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Capacitance of High-Voltage Coaxial Cable in Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation

X.B. Tian , L.P. Wang , D. T.K.Kwok , B. Y Tang , P.K.Chu


Plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) is an excellent technique for the surf see modification of complex-shaped components. Owing to pulsed operation mode of the high voltage and large slew rate, the capacitance on the high-voltage coaxial cable can be detrimental to the process and cannot be ignored. In fact, a significant portion of the rise-time/fall-time of the implantation voltage pulse and big initial current can be attributed to the coaxial cable.


YNLL新型干法水泥2500 t/d生产线的热工检测与分析

赵国华 , 齐砚勇 , 潘玉峰


对YNLL水泥厂2500 t/d生产线进行热工标定并分析,系统烧成热耗为3889 kJ/kg.cl,高于全国平均水平.高温风机拉风偏大,一级筒出口温度为370℃,偏高.篦式冷却机效果欠佳,AQC抽风量偏高,直接影响了熟料质量和余热发电量,热回收效率偏低.经过改进和优化,熟料产能提高为2600 t/d.该生产线系统还有比较大的潜力,熟料产量还有可能进一步提高,热耗及电耗均可能明显下降.

关键词: 热工标定 , 新型干法水泥 , 篦冷机


Physics Letters A

Except for a Peierls transition at T(p) = 180 K, a new transition around T = 270 K in K0.3MoO3 single crystals has been found as evidenced by the anomalies in electrical, magnetic and thermodynamic properties. This transition may be caused by the variation of carrier characteristics or of the charge transfer between cations and anions.



曹华夏 , 毕金栋 , 李昌勇


对LNZL水泥厂2500 t/d生产线进行热工标定并分析,该厂熟料产量超过设计产量28.96%,达到3224.1t/d.系统烧成热耗为3302.6kJ/kg熟料,低于全国平均水平,一级筒出口温度为334℃,稍有些偏高;系统的分离效率为91.49%,出预热器飞灰量偏高,还有明显的改善空间.篦式冷却机效果欠佳,直接影响了熟料质量和余热发电量,热回收效率也偏低.该生产线系统还有比较大的潜力,如经过改进和优化,熟料产能还有可能进一步提高,热耗及电耗均可明显下降.

关键词: 热工检测 , 水泥生产线 , 运行情况


沈异凡 , 沈晓燕

量子电子学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-5461.2004.01.003

在Cs-K混合蒸气中,两步激发Cs原子到8D态,观察了Cs(8D)+K(4S)→Cs(5D)+K(4P)碰撞能量合并逆过程(REP,reverse energy pooling).应用双调制技术探测K(4P)原子发射的荧光,基态K原子密度用光学吸收方法测量.得到了REP速率系数,讨论了其它过程对速率系数的影响.

关键词: 光谱学 , 激发态原子 , 能量合并逆过程 , 速率系数

金属环境中低能D(d, p)T反应的研究

吕会议 , 王铁山 , 陈建勇 , 杨振 , 刘盛进 , 方开洪


近年来一系列实验表明,金属环境中的低能带电粒子引起的核反应截面与气体靶中的相比出现明显增大,这种现象通常被归结为电子屏蔽效应. 全面介绍了金属环境中D(d, p)T反应电子屏蔽效应的测量方法、数据分析和实验结果的规律性,并简要论述了包括德拜等离子体模型在内的各种理论模型对实验结果的解释. 通过研究,可以获得有关核物理、核天体物理和凝聚态物理的宝贵知识.

关键词: 低能核反应 , 电子屏蔽效应 , 德拜模型


朱杰武 , 柳永宁 , 许雁 , 冯耀荣

机械工程材料 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3738.2005.06.007

在不同温度下测试了X70管线钢动态断裂韧度K1d、J1d和止裂韧度K1a以及夏氏V型缺口冲击韧度Ak,对三者的关系进行了分析.结果表明:温度和加载速率都对断裂韧度产生影响;加载速率变化引起的韧-脆断裂转变具有热激活特征,在热激活分析基础上,在应力强度因子速率K=15 MPa·m1/2s-1条件下,得出断裂韧度、止裂韧度和冲击韧度三者的关系:Ak=4.84×106T-2.8K1d(或K1a).可以用小试样Ak数据计算得到K1dK1a.

关键词: 管线钢 , 断裂韧度 , 止裂韧度 , 韧-脆断裂转变


涂元强 , 苏维嘉 , 柳长福 , 郭玉华 , 刘友仁

钢铁研究 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-1447.2001.04.006

通过对DT52电镀锡板化学成份、性能的设计及对生产工艺条件的改进,开展了多次工业试制。结果表明:所设计的化学成份和工艺规程合理;DT52电镀锡板的力学性能基本达到设计要求;DT52镀锡板各项性能均达到《GB 2520-88》规定的指标;试制产品经用户试用,其性能满足制罐要求。

关键词: DT52 , 电镀锡薄钢板 , 制罐

Thermoelastic parameter alpha K-T of sodium chloride at high pressure and high temperature

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids

Two different potential models to the molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been applied to investigate the thermoelastic parameter alpha K-T of sodium chloride (NaCl) under high pressure and high temperature. The first one is the shell model (SM) potential that due to the short-range interaction when pairs of ions are moved together as is the case in that polarization of a crystal due to the motion of the positive and negative ions, and the second one is the two-body rigid-ion Born-Mayer-Huggins-Fumi-Tosi (BMHFT) potential with full treatment of long-range Coulomb forces. Particular attention is paid to the comparison of the SM- and BMHFT-MD simulations with the Debye model for the first time, and this model combines with ab initio calculations within local density approximation (LDA) and generalized gradient approximation (GGA) using ultrasoft pseudopotentials and a plane-wave basis in the framework of density functional theory (DFT), and it takes into account the phononic effects within the quasi-harmonic approximation. Note that the MD calculated volumes using SM model is somewhat larger than both the DFT and experimental volumes despite not considering the temperature effect. Compared with SM potential, the MD simulated 300 K isotherm of NaCl with BMHFT potential is very successful in reproducing accurately the measured volumes and the GGA calculated volumes. Generally, it is found that there exist minor differences between the LDA and GGA computed the thermoelastic parameter alpha K-T of NaCI, with both average results giving good agreement with SM-MD simulations. At an extended pressure and temperature ranges, the variation of thermoelastic parameter alpha K-T which play a central role in the formulation of approximate equations of state has also been predicted. The properties of NaCl are summarized in the pressure range of 0-300 kbar and the temperature up to 2000 K. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

关键词: Inorganic compounds;ab initio calculations;High pressure;Thermodynamic properties;molecular-dynamics simulation;density-functional theory;equation-of-state;alkali-halides;thermodynamic properties;elevated-temperatures;thermal expansivity;bulk modulus;ionic solids;nacl


王昂 , 公茂琼 , 吴剑峰


微微型节流制冷器在微小元件和制冷应用中有广阔的前景.本文通过对搭建一微型压缩机驱动的微型混合工质节流制冷器系统,取得初步结果.该微微型J-T节流制冷器采用3D打印技术,通道特征尺寸为0.1 mm,突破了传统机械加工的极限.通道深宽比达到8:1.初步实验表明,微微型J-T节流制冷器达到了230 K温区.由于采用微型压缩机驱动,系统结构紧凑,可在便携生物储存设备、低温医疗以及电子器件冷却等领域应用并能长期运行.

关键词: 微微型节流制冷器 , 混合工质 , 3D打印

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