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Relationship between Grain Size and Fatigue-Creep Interaction Behaviour of Superalloy GH698

YANG Wangyue , ZHANG Jishan , CHEN Guoliang , TIAN Shusen , GENG Qingquan Beijing University of Iron and Steel Technology , Beijing , China. Institute of Metal Research , Academia Sinica. Fushun Steel Works , Fushun , Liaoning , China.


The deformation and fracture behaviour of nickel-base superalloy GH698 with different grain size have been studied at 700℃ under fatigue-creep interaction conditions. Compared with coarse-grained specimens, the grain refining process shows obvious effect on the mechanical behaviour of the alloy, i. e. in F and C zones, the fraction of pure fatigue and creep fracture on fracture surfaces is greatly reduced, which decreases and increases the fracture life in zones F and C respectively, in FC and C zones, creep deformation is greatly restrained by the alternating stress component, which increases the fracture life remarkably. It is also proved that in spite of the difference in microstru- tures such as grain size, for a constant tem- perature, a unique life equation t_r=A~n can be used to predict rupture life within the stress region controlled by the same fracture mode.

关键词: Ni-base superalloy , null , null


ZHA NG Jiongming (Anshan Iron and Steel Research Institute , Anshan , Liaoning , China)HE Jicheng , LI Baokuan (Northeastern University , Shenyang , China)Manuscript received 23 September 1994


In this paper, the three dimensional flow field in the billet mold has been studied by simple numerical method.The influence caused by teeming deviation.from the mold center has been discussed.

关键词: : continuos casting mold , null

Creep Deformation and Rupture in Smooth and Notched Specimens in HK40 Steel

ZHU Shijie , ZHAO Jie , WANG Fugang , CAO Zhiben Dalian University of Technology , Liaoning , China. To whom correspondence should be addressed.


The effects of the eutectic carbides rand secondary carbides on creep deformation and rupture in smooth bars and CT specimens have been studied. The results show that the resistance of the eutectic carbides of skeleton shape to crack growth is larger than that of the blocky shape carbides. The dendritic segregation of secondary carbides promotes the creep ductility. As the secondary carbide particles become coarser, the creep ductility increases and the crack growth rate decreases. However, if the size of secondary carbide is too large, the creep strength decreases too much and therefore crack growth rate increases.

关键词: creep , null , null , null

Fatigue Properties of Supersteel for Automobiles

DU Linxiu , ZHANG Zhongping , TIAN Yuwei , LIU Xianghua , WANG Guodong


gy Center, Benxi Steel Group, Benxi 117000, Liaoning, China)
Abstract: The fatigue properties of 400 MPa grade supersteel, plain low carbon steel SS400 and microalloyed steel Q340TM were investigated through tensilecompression fatigue experiment with R=-1. The results indicate that the fatigue limit of the 400 MPa supersteel is higher than that of SS400 steel and close to that of the 340TM steel. According to the analysis of fatigue fracture, the fatigue striations of supersteel SS400 is thinner than that of SS400 steel and 340TM steel, and grain refinement can increase the fatigue limit.

关键词: supersteel;grain refinement;fatigue property

Research on the X-ray fluorescence spectrometry method to determine trace elements in kimberlite

Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis

It is very important to detect trace elements for kilmberlite. Through improving the working conditions of X-ray fluorescence spectrometer and optimizing the analytical conditions, the determination method of trace elements, such as Sc, Cr, Ni, Y, Nb, La, in kimberlite was worked out. The method has been successfully applied to the determination of trace elements in over 2 thousand samples of kimberlite from Liaoning povince. The detection limits of the method were relatively low (the detection limit of Sc droped from 9.54 to 2.83 mug.g(-1) and the detection limit of La droped from 21.68 mug.g(-1) to 9.18 mug.g(-1)), i.e. 2.83, 2.15,2.20, 1.17,1.05 and 9.18 mug.g(-1) for Sc, Cr, Ni, Y, Nb and La, respectively. The precision of the method was very high with 2.10%-7.09% of RSD (n = 20). Compared with ICP spectrometry this method is satisfactory. The method has proven to be simple and rapid with low cost and high efficiency.

关键词: kimberlite;X-ray fluorescence spectrometry;trace elements

Oxidation of Silicon and Boron in Boron Containing Molten Iron

YANG Zhongdong , LIU Sulan , LI Zhefu , XUE Xiangxin


A new process of directly smelting boron steel from boroncontaining pig iron has been established. The starting material boroncontaining pig iron was obtained from ludwigite ore, which is very abundant in the eastern area of Liaoning Province of China. The experiment was performed in a mediumfrequency induction furnace, and Fe2O3 powder was used as the oxidizing agent. The effects of temperature, addition of Fe2O3, basicity, stirring, and composition of melt on the oxidation of silicon and boron were investigated respectively. The results showed that silicon and boron were oxidized simultaneously and their oxidation ratio exceeded 90% at 1 400 ℃. The favorable oxidation temperature of silicon was about 1 300-1 350 ℃. High oxygen potential of slag and strong stirring enhanced the oxidation of silicon and boron.

关键词: boroncontaining pig iron;oxidation;silicon;boron



