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GAO Hongbin , Harbin Shipbuilding Engineering Institute Harbin , China GAO Hongbin , Associate Professor , Harbin Shipbuilding Engineering Institute , Harbin 150001 , China


The corrosion fatigue crack growth and near-threshold characteristics of a medium strength steel HT60 were investigated using compact tension specimens exposed to synthetic sea water. The da/dN-△AK_(eff) relation in air can give a conservative estimation of da/dN-△K relations in sea water. In the case of high R, however, crack growth acceleration at high △K regions appears to be cantrolled by the stress-assisted dissolution. The crack opening stress inlensity factor K_(op) detected by the back-face-strain method is the result of crack surface in contact with the corrosion products and therefore an overestimated value of K_(op) at the crack tip is given.

关键词: corrosion fatigue , null , null , null

Service Performance of Engineering Materials

Andrej Atrens


Corrosion research by Atrens and co-workers has made significant contributions to the understanding of the service performance of engineering materials. This includes: (1) elucidated corrosion mechanisms of Mg alloys, stainless steels and Cu alloys, (2) developed an improved understanding of passivity in stainless steels and binary alloys such as Fe-Cr, Ni-Cr, Co-Cr, Fe-Ti, and Fe-Si, (3) developed an improved understanding of the melt spinning of Cu alloys, and (4) elucidated mechanisms of environment assisted fracture (EAF) of steels and Zr alloys. This paper summarises contributions in the following: (1) intergranular stress corrosion cracking of pipeline steels, (2) atmospheric corrosion and patination of Cu, (3) corrosion of Mg alloys, and (4) transgranular stress corrosion cracking of rock bolts.

关键词: Stress corrosion cracking , null , null


WU Chuansong , CAO Zhenning , WU Lin Harbin Institute of Technology , Harbin , China


A model is established to analyze three-dimensional fluid flow and heat transfer in TICweld pools with full penetration.It considers the deformation of the molten pool surfaceat the condition of full penetrated workpieees,takes the are pressure as the drivingforce of the pool surface deformation,and determines the surface configuration of weldpool based on the dynamic balance of arc pressure,pool gravity and surface tension atdeformed weld pool surface. The SIMPLER algorithm is used to calculate the fluid flowfield and temperature distribution in TIG weld pools of stainless steel workpieces.TIGwelding experiments are made to verify the validity of the model.It shows the calculatedresults by the model are in good agreement with experimental measurements. professor,Dept of Welding Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150006,China

关键词: KEY WORDS TIG weld pool , null , null , null , null

Biomimicry of bamboo bast fiber with engineering composite materials

Materials Science & Engineering C-Biomimetic Materials Sensors and Systems

Bamboo, one of the strongest natural structural composite materials, has many distinguishing features. It has been found that its reinforcement unit, hollow, multilayered and spirally-wound bast fiber, plays an extremely important role in its mechanical behavior. In the present work, on the basis of the study on bamboo bast fiber and wood tracheid, a biomimetic model of the reinforcing element, composed of two layers of helically wound fiber, was suggested. To detect the structural characteristics of such a microstructure, four types of macro fiber specimens made of engineering composites were employed: axially aligned solid and hollow cylinders, and single- and double-helical hollow cylinders. These specimens were subjected to several possible loadings, and the experimental results reveal that only the double-helical structural unit possesses the optimum comprehensive mechanical properties. An interlaminar transition zone model imitating bamboo bast fiber was proposed and was verified by engineering composite materials. In our work, the transition zone can increase the interlaminar shear strength of the composite materials by about 15%. These biomimetic structural models can be applied in the design and manufacture of engineering composite materials.

关键词: bamboo;bast fiber;biomimetics;engineering composites

Strengthening Materials by Engineering Coherent Internal Boundaries at the Nanoscale


Strengthening materials traditionally involves the controlled creation of internal defects and boundaries so as to obstruct dislocation motion. Such strategies invariably compromise ductility, the ability of the material to deform, stretch, or change shape permanently without breaking. Here, we outline an approach to optimize strength and ductility by identifying three essential structural characteristics for boundaries: coherency with surrounding matrix, thermal and mechanical stability, and smallest feature size finer than 100 nanometers. We assess current understanding of strengthening and propose a methodology for engineering coherent, nanoscale internal boundaries, specifically those involving nanoscale twin boundaries. Additionally, we discuss perspectives on strengthening and preserving ductility, along with potential applications for improving failure tolerance, electrical conductivity, and resistance to electromigration.

关键词: strain-rate sensitivity;stacking-fault energy;nano-scale twins;cu-al;alloys;nanocrystalline metals;mechanical-properties;activation;volume;copper;deformation;behavior

Crystal facet engineering of semiconductor photocatalysts: motivations, advances and unique properties

Chemical Communications

Crystal facet engineering of semiconductors has become an important strategy for fine-tuning the physicochemical properties and thus optimizing the reactivity and selectivity of photocatalysts. In this review, we present the basic strategies for crystal facet engineering of photocatalysts and describe the recent advances in synthesizing faceted photocatalysts, in particular TiO(2) crystals. The unique properties of faceted photocatalysts are discussed in relation to anisotropic corrosion, interaction dependence of adsorbates, photocatalytic selectivity, photo-reduction and oxidation sites, and photocatalytic reaction order. Ideas for future research on crystal facet engineering for improving the performance of photocatalysts are also proposed.

关键词: shape-controlled synthesis;exposed 001 facets;rutile tio2 nanorods;visible-light photocatalysis;solvent-solute interactions;anatase;titanium(iv) oxide;low-temperature synthesis;ordered solid-phases;platinum nanocrystals;hydrogen-production

Study on compression behavior of porous magnesium used as bone tissue engineering scaffolds

Biomedical Materials

In this work, porous magnesium (Mg) with a three-dimensional open-cellular structure, potentially employed as bone tissue engineering scaffolds, was fabricated by the mechanical perforation method. The influences of porosity, pore size and pore arrangement on compressive behavior and the anisotropy of new porous Mg were analyzed theoretically using orthogonal arrays and the finite element method (FEM). The results showed that the parameters of porosity, pore size and pore arrangement had different effects on the compressive properties. The compressive strength could be improved by optimizing these parameters. The anisotropy of porous Mg was also verified in this study. The theoretical results showed good agreement with the experimental ones before the strain reaches 0.038.

关键词: unidirectional solidification;pore-size;hydroxyapatite;replacement;cartilage;porosity;matrix


Z. Li , G. D. Wang , X. H. Liu and C. Y. Ma The State Key Lab. of Rolling Technology and Automation , Northeastern Univarsity , Shenyang 110006 China


The continuous cooling transformation of hot deformation austenite austenite of test steel and the effect of different processing schedules of controlled rolling and controlled cooling on the strength and ductility have been studied. The theory and the experiment base are presented for controlled rolling and controlled cooling of the SBL micro alloyed engineering steel.

关键词: micro alloyed engineering steel , null , null , null

Improvement of Intergranular Stress Corrosion Crack Susceptibility of Austenite Stainless Steel through Grain Boundary Engineering

Weizhong JIN , Sen YANG , Hiroyuki KOKAWA , Zhanjie WANG , Yutaka S.Sato


Intergranular stress corrosion crack susceptibility of austenite stainless steel was evaluated through threepoint bending test conducted in high temperature water. The experimental results showed that the frequent and efficient introduction of low energy coincidence site lattice boundaries through grain boundary engineering resulted in an apparent improvement of the intergranular stress corrosion crack resistance of austenite stainless steel.

关键词: Intergranular stress corrosion cracking , null , null

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