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Effects of Solid Solution Treating on the Microstructureand Damping Behaviour of MnCuNiFe Alloys

Fuxing YIN , Y. Ohsawa and A.Sato (National Research Institute for Metals , Tsukuba , Ibaraki 305-0047 , Japan)K.Aawahara(B.B.Materia Co. Ltd. , Chiba-Shi , Chiba 267-0066 , Japan)


A high damping condition is easily obtained in Mn-(16~24)Cu-(4~6)Ni-2Fe (at. pct) alloys,when cooling rate is controlled after the solid solution treatment at 1173 K. It is observed that the temperature dependent changes of Iogarithmic decrement in 10 h cooled samples are sensitive to the alloy composition. As compared with water quenching treatment, controlled 10 h cooling improves TN temperature of the alloys extensively by producing a Mn-enriched matrix portion in the alloys. Calcuiations suggest that the relative decreases of Cu and Ni content in the matrix portion be dominated by the Ni content in the original alloys, and therefore, the volume fraction of the Cu, Ni-enriched precipitates is estimated to be about 20% and 10% in the 4Ni and 6Ni alloys, respectively. As a result, the TN temperature fOr each alloy, corresponding to the rising temperature of logarithmic decrement, has been related to the Cu, and Ni content in the Mnenriched matrix. The existence of {110} twinning boundaries is confirmed in the microstructure of both 4Ni and 6Ni alloys. However, the relative lattice strains, which the twinning boundaries act to accommodate, are found largely different in the two alloys. It is considered that boundaries with smaller orientation deviation could coordinate the external Stresses easily by cyclic moving, and therefore, the broader damping peak which occurs in the 10 h cooled 6Ni alloy becomes feasible. Electron diffraction results also indicate possible for mation of many sub-crystals in the matrix phase, which are relatively rotated on some invariant planes. Those sub-crystal boundaries might play some attenuation roles in the temperature range between TN and room temperature.



刘西文 , 杨中文

绝缘材料 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-9239.2007.05.002


关键词: 305 , 船用 , 105℃电线电缆料 , 电性能


杜旻 , 黄洪驰 , 刘锋



关键词: 环氧树脂 , 玻璃毡 , 改性 , H级 , 层压板


李雪梅 , 孙凤莲 , 刘洋 , 张浩 , 辛瞳



关键词: SAC , 电迁移 , IMC , 元素扩散


刘志超 , 吴华方

材料开发与应用 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-1545.2003.03.009


关键词: 铝合金 , 自然时效 , 稳定性

Effects of microstructure and temperature on corrosion behavior of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu lead-free solder

Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics

The heterogeneous microstructure of solder could be obtained when cooling rate of the solder joint was not even, which would affect the corrosion behavior of solder during service. The ambient temperature would also affect the corrosion behavior of solder joint. In this paper, the effects of microstructure and temperature on the corrosion behavior of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu (SAC305) lead-free solder were investigated. The various microstructures of SAC305 lead-free solder were obtained by cooling specimens in air and furnace. Compared to the fine-fibrous Ag(3)Sn phase inside the commercial SAC305 solder, platelet-like Ag(3)Sn formed as cooling speed decreasing. The polarization behavior of SAC305 solders in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution was not significantly affected by various microstructures, but sensitive to temperature.

关键词: ag-cu alloys;electrochemical corrosion;buffer solutions;nacl;solution;tin;snagcu;joints


叶荣森 , 伍忠岳

涂料工业 doi:10.3969/j.issn.0253-4312.2009.07.016


关键词: 水性异氰酸酯 , 双组分水性木器漆 , 家具生产


王春艳 , 张宇鹏 , 许磊


对比研究了SAC305、SAC0307、SAC0307X共3种无铅钎料在不同环境温度和加载速率下的力学性能.结果表明,合金元素Ni、P等的添加能有效改善低Ag钎料的拉伸力学性能,但对钎料韧性提高有限;低Ag钎料SAC0307在55℃下的强度和韧性均低于SAC305钎料,而在85℃其韧性优于SAC305钎料.在55℃和85℃条件下,钎料合金拉伸力学性能均显著下降,在加载速率20 mm/min和55℃条件下,SAC305综合力学性能更有优势;而在85℃,低Ag无铅钎料SAC0307具备优势,因此低银无铅钎料应用需要进一步改善其在40 ~60℃范围的综合力学性能.

关键词: 低银钎料 , 加载速度 , 拉伸性能 , 无铅 , 伸长率


朱凯 , 沈超 , 杨岩

材料工程 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-4381.2011.z1.012


关键词: 炭纤维织物 , 复合材料 , 性能


刘静 , 张富文 , 徐骏 , 杨福宝 , 朱学新

稀有金属 doi:10.3969/j.issn.0258-7076.2006.01.004

研究了少量合金元素Cr, Al对 Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu(305)无铅钎料高温抗氧化性的影响. 钎料在液态下的表面颜色变化以及热重分析表明, Cr, Al能明显改善305合金钎料的抗氧化性能. 通过合金元素Cr, Al的抗氧化机制和X 射线衍射分析得出: Al和Cr在钎料表面形成致密氧化膜, 形成"阻挡层", 抑制了钎料的氧化. 同时也比较了合金元素Cr, Al对 305钎料润湿性能的影响, 结果表明: 单独加Al不利于钎料的铺展, 少量的Cr和Al同时加入对钎料的铺展没有太大的影响. 实验证实: Cr和Al的共同作用明显提高了Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu 钎料的高温抗氧化性, 同时对钎料的润湿性也没有恶化作用.

关键词: 合金元素 , Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu , 无铅钎料 , 抗氧化性 , 润湿性

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