Sushma Bhat and P.N.Kotru(Dept. of Physics
Uuiversity of Jammu
Jammu -180 001
India) M.L.Koul(Dept. of Chemistry
Uuiversity of Jammu
Thermal characteristics of Ianthanum heptamolybdate crystals grown by gel technique, employing thermoanalytical techniques, viz. TG, DTA and DSC, are reported. It is established that the rare-earth lanthanum heptamolybdate crystals are associated with thirty water molecules;the composition being La2Mo7O24.3OH2O. It is shown that all the thirty water molecules associated with lanthanum heptamolybdate crystal are lost during its decomposition, leading to its anhydrous form. Results obtained on application of TG based models, viz. Horowitz-Metzger,Coats-Redfern and Piloyan-Novikova and of DSC based methods viz. Roger-Morris-Smith and Barret, regarding solid state reaction kinetics are also reported. The random nucleation model is shown to be the one that is relevant to the decomposition of lanthanum heptamolybdate. The kinetic parameters, viz.the order of reaction. frquency factor, energy of activation and entropy using above mentioned models are computed and shown to bear reasonably good agreement
M.Kumar and R. C Gupta(Centre of Advanced Study
Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering
Institute of Technology
Banaras Hindu University
Vaanasi -221 005
The low stress abrasion behaviours of heat treated mild, medium carbon and high C - low Cr steels, which are generally used in making farm implements, have been investigated. The simple heat treatment greatly improves the hardness, tensile strength and abrasion resistance of medium carbon and high C - low Cr steels. The results indicate that the material removal during abrasion is controlled by a number of factors, such as hardness, chemical composition, microstructure and heat treatment conditions. The conclusion is that the heat treated high C - low Cr steel and mild steel carburized by using coaltar pitch provide the best hardness and abrasion resistance and thus appear to be the most suitable materials for making agricultural tools.
Om Prakas Pandey(School of Basic and Applied Sciences
Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology
Al-4.5Cu-5Pb alloy was prepared by sand and chill casting. The same alloy was also spray deposited at a gas pressure of 1.6 MPa. The microstructural features exhibit a coarse to fine dendritic morphology for sand and chill cast alloys. Equiaxed grains were observed for spray fOrmed alloys. Wear testing employing a pin-on-disc type set-up, reveaIs considerably lower wear of spray deposited alloy compared to that of chill and sand cast alloys. The morphological features of wear track on specimen and debris indicated a mixed oxidative-cum-adhesive wear mechanisms for these alloys tested in the present investigation
Sushma Bhat and P.N.Kotru(Dept. of Physics
University of Jammu
Crystals of mixed NdLa heptamolybdates (max. size0.75×0.75×0.75 mm3) grown by silica gel technique were characterized using EDAX, IR, optical and scanning electron micrscopies.X-ray as well as electrn diffraction. The composition of the crystals was determined as (Nd1/2 La1/2 )2 Mo7O24·35H2O.The crystals exhibit varied morpholgies including square and octagonal platelets, cuboids, multifaceted crystal in coalesced and aggregated forms and spherulites.The XRD results indicate crystallinity of the grown material. Electron diffraction results suggest thermal instability of the material. IR results show the presence of peaks due to water and metal-oxygen bonds
K.Bamzai and PN.Kotru (Dept. of Physics
University of Jammu
Results on fracture toughness of natural apophyllite crystals when subjected to impact are presented. The morphology of the cracks and fracture has been studied. It is found that the crack formation does not show any anisotropic property and remains the same whatever may be the orientation of the crystal. The average values of the fracture toughness KC and brittleness index, as determined from measurements of crack length, are estimated to be 0.107 gμm-3/2and 4.19μm-1/2 respectively for the a(100) plane. The yield strength forα(100), p(111) and c(001) planes of apophyllite crystals for lower loads is 2250. 2160 and 1840 MPa and for higher loads is 1510, 1600 and 1430 MPa respectively