In the Pr123 structure, Ca ions can replace Pr ions; the highest value is x = 0.4 in the PrBa(2-x)Ca(x)Cu(3)O(7+/-delta) system under our experimental conditions. However, Ca ions cannot replace B a ions. The ionic radius plays a more important role than the chemical properties in the substitution between Pr, Ba and Ca ions in the Pr123 structure.

关键词: cu-o system;approximately 950-degrees-c;superconductivity;diagram;pr;growth;nd;prba2cu3o7-delta;praseodymium;property


徐超 , 卢佃清 , 刘学东 , 尚涛


采用柠檬酸溶胶.凝胶自蔓延法制备了Ba3(Zn1-xCox) 2Fe24O41(x=0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8)铁氧体纳米晶颗粒.材料相结构、静态磁参数和电磁参数分别通过XRD、VSM和矢量网络分析仪测得.结果表明,随着Co含量的增加,样品静态磁性能的改变与Co2+在点阵中的占位密切相关;样品的复磁导率实部的变化较好的符合单畴畴转磁化理论,而其虚部变化还要受到旋磁阻尼系数的影响;样品的复介电常数受到Co含量和晶粒尺寸的共同影响.反射功率损耗测试表明,在X波段1 mm厚x=0.6样品的反射功率损耗最大吸收值可达49.907 dB,并且反射功率损耗大于30 dB和20 dB的频宽分别为3.56 GHz和4.26 GHz.可见x=0.6样品在整个X波段内具有非常好的微波吸收性能,是X波段理想的微波吸收剂.

关键词: Z型铁氧体 , 吸波材料 , 溶胶-凝胶自蔓延 , 电磁损耗

Application of Microwave Radiation to Extractive Metallurgy

LIU Chunpeng XU Yousheng HUA Yixin Kunming Institute of Technology , Kunming , 650093 , China.


In applying the microwave radiation to extractive me- tallurgy,it is essential first of all to find the extent of microwave energy absorbed by various minerals experi- mentally.In this paper,more than 25 kinds of common useful minerals have been individually irradiated by a 500 W,2450 MHz microwave source in an enclosed quartz crucible to ascertain their heating temperature in a definite time.In addition,the reduction and cbloridization tests were also carried out on the titanomagnetite concentrate and pentlandite with microwave heating,respectively. These experiments indicate potential applications of util- izing microwave energy in extractive metallurgy.

关键词: microwave radiation , null , null , null

STATISTICAL EVALUATION OF CRITICAL INCLUSION FACTOR FOR SECONDARY RECRYSTALLIZATON IN 3%Si STEEL Lecturer,Department of Materials Engineering,Southwestern Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610031,China

LI Shuchen Southwestern Jiaotong University , Chengdu , ChinaCHEN Mengzhe KE Jun University of Science and Technology Beijing , Beijing , China


On the basis of statistical data of MnS in the conventional 3% Si steel sheeets after various annealing processes,the critical inclusion factor has been evaluated to be 20 mm~(-1).The inhi- bition of MnS to grain growth has been exactly described.

关键词: 3%Si steel , null , null

CORRELATION BETWEEN STRESS COMPONENTS AND STRESS CORROSION CRACKS IN BRASS Lecturer,Department of Materials Physics,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China

QIAO Lijie LIU Rui XIAO Jimei University of Science and Technology Beijing , Beijing , China


The effects of stress components on nucleation sites and propagation directions of stress cor- rosion cracks in brass were investigated with specimens under mode Ⅱ and mode Ⅲ loadings. The results indicated that under mode Ⅱ loading,stress corrosion cracks nucleated on the site with maximum normal stress component and propagated along the plane perpendieular to the maximum normal stress,under mode Ⅲ loading,the stress corrosion crack was not evident on the 45°plane due to the general corrosion in aqueous solution with high NH_4OH concentra- tion,while stress corroded in aqueous solution with low NH_4OH concentration, numerous cracks with spacings of 10—150μm were found on the 45°plane with maximum normal stress and no stress corrosion cracks was observed on the plane with maximum shear stress.

关键词: stress corrosion cracking , null , null , null

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