K.F. Zhang
F.X. Diao
Q.F. Song
W. Wu
K.B. Chen and T.Xie Harbin Institute of Technology
Harbin 150001
This study is concerned with the problems of contact in the process of numerical simulation of sheet metal forming in rigid visco-plastic shell FEM. In respect of analysis of sheet deep drawing process,for the tool model described by triangular elements, a kind of contact judging algorithm about the correlation between the node of deformed mesh and the triangular element of a tool is presented. In SPF/DB Lagrangian multiplier method is adopted to solve the contact problem between deformed meshes, and a new reliable practical dynamic contact checking algorithm is presented. As computation examples, the simulation results of metal sheet deep drawing and SPF/DB are introduced in this paper.
kcontact search algorithm
Physics Letters A
Except for a Peierls transition at T(p) = 180 K, a new transition around T = 270 K in K0.3MoO3 single crystals has been found as evidenced by the anomalies in electrical, magnetic and thermodynamic properties. This transition may be caused by the variation of carrier characteristics or of the charge transfer between cations and anions.
通过分析气相、液相、管壁之间的关系,将气液混输管道中的流型划分为五种,并总结了各流型的特点及气液相和管壁间的几何关系;在对Baker、Brill、Beggs-Brill、Taitel、段塞特征分析(SCA)等流型判别方法进行分析的基础上,提出了一种综合使用SCA、Taitel和Brill三种方法的流型判别方法 S-T-B法.经算例验证,该方法对气液两相混输的流型判断准确性较高,可以作为气液混输工艺计算过程中确定流型的方法.
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
Two different potential models to the molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been applied to investigate the thermoelastic parameter alpha K-T of sodium chloride (NaCl) under high pressure and high temperature. The first one is the shell model (SM) potential that due to the short-range interaction when pairs of ions are moved together as is the case in that polarization of a crystal due to the motion of the positive and negative ions, and the second one is the two-body rigid-ion Born-Mayer-Huggins-Fumi-Tosi (BMHFT) potential with full treatment of long-range Coulomb forces. Particular attention is paid to the comparison of the SM- and BMHFT-MD simulations with the Debye model for the first time, and this model combines with ab initio calculations within local density approximation (LDA) and generalized gradient approximation (GGA) using ultrasoft pseudopotentials and a plane-wave basis in the framework of density functional theory (DFT), and it takes into account the phononic effects within the quasi-harmonic approximation. Note that the MD calculated volumes using SM model is somewhat larger than both the DFT and experimental volumes despite not considering the temperature effect. Compared with SM potential, the MD simulated 300 K isotherm of NaCl with BMHFT potential is very successful in reproducing accurately the measured volumes and the GGA calculated volumes. Generally, it is found that there exist minor differences between the LDA and GGA computed the thermoelastic parameter alpha K-T of NaCI, with both average results giving good agreement with SM-MD simulations. At an extended pressure and temperature ranges, the variation of thermoelastic parameter alpha K-T which play a central role in the formulation of approximate equations of state has also been predicted. The properties of NaCl are summarized in the pressure range of 0-300 kbar and the temperature up to 2000 K. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Inorganic compounds;ab initio calculations;High pressure;Thermodynamic properties;molecular-dynamics simulation;density-functional theory;equation-of-state;alkali-halides;thermodynamic properties;elevated-temperatures;thermal expansivity;bulk modulus;ionic solids;nacl
Yanwu Xu
Using mathematical plasticity theories, universal formability (UF) technology has been developed and applied in the automotive stamping engineering and production. As a formability analysis tool, this technology is the major methodology for the development of stamping expert system (solution provider) for (a) product design and feasibility analysis, (b) material automatic selection using nomograms, (c) draw die design using pre-models, and (d) UF and robustness analysis of die performance in finite element analysis (FEA) environment.
B.H. Kim N.H. Kang W.T. Oh C.H. Kim J.H. Kim Y.S. Kim Y.H. Park
For Al 6k21-T4 overlap weld joint, the shear-tensile strength by using the weaving laser was improved as compared to the case of linear laser. For the specimen of low strength, the porosity was distributed continuously along the intersection between the plates and fusion line. However, for the optimized welding condition, large oval-shaped porosities were located only in the advancing track of the concave part. Therefore, the continuity of cracks and porosities played a key role to determine the strength. And, the weaving width was also the important parameter to control the strength. Furthermore, the concave part had more significant hot and cold cracking in the weld and heat-affected zone (HAZ), respectively, than the convex part.
Weaving laser
Weld microstructure
Al alloy
B.H. Kim N.H. Kang W.T. Oh C.H. Kim J.H. Kim Y.S. Kim Y.H. Park
For Al 6k21-T4 overlap weld joint, the shear-tensile strength by using the weaving laser was improved as compared to the case of linear laser. For the specimen of low strength, the porosity was distributed continuously along the intersection between the plates and fusion line. However, for the optimized welding condition, large oval-shaped porosities were located only in the advancing track of the concave part. Therefore, the continuity of cracks and porosities played a key role to determine the strength. And, the weaving width was also the important parameter to control the strength. Furthermore, the concave part had more significant hot and cold cracking in the weld and heat-affected zone (HAZ), respectively, than the convex part.
Weaving laser
Weld microstructure
Al alloy
In this paper, radio frequency (r.f.) heating CVD technology for preparation of high performance fiber has been introduced. SiC, B fibers have been produced by this technology.