Duohui BEI
Jianfeng GU
Jiansheng PAN
Jian Leür
The behavior of gaseous nitriding on the surface nanocrystallized (SNCed) steel was investigated.The mild steel discs were SNCed on one side by using the method of ultrasonic shot peening. The opposite side of the discs maintained the original coarse-grained condition. The gaseous nitriding was subsequently carried out at three different temperatures: 460,500 and 560°C. The compound layer growth and diffusion behavior were then studied. It was revealed that SNC pretreatment greatly enhances both diffusion coefficient D and surface reaction rate. As a result, nitriding time could be reduced to the half.It was also found that the growth of compound layer with nitriding time conformed with parabolic relationship from the start of nitriding process in the SNCed samples.
Nitriding process
Hakan Colak
This paper reported the synthesis, crystal structure and electrical conductivity properties of Ni-doped ZnO powders (i.e. Zn1-XNiXObinary system, X=0, 0.0025, 0.005, 0.0075 and in the range 0.01≤X≤0.15). I-phase samples, which were indexed as single phase with a hexagonal (wurtzite) structure in the Zn1-XNiXObinary system, were determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The widest range of the I-phase was determined as 0≤X≤0.03 at 1200°C; above this range the mixed phase was observed. The impurity phase was determined as NiO when compared with standard XRD data, using the PDF program. We focused on single I-phase ZnO samples which were synthesized at 1200°C because of the widest range of solubility limit at this temperature. It was observed that the lattice parameters a and c of the I-phase decreased with Ni doping concentration. The morphology of the I-phase samples was analyzed with a scanning electron microscope. The electrical conductivity of the pure ZnO and single I-phase samples were studied by using the four-probe dc method at temperatures between 100 and 950°C in air atmosphere. The electrical conductivity values of pure ZnO and 3 mol% Ni-doped ZnO samples at 100°C were 2×10-6 and 4.8×10-6Ω-1?cm-1, and at 950°C they were 1.8 and 3.6Ω-1?cm-1, respectively. In other words, electrical conductivity increased with Ni doping concentration.
II-VI semiconductors
Journal of Materials Science
In this paper, Portevin-Le Chatelier (PLC) effect of LA41 magnesium alloy is reported. With increasing strain rate, both ultimate tensile stresses (sigma(b)) and 0.2% proof (sigma(0.2)) stresses increase, while serrations become less severe. Major acoustic emission (AE) peaks appear at the end of elastic region, and transform to burst type signals in the plastic range. In another alloy containing less Li (LA11), serrations are absent and major AE peak values are considerably lowered. Additionally, PLC effect disappears in LA41 after annealing. The role of twins is discussed in details. Actual causes for AE activity during deformation are also proposed.
tensile deformation;magnesium alloys;bands;az31
Communications in Theoretical Physics
The unified theoretical calculation of thermal shifts (TS) of R-1 and R-2 lines and thermal broadenings (TB) of R, R' and B lines for ruby was carried out for the first time. The calculated results are in very good agreement with a great number of experimental data. Especially by using quantum theory and taking into account all the admixtures of wavefunctions within d(3) electronic configuration, all the Gamma M in electron-phonon interaction (EPI), the electronic energy spectrum and lattice-vibration Spectrum, the very important contributions to TS and TB from single-phonon direct process were theoretically calculated in detail. The microscopic essentials of various contributions are revealed, and the mistakes in previous work are remedied.
diamond anvil cell;pressure measurement;spectroscopy;temperatures
Communications in Theoretical Physics
On the basis of the unified calculation of the thermal shifts of R-1 line, R-2 line and ground-state-splitting as well as the thermal broadenings of R, R' and B line-groups for ruby, by taking into account all the levels and admixtures of wavefunctions within d(3) electronic configuration and all the GammaM in electron-phonon interaction, the transition probabilities of direct and Raman processes have theoretically been calculated. The thermal broadenings, of R, R' and B line-groups have successfully been interpreted in terms of the direct and Raman processes of acoustic phonons. The theoretically predicted transition probabilities are in good agreement with the experimental ones.
crystal fields;electron-phonon interaction;thermal broadening;transition probability;direct and Raman processes;shifts
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China
Phase equilibria of the R-Fe-Co pseudoternary system with R less than or equal to 33.3% ( mole fraction, R = Sm0.5Dy0.5) were determined in an isothermal section at 1073 K and a vertical section of RFe2-RCo2 by using OM, X-ray diffractometer, EP-MA DTA techniques. There are seven intermetallic phases: (Sm, Dy) (Fe, Co)(2), (Sm, Dy) (Fe, Co)(3), (Sm, Dy)(6) (Fe, Co)(23), (Sm, Dy)(2) (Fe, Co)(7), (Sm, Dy) (Fe, Co)(5), Th2Ni17-type and Th2Zn17-type (Sm, Dy)(2)(Fe, Co)(17). The (Sm, Dy)(6)(Fe, Co)(23) phase dissolves 36% Co(mole fraction) at 1073 K. However, the (Sm, Dy)(2)(Fe, Co)(7) phase in R-2(Fe1-xCox)(7) alloys dissolves about 19% Fe(mole fraction) at 1073 K.
rare earth-iron-cobalt;phase diagram;structure;compounds;sm-co;magnetic-properties;binary-system;magnetostriction
YANG Jilian ZHANC Baisheng DINC Yongfan China Institute of Atomic Engergy
ChinaYANG Yingchang ZHANG Xiaodong Peking University
ChinaPAN Shuming General Research Institute for Non-Ferrous Metals
China associate professor
P.O.Box 275
Branch No.30
Beijing 102413
The N occupying sites and magnetic structures in R_2Fe_(17)N_x(R=Y,Dy,Nd)are de- termined by neutron diffraction.The effects of the site occupation of N on magnetic properties are discussed primarily.
neutron diffraction