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W.H. Tian , S.L. Hu and M. Nemoto(1) Department of Materials Physics , University of Science and Technology Beijing , Beijing 100083 , China 2) Department of Materials Forming , University of Science and Technology Beijing , Beijing 100083 , China 3) Department of Materials Science and Engineering , Faculty of Engineering , Kyushu University , Fukuoka 812 , Japan)Manuscript received in revised form 12 October 1998


The effect of Cr addition on the microstructures and mechanical properties of NiAl inermetallic alloys containing 4 to 8 mol% Cr has been characterized. It is shown that Cr is not only an efficient soild solution strengthener in NiAl, it is also an efficient precipitation Strengthener by fine dispersion of α-Cr particles. Transmission electron microscope observations have revealed that fine spherical particles of α-Cr appeared homogeneously in the NiAl matrix by aging at temperatures around 1073K after solution annealing at 1563K. The aging behavior was investigated by microhardness measurements and the temperature dependence of the yield stress of NiAl containing α-Cr particles was investigated by compression tests over the tempemture range from 298 to 1173K. NiAl alloys happened appreciably by the precipitation of α-Cr particles.Dislocations bypass the particles during deformation and typical Orowan loops were observed surrounding the α-Cr particles after deformation. Although the dispersion Of α-Cr particles increases the yield strength of NiAl at intermediate temperutre, the strength decreases appreciably at higher temperatures.

关键词: NiAl , null , null , null , null


K. Mii (Sumitomo Metal Industries , Ltd. , 1-t-3 Otemachi , Tokyo 100 , Japan)M Amano (National Research Institute for Metals , 1-2-1 Sengen , Tsukuba 305 , Japan)


The R & D of hydrogen absorbing alloys in Japan started in the early 1970s.Many alloys such as TiMm1.5 based alloys, Fe-Ti-O alloys (e.g. FeTi1.15 O0.024) andthe(mischmetal)Ni5 based alloys (e.g. MmNi4.5 Cr0.46 Mn0.04) were developed by the early 1980s. The application of these alloys to hydrogen storage, heat storage, heat pump, hydrogen purification and motor vehicles has been tried in many iaboratories,and the various techniques for using hydrogen absorbing alloys have been developed.The standarkization of evaluation methods for hydrogen absorbing alloys has been promoted by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), and four of them were established as Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS).Alloys for Ni-Metal Hydride batteries have been extensively investigated since 1987in Japun. Mm-Ni-Co-Al-Mn alloys (e.g. MmNi3.55 Co0.75Al0.9Mn0.4) have been devel-oped and commereialized since 1990. The amount of production of small-size Ni-MH batteries in 1995 was about three hundred milliion in number and about one hundred billion yen. The R & D for higher enerpy-density Ni-MH batteries is intensively in progress.MITI and STA (Science and Technology Agency) have promoted the R & D of hydro-gen absorbing alloys in Japan by carrying out the national projects such as Sunshine Program (MITI: 1974-1993) and Utilization of Wind Engeray (STA 1980-1985). The New Sunshine Program (MITI 1993-2020) have started in 1993. This program con-tains the application of hydrogen absorbing alloys to Economical- Enerpy- City System and to We-NET (International Clean Energy System of Technology Utilizing Hydro-gen: World Energy Network.

关键词: hydrogen absorbing alloy , null , null , null

Fractal growth and form by molecular dynamics


The fractal growth and form is considered by molecular dynamics and simulated using computer.



张玉奎 , 张庆合 , 张维冰 , 许国旺

色谱 doi:10.3321/j.issn:1000-8713.2001.01.009


关键词: 色谱 , 电泳 , 进展


LIU Hefa SUN Naizhen DAI Xueli REN He Zhenjiang Shipbuilding Institute , Zhenjiang , Jiangsu , ChinaLI Lijun Shanghai , Electrical Machinery Plant.Shanghai.China professor.Institute of Metallic Materials Research , Zhenjiang Shipbuilding Institute , Zhenjiang , Jiangsu 212003 , China


Precipitation form of Zr in CuCoBeZr alloy during solidificotion.cooling and final aging,as well as its effect on the high temperature properties have been studied and discussed.Results show that during solidificotion and cooding.Zr precipitates as fine particle.Cu_3Zr,which pre- vents X-Cu grains from growing and provides more nuclei for CoBe and hence leads to finer primary CoBe.Fine Cu_3Zr partrticles also precipitate during aging. Because Co_3Zr is difficult to coalesce at high temperatures,the recrystallization temper- uture increases and the high temperature mechanical properties improve.

关键词: CuCoBeZr alloy , null

Electromagnetic confinement and shaping for plate-form p

Jun SHEN , Jianguo LI , Hengzhi FU , Junyi SU


The relationship between melt shape, electromagnetic pressure and magnetic field is studied for electromagnetic confinement and shaping of plate-form part. The results of experimental observation and theoretical inference can be summarized as follows. As the melt thickness a is large enough, causing the ratio of plate thickness to current theoretic skin depth a/delta larger than 2.2, the electromagnetic pressure acting on melt can be simply expressed as P-m = B-2/2 mu, and the melt shape would be known only by measuring the distribution of magnetic flux density As a is small and makes the ratio a/delta less than 2.2, the melt shape and electromagnetic pressure for confining and shaping are determined not only by magnetic flux density B but also by melt thickness a, electromagnetic parameter mu gamma and current frequency f. In this paper, an equation used to calculate electromagnetic pressure acting on "thin plate-form melt" is brought forward. The equation gives a precise relationship between electromagnetic pressure factor p and melt thickness a, electromagnetic parameter mu gamma and current frequency f.


Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Two-phase TiAl Alloys in Lamellar Form

Masaharu Yamaguchi and Haruyuki Inui(Department of Metal Science and Technology , Kyoto University , Sakyo-ku , Kyoto 606 , Japan)


In two-phase TiAl alloys, the lamellar structures are of special interest and importance since they are so common and persistent. not only under as-cast conditions but also after thermal treatment. However. the lamellar structures are still poor in ductility,although they are beneficial for toughness and high temperature strength. This article will review the recent progress made in understanding the basic mechanical properties of the γ and α2 phases which comprise the two-phase alloys in Iamellar form, and discuss how an improved balance of strength and ductillty in the lamellar form may be achieved


Temperature influence of ceramic form on the structure of cobalt alloy MAR-M509 castings



The manuscript presents changes of macrostructure and microstructure of plate and shaft castings made of cobalt alloy MAR-M509. They have different values of geometric module M within the range of 0.91-5.56 mm that have been created with multilayer ceramic shell moulds (MSC) of different initial temperatures of 200-1000℃ at the moment of pouring. It has been stated that decrease of initial temperature of MSC and value M causes increase in casting fine-granularity, distance reduction between dendrite branches λ2 and refinement of initial carbides in irregular ternary eutectic γ+$M23C6+MC.

关键词: Multilayer ceramic shell mould (MSC)

Relationship between the existing form and inhibiting behavior of DDA on inhibiting interface

Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica

The relationship bettween the existing form and inhibiting behavior of dolecylamine(DDA) on amorphous alloy has been studied by electrochemical measurement, physical test and scanning tunneling microscopy. The experiment shows that there is different relationship between the inhibition concentration and inhibition percentage in different concentration scale. In w(DDA)=10(-6) similar to 10(-4) concentration range, the inhibition percentage increased strongly with the inhibitor concentration but the increase tendency of inhibition percentage became gently in 10(-4) similar to 10(-3) concentration scale. The adsorption isotherm formula fitting result shows that a typical mono-molecular layer of DDA was adsorbed on amorphous alloy during 10(-6) similar to 10(-4) concentration scale, without any effect from the neighbor inhibitor molecule, but in 10(-4) similar to 10(-3) range the force between the nearing neighbor inhibitor molecule decided the adsorption form. The result from STM and conductivity test indicats that the micelle had been formed when the concentration approached w(DDA)=2.3x10(-5), the protection effect DDA was prevented because of the forming of micelle.

关键词: dodecylamine;micelle;inhibiting mechanism

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