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Creep behavior of mullite short fiber reinforced ZL109 alloy composites at high temperature

Shanling WANG , Baoluo SHEN Shengji GAO , Da LI , Mingjing TU , Weicheng YU , Ge YAO


The creep behavior of Al2O3. SiO2 fiber reinforced ZL109 composites has been investigated at four temperatures ranging from 553 to 623 K. The results show high stress exponent and high apparent creep activation energy. A good correlation between the normalized creep rate and normalized effective stress means that the true stress exponent of minimum creep strain rate of the composite is very close to 5, and the minimum creep strain rate is matrix lattice diffusion controlled. The threshold stress decreases with increasing temperature linearly and disappears at a temperature close to 623 K. It is assumed that the long range internal back stresses generated in creep reduce the load transfer to fibers and the interaction between dislocations and strengthening precipitates decreases at high temperature. At a high temperature where the long range internal back stresses is very close to the applied stress, the threshold stress disappears.



余万华 , 高山 , 刘飞 , 刘力哲 , 孙理 , 刘澄



关键词: 帘线钢 , 高碳钢 , 冷速 , 显微组织 , 相变模型

Influence of Phosphorus Microalloying on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of DA761 Superalloy

Materials Transactions

Effects of phosphorus microalloying on the microstructure and mechanical properties of direct-aging DA761 alloy have been studied. The aim of this work is to find a new way to develop a higher performance of wrought superalloy. The optimum addition of phosphorus in DA761 alloy is determined by investigating effects of phosphorus and boron on the microstructure and properties of DA761 alloy, that are compared to GH761 alloy treated by standard heat treatment. The stability of microstructure and properties of fine-grain DA761 alloy with optimum content of phosphorus is proved by studying the evolution of microstructure and properties of the alloy after long-term high temperature ageing. The practicability of phosphorus microalloying in improving the mechanical properties of DA761 alloy is verified by smelting a 500 kg ingot and detecting the microstructure and properties of billet near the size of engine disk. The results verify the phosphorus microalloying and fine-grain direct aging treatment in improving commercial GH761 alloy. Mechanism of phosphorus microalloying is also discussed. [doi: 10.2320/matertrans.MF200908]

关键词: phosphorus;GH761 alloy;fine-grain treatment;mechanical property;trace-elements




本文证明我们所建议的关系: (da/dN)-C[(△K)~2-K_2~2/K_1~2-(△K)~2]~p能够很好地表达R=(K_(min)/K_(max))=常数时(da/dN)随△K的全部变化,其中P值在1左右,C约在3×10~(-3)—10~(-2)毫米/周之间。


Effect of carbon on DA718 alloy with P addition


Lower content of carbon can further improve the stress rupture life of p-modified DA 718 alloy up to more than 270%. Meanwhile, the ductility of the alloy decreased a little. More boron atoms dissociate due to decreasing carbon content and interact with phosphorus which brings the longer stress rupture life of the alloy. Less carbon may induce more phosphorus segregating in the grain boundary and result in brittleness.

关键词: DA 718 alloy;carbon;phosphorus;phosphorus;segregation;superalloy

应力比对40CrMnSiMoVA钢P-da/dN-△k曲线 影响研究

李淑兰 , 杨玉芬

兵器材料科学与工程 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-244X.2008.03.016


关键词: 断裂 , 40CrMnSiMOVA钢 , P-da/dN-△k曲线 , 应力比


于艳 , 刘鹏涛 , 蹇锡高 , 刘程 , 张元红 , 洪定一 , 李扬 , 吕占霞


由自制二胺1,2-二氢-2-(4-氨基苯基)-4-[4-(4-氨基苯氧基)-苯基]-二氮杂萘-1-酮(DHPZ-DA)、4,4'-二氨基二苯醚(DAPE)和对苯二胺(PPD)与2,6-萘二酸(NDA)进行共缩聚反应,改变不同二胺的配比,所得聚芳酰胺树脂特征粘度为0.24 dL/g~2.78 dL/g ;以FT-IR、1H-NMR手段分析了聚合物的结构;用DSC、TGA手段研究了聚合物的耐热性能.结果表明,该类聚合物具有较高的玻璃化转变温度(280 ℃以上);氮气气氛中5%热失重温度在450 ℃以上;当DHPZ-DA+DAPE在二胺中比例达70%时能溶于NMP中,当DHPZ-DA+DAPE含量达80%时能溶于DMAc、DMF等非质子极性溶剂中.

关键词: 聚芳酰胺 , 2,6-萘二酸 , 耐热性 , 可溶性


陈汉存 , 刘正义 , 庄育智





刘涛 , 李颖 , 栾培峰 , 高怡斐

冶金分析 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-7571.2004.z2.006

介绍了利用MTS 810.13试验设备开展柔度法测定高温疲劳裂纹扩展速率da/dN的一些尝试,并得到了准确、有效的试验数据.实践证明,该试验方法具有良好的稳定性、较高自动化程度、较好的试验精度等技术优势.

关键词: 高温疲劳裂纹扩展速率 , 柔度法 , da/dN


韩晓霞 , 高作宁

应用化学 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0518.2007.07.009

研究了多巴胺(Dopamine,DA)和抗坏血酸(Ascorbic acid,AA)在裸碳糊电极(Carbon Paste Electrode,CPE)和溴化十六烷基吡啶(Cetylpyrid bromide,CPB)现场修饰碳糊电极(CPB/CPE)上的电化学行为.与CPE相比,DA在CPB/CPE上与CPB产生了静电排斥作用,氧化峰电流减小,氧化峰电位正移;AA和CPB产生了静电吸引作用,氧化峰电流增大,氧化峰电位负移.循环伏安法研究表明,在DA和AA共存体系中,DA和AA的氧化峰电位相差约340 mV,以此建立了DA和AA的电化学同时测定方法.微分脉冲伏安法研究结果表明,DA和AA氧化峰电流和其相应浓度在1.0×10-5~5.0×10-3 mol/L的范围内呈良好的线性关系.本方法也可用于DA和AA共存体系中选择性测定DA.在100倍AA共存时DA的检出限为2.0×10-6 mol/L,CPB修饰碳糊电极直接用于市售针剂中DA含量的测定,所得结果令人满意.

关键词: 多巴胺 , 抗坏血酸 , 溴化十六烷基吡啶 , 碳糊电?现场修饰

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