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Key Problems in Microforming Processes of Microparts

Chunju WANG , Debin SHAN , Bin GUO , Jian ZHOU , Lining SUN


From the viewpoint of production engineering, microforming is considered as an effective process to fabricate various microparts. Several key problems in microforming processes were investigated. A new microforming apparatus with a high stiffness piezoelectric actuator as the punch driver was developed to produce microparts. To improve the forming abilities and locate the billets, a floating microdie was designed. The size effects of the billets and die cavities on the microforming abilities were studied with upsetting and coining tests, respectively. And the isothermal microforming process of microgears was performed with the developed microforming apparatus. Several analysis methods were used to evaluate the forming quality of the microparts.

关键词: Microforming , 尺寸效应 , 微塑性成形设备 , 浮动


郑树起 , 闵光辉 , 于化顺 , 韩建德 , 王维倜 , 张树玉



关键词: LaB6 , 功能陶瓷 , 制备工艺

The present status and key problems of carbon nanotube based polymer composites

Express Polymer Letters

The state-of-art and key problems of carbon nanotube (CNT) based polymer composites (CNT/polymer composites) including CNT/polymer structural composites and CNT/polymer functional composites are reviewed. Based on the results reported up to now, CNTs can be an effective reinforcement for polymer matrices, and the tensile strength and elastic modulus of CNT/polymer composites can reach as high as 3600 MPa and 80 GPa, respectively. CNT/polymer composites are also promising functional composite materials with improved electrical and thermal conductivity, etc. Due to their multi-functional properties, CNT/polymer composites are expected to be used as low weight structural materials, optical devices, thermal interface materials, electric components, electromagnetic absorption materials, etc. However, the full potential of CNT/polymer composites still remains to be realized. A few key problems, such as how to prepare structure-controllable CNTs with high purity and consistently dependable high performance, how to break up entangled or bundled CNTs and then uniformly disperse and align them within a polymer matrix, how to improve the load transfer from matrix to CNT reinforcement, etc, still exist and need to be solved in order to realize the wide applications of these advanced composites.

关键词: polymer composites;carbon nanotubes;mechanical properties;electrical;properties;thermal properties


王君 , 邹家桂 , 陈政标 , 高建武 , 刘彦坤 , 张杰元 , 宋莎



关键词: 聚酯亚胺 , 无挥发 , VPI , 风力发电机 , 耐湿热 , 耐盐雾

Key problems of cold power spinning of Ti-15-3 alloy


The key problems of cold power spinning of Ti-15-3 alloy are studied. Reasonable biller preparation methods are presented to improve crystal structure and avoid crack of billet. Influences of original wall thickness, reduction rate and feed rate on expanding in diameter are analyzed and some methods to prevent expanding in diameter are given.


Key problems of cold power spinning of Ti-15-3 alloy

Debin SHAN , Yan LU , Ping LI , Yi XU


The key problems of cold power spinning of Ti-15-3 alloy are studied. Reasonable biller preparation methods are presented to improve crystal structure and avoid crack of billet. Influences of original wall thickness, reduction rate and feed rate on expanding in diameter are analyzed and some methods to prevent expanding in diameter are given.



郑树起 , 闵光辉 , 邹增大 , 王效志 , 韩建德


系统研究了利用La2O3和B4C粉制备LaB6粉末的反应合成工艺.La2O3-B4C系反应热力学分析表明反应产物的气体分压对LaB6的形成有重要影响,减小气体分压可以明显降低LaB6的合成温度,结合DTA测定结果,确定了LaB6粉末的合成温度.利用X射线衍射分析了不同温度和保温时间条件下所生成粉末的相组成,并分别用扫描电镜和化学分析方法分析了所生成LaB6粉末的颗粒尺寸、形貌及纯度.实验结果表明,La2O3-B4C系制备LaB6粉末的优化工艺是真空度133 Pa,1673 K保温2.5 h,所合成的LaB6粉末颗粒比较规整,大多呈近似圆球形,平均直径3μm,纯度达98.2%.

关键词: La2O3 , null , null , null , null


郑树起 , 闵光辉 , 邹增大 , 王效志 , 韩建德

金属学报 doi:10.3321/j.issn:0412-1961.2001.04.018

系统研究了利用La2O3和B4C粉制备LaB6粉末的反应合成工艺.La2O3-B4C系反应热力学分析表明反应产物的气体分压对LaB6的形成有重要影响,减小气体分压可以明显降低LaB6的合成温度,结合DTA测定结果,确定了LaB6粉末的合成温度.利用X射线衍射分析了不同温度和保温时间条件下所生成粉末的相组成,并分别用扫描电镜和化学分析方法分析了所生成LaB6粉末的颗粒尺寸、形貌及纯度.实验结果表明,La2O3-B4C系制备LaB6粉末的优化工艺是真空度133 Pa,1673 K保温2.5 h,所合成的LaB6粉末颗粒比较规整,大多呈近似圆球形,平均直径3μm,纯度达98.2%.

关键词: La2O3 , B4C , 反应 , 合成 , LaB6

常压固相反应合成 LaB6 粉末及其反应机理

徐秀华 , 肖汉宁 , 郭文明 , 高朋召 , 彭苏华

无机材料学报 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1077.2011.00417

以La2O3和B4C为原料, 在常压下合成了LaB6粉末. 计算了常压合成LaB6的热力学条件, 采用XRD、 SEM、激光粒度分析表征了不同温度和保温时间合成的LaB6粉末的物相组成、颗粒形貌和粒度分布, 探讨了LaB6粉末的合成反应机理. 结果表明, 常压下1650℃保温2h的产物经酸洗后, 能得到纯度为99.22%具有立方体结构的LaB6粉末. 当La2O3颗粒尺寸远小于B4C时, 合成过程中LaB6首先在B4C表面生成, 随温度升高和保温时间延长, 未反应的La2O3和LaBO3通过LaB6壳不断扩散到B4C核表面直至反应完全. 合成LaB6粉末的初始形貌和尺寸主要取决于反应物B4C原料 .

关键词: LaB6 , thermodynamic , solid-state reaction , reaction mechanism

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