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Z.N. Xia , S.G. Lai , Y.Z.Sun and Y.W. Lu(Department of Materials Science and Engineering , Tsinghua University , Beijing 100084 , ChinaManuscript received 4 March 1996)


This paper describes a model of property prediction for alloys using the mapping function and self-learning ability of artificial neural network. By learning from experimental data, the neural network induces the relationship between composition, processing and properties of alloys, and predicts the properties with given composition and processing parameters of new alloys.The verification of sealing alloys demonstrates that the artificial neural network is an effective method for materials design and properties prediction.

关键词: :property prediction , null , null


李英楠 , 李凤华 , 樊占国 , 李成山 , 卢亚锋



关键词: 冷轧 , 再结晶 , March-Dollase函数 , 择优取向



贵金属 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-0676.2008.02.011

评述了1996~2007年国际上对含金三元合金系相图、相变的研究进展.1996年以来,在主要国际专业刊物上发表了30多个三元金合金系相图的部分等温截面或纵截面,采用实验方法研究相图的工作占了绝大部分.在所研究的上述三元金合金系中,Au-Sn基合金系有11个,Au-Ag基合金系有6个,Au-Cu和Au-Sb基合金系各有4个,Au-Mn和Au-Si基合金系各有2个.这些合金系目前涉及到的主要应用领域为:钎焊材料、电触头材料、电子材料、磁性材料、形状记忆合金材料、金属离子源材料和喷丝头材料等.含金三元合金系的研究反映了当前对新型金合金功能材料的需求动向, 对指导促进相关新合金材料的开发有重要意义.

关键词: 金属材料 , 金合金 , 三元合金系 , 相图 , 进展


张冬梅 , 赵美娣


对《中国腐蚀与防护学报》在1996~2000年5年间出版的所 有论文的参考文献进行了统计,分析了引文量、引文类型、引文语种、高频被引的中外文期 刊、刊自引率、基金论文比、引文文献的半衰期、普赖斯指数等各个指标及从中所反映的论 文情况和刊物情况,并对刊物的今后发展提出了建议.

关键词: 中国腐蚀与防护学报 , citation statistics , citation analysis

Effect of ZrSiO4 on the Friction Performance of Automotive Brake Friction Materials

Mustafa BOZ , Adem KURT


Friction-wear properties of the ZrSiO4 reinforced samples were measured and compared with those of plain bronze based ones. For this purpose, density, hardness, friction coefficient wear behaviour of the samples were tested. Microstructures of samples before and after sintering and worn surfaces were also investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the wear types were determined. The optimum friction-wear behaviour was obtained in the sample compacted at 500 MPa and sintered at 820oC. Density of the final samples decreased with increasing the amount of reinforcing elements (ZrSiO4) before pre-sintering. However after sintering, there is no change in density of the samples including reinforcing elements (ZrSiO4). With increasing friction surface temperature, a reduction in the friction coefficient of the samples was observed. However, the highest reductions in the friction coefficients were observed in the as-received samples containing 0, 5% reinforced ZrSiO4. The SEM images of the sample indicated that while bronze-based break lining material without ZrSiO4showed abrasive wear behaviour, increasing the amount of ZrSiO4resulted a change in abrasive to adhesive wear mechanism. All samples exhibited friction-wear values, which were within the values shown in SAE-J661 standard. With increasing the amount of reinforcing ZrSiO4, wear resistance of the samples was increased. However samples reinforced with 5% and 6% ZrSiO4showed the best results.

关键词: Friction materials , null , null , null , null

Thermodynamic investigation on the BaB2O4-BaF2-2NaF-Na2B2O4 reciprocal system

Journal of Solid State Chemistry

The BaB2O4-BaF2-2NaF-NaB2O4 reciprocal system has been investigated by combination of experimental measurements with theoretical calculation. The Na2B2O4-2NaF binary and Na2B2O4-BaF2 pseudo-binary phase diagrams are measured by means of DTA and X-ray diffraction. The thermodynamic functions for all sub-binary systems are derived from measured phase diagrams and thermodynamic data by CAL-PHAD technique, and the sub-binary phase diagrams are calculated according to phase equilibrium principle. Then, the thermodynamic functions for sub-binary systems are extrapolated to the BaB2O4-BaF2-2NaF-Na2B2O4 reciprocal system, and the phase diagram of the reciprocal system is calculated. The calculated phase diagrams are verified by additional experiments. (C) 1996 Academic Press, Inc.

关键词: phase-equilibrium;beta-bab2o4;crystal

Preparation and Properties of Sintering Additives Coated Si3N4 from Heterogeneous Nucleation Processing

Juxian ZHANG , Jinjun FENG , Longqiao GAO


The sintering additives such as Al2O3 and/or Y2O3 were coated on the surfaces of Si3N4 particles via heterogeneous nucleation processing using a buffered pH solution as the precipitation reagent. They nucleated and grew only on the surfaces of Si3N4 and did not form sol particles in solution by TEM observation. The isoelectric point (IEP) of coated Si3N4 was different from that of as-received Si3N4. The IEP of Al(OH)3-coated Si3N4 occurred at pH8.4, which is close to that of alumina. When Al(OH)3-coated Si3N4 particles were coated with Y(OH)3, the IEP of coated Si3N4 powder shifted from pH8.4 to pH9.2, similar to that of yttria. In addition, the rheological data showed that Al2O3 and/or Y2O3 coated Si3N4 suspension is nearly Newtonian and that added Si3N4 suspension shows a shear rate thinning behavior.

关键词: Si3N4 powder , null , null , null

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