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Numerical Simulation of the Thermo-Mechanical Process for Beam Blank Continuous Casting

W. Chen , Y.Z. Zhang , C.J. Zhang , L.G. Zhu


The aim of this study is to simulate the solidification process of beam blank continuous casting, and then find the reasons for the typical defects of the beam blank. A two-dimensional transient coupled finite element model has been developed to compute the temperature and stress profile in beam blank continuous casting. The enthalpy method is used in the heat conduction equation. The thermo-mechanical property in the mushy zone is taken into consideration in this calculation. It is shown that at the mold exit the thickness of the shell has its maximum value at the flange tip and its minimum value at the fillet. The temperature has a great fluctuation on the surface of the beam blank in the secondary cooling zone. At the unbending point, the surface temperature of the web is in the brittleness temperature range under the present condition. To ensure the quality, it is necessary to weaken the intensity of secondary cooling. At the mold exit the equivalent stress and strain have higher values at the flange tip and at the web. From the spray 1 to the unbending point, the maximum values of stress and strain gradually move to the internal section of the flange tip and the web. However, whenever, there are bigger stress and strain values near the flange tip and the web than in the other parts, it must be very easy to generate cracks at those positions. Now, online verification of this simulation has been developed, which has proved to be very useful and efficient to instruct the practical production of beam blank continuous casting.

关键词: beam blank , null , null , null




氯化钾镀锌液配方中,氯化钾的含量通常是200~ 250 g/L,但在生产维护时分析镀槽中的氯化钾有时高达近400 g/L.认为以EDTA滴定法及硝酸银滴定法分别测总锌与总氯,然后从总氯中减去氯化锌所占氯的量而计算出氯化锌含量的常规化验方法有一定的局限性,尤其不适用于大生产已久的镀液.介绍了控制氯化钾含量的方法:先调整pH,接着通过赫尔槽试验分析并调整锌离子浓度,然后分析并调整光亮剂及硼酸,最后通过试验确定氯化钾补加量.

关键词: 镀锌 , 氯化钾 , 分析 , 调整 , 赫尔槽试验

钼酸盐系列缓蚀剂在含5g/L Cl-溶液中对Q235钢的缓蚀研究



  通过电化学阻抗谱(EIS),研究了钼酸盐系缓蚀剂在含g">5g/L Cl-溶液中对Q235钢的缓蚀性能,结果表明:由钼酸盐为主盐与硅酸盐、磷酸盐、有机胺A复配而成的缓蚀剂,可以达到低成本、高缓蚀率的效果.并通过失重法实验对此配方进行了验证,复配缓蚀剂的缓蚀率接近88.4%,明显高于单组分缓蚀剂.

关键词: 钼酸盐 , inhibitor , compound inhibitors

钼酸盐系列缓蚀剂在含5g/L Cl-溶液中对Q235钢的缓蚀作用


腐蚀学报(英文) doi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-6495.2009.02.034

通过电化学阻抗谱(EIS),研究了钼酸盐系缓蚀剂在含5g/L Cl-溶液中对Q235钢的缓蚀性能,结果表明:由钼酸盐为主盐与硅酸盐、磷酸盐、有机胺A复配而成的缓蚀剂,可以达到低成本、高缓蚀率的效果.并通过失重法实验对此配方进行了验证,复配缓蚀剂的缓蚀率接近88.4%,明显高于单组分缓蚀剂.

关键词: 钼酸盐 , 缓蚀 , 复配缓蚀刺

使用安捷伦J&W DB-35ms超高惰性色谱柱和DB-XLB色谱柱对水中低于μg·L-1级的有机氯农药和除草剂进行GC/μECD法分析

Doris Smith , Ken Lynam


本文中使用安捷伦SPEC C18AR固相萃取膜盘成功萃取了水中的有机氯农药残留和除草剂.使用双柱配置的GC/μECD系统进行检测,安捷伦J&W DB-35ms UI超高惰性色谱柱作为分析柱,DB-XLB色谱柱为确认柱.该方法为浓度接近或低于最大污染限值的含氯有机物提供了高度灵敏的分析方法.根据预估的分析物萃取浓度,方法使用的校准范围为1-100 ng· mL-1.分别对0.01 μg·L-1的加标水样和一个自来水水样进行了萃取和分析,结果证明可满足水中的有机氯农药残留和除草剂的测定.

关键词: 有机氯农药 , 除草剂 , 色谱柱


黄本生 , 江仲英 , 刘阁 , 廖周文 , 刘清友



关键词: G105钻杆 , 正交实验 , 高温高压腐蚀 , 多元腐蚀


吴山 , 严忠 , 吴子生

膜科学与技术 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-8924.2000.03.005

以煤油-N205-P204-HCl组成的乳状液膜体系,在喷射提取柱内分别对L-苯丙氨酸及L-苯丙氨酸和L-天冬氨酸的混合溶液进行提取.实验结果表明,用1?000 mL乳状液对初始浓度为21.25 g/L的单一L-苯丙氨酸水溶液提取3次后,外相浓度降到0.95 g/L,内相最高浓度为126.10 g/L;对L-苯丙氨酸浓度为8.64 g/L的混合溶液提取两次后,外相L-苯丙氨酸浓度降至0.90 g/L,内相L-苯丙氨酸最高浓度为60.00 g/L;L-天冬氨酸的存在不影响L-苯丙氨酸的分离提取效率;每次操作溶胀均不超过26%,同时对喷射提取柱能有效减小溶胀发生的机理进行了讨论.

关键词: 乳状液膜 , L-苯丙氨酸 , L-天冬氨酸 , 分离 , 溶胀


朱德钦 , 生瑜 , 童庆松 , 王真

应用化学 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1095.2014.30629

在转矩流变仪中用熔融接枝法制备马来酸酐(MAH)和苯乙烯(St)接枝聚丙烯(PP)—PP-g-(MAH/St)和PP-g-MAH,将其作为聚丙烯/木粉复合材料的相容剂.FTIR证实MAH和St单体与PP发生接枝反应.用SEM和DSC等手段考察两种相容剂对PP/木粉复合材料微观形貌和结晶性能的影响,探索了各种PP/木粉复合材料加工和力学性能不同的内在原因.SEM显示,PP-g-(MAH/St)改性木粉比PP-g-MAH改性木粉在PP基体中分散性更佳,木粉与PP的界面更加模糊,相容性进一步改善.DSC结果表明,PP-g-(MAH/St)改性体系可增强木粉对PP的异相成核作用,提高结晶温度和结晶度.复合材料的加工和力学性能测试结果表明,pp-g-(MAH/St)改性效果明显优于PP-g-MAH.复合材料的熔体质量流动速率随相容剂用量的增加而逐步下降,PP-g-(MAH/St)改性体系拉伸强度和弯曲强度却逐步上升,并在相容剂用量为4.8g/l00 g PP时达到极值.此时其拉伸强度达40.62 MPa,分别是未改性体系和PP-g-MAH改性体系的1.29和1.17倍;其弯曲强度达45.72 MPa,分别是未改性体系和PP-g-MAH改性体系的1.23和1.59倍;而无缺口冲击强度却在相容剂用量为3.6 g/l00 g PP时达到极值13.35 kJ/m2,分别是未改性体系和PP-g-MAH改性体系的1.62倍和1.42倍.

关键词: 聚丙烯 , 木粉 , 马来酸酐/苯乙烯双单体熔融接枝聚丙烯 , 相容性 , 性能

Investigations of the g factors of Fe+ in MgO and CaO

Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section a-a Journal of Physical Sciences

The g factors of Fe+ in MgO and CaO are theoretically investigated by the perturbation formula of the g factor of a V ion in cubic octahedral symmetry based on the cluster approach. By considering the partial quenching of the spin-orbit coupling interaction and the effective Lande factor due to the dynamic Jahn-Teller effect (DJTE), the experimental g factors of the studied systems are reasonably interpreted. It can be suggested that the small g factors of the Fe+ centers in MgO and CaO can be likely attributed to the DJTE, rather than the covalency effect within the scheme of the static crystal-field model.

关键词: electron paramagnetic resonance;crystal- and ligand-field theory;Fe+;MgO;CaO;atomic screening constants;electron spin resonance;paramagnetic-resonance;orbit interaction;scf functions;crystals;spectra;oxide;co2+

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