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A New Multilayered Nanostructured Composite Material Produced by Assembling SMA-Treated Thin Plates

T.Rol , M.Ya , D.Retraint , K.Lu , J.Lu


Surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT) can produce a nanometer-grained surface layer without porosity and contamination on a bulk stainless steel. The nanostructured layer has high strength that contributes to an overall increase in the mechanical properties of the nanostructured sample. In this study, a new nanostructured composite was developed by assembling three SMA-treated thin plates. An FEM model based on nanoindentation data was established to simulate the stress-strain relationship. The simulation and the experimental tension curve correspond well. Moiré interferometry was used to observe the tensile behavior of the new composite in real time. A tension test conducted on a specimen consisting of three 500~μm thick SMA-treated sheets showed that the yield stress is much higher than that of a bulk-treated sample of the same total thickness. Based on these results, the new multilayer composite would seem to be a promising structural material due to its high strength/weight ratio.

关键词: Nanostructures , null , null , null


宋育来 , 陈吉清 , 陈邦文 , 刘静 , 刘志勇 , 胡敏



关键词: 集装箱钢 , 力学性能 , 工艺性能 , 焊接性能 , 微观组织

超塑性 m-δ关系

刘勤 , 周善佑


超塑性m-δ关系曲线可以分为m_L=m_(max)和m_L=m_(min)两大类型。均可由下面的C.L.(刘勤)m-σ方程表示:σ(%)=〔cε~(m-m_0)-1〕×100当σ=σ_0=0时,m=m_0≠0,C=C_0=κ_0/κ_0=1。当σ=σ_1(σ_(11),σ_(12),σ_(13),…,)时,m=m_1(m_(11),m_(12),m_(13),…),C=C_1(C_(11),C_(12),C_(13),…)=κ_1(κ_(11),κ_(12),κ_(13),…)/κ_0,当σ=σ_F时,m=m_F,C=C_F=κ_F/κ_0。对C 值进行“规划”,得到的C_1~(σ_O-σ_L)-(m_L=m_(max)),C_2~(σ_F-σ_L)-(m_L=m_(min)),C_3~(m_0-m_L)-(m_L=m_(max)和C_4~(m_F-m_L)-(m_L=m_(min))四种类型的“规划”方程分别对m_L=m_(max)和m_L=m_(min)型m-σ曲线适用。若m-σ曲线属简单的下降式,C 及其“规划”值均可近似地取1。否则,C-σ关系是应加以研究的问题。m 和k 值对σ值的效应可以分为动态(直接)和静态(间接)两种。最后的σ值是两种效应的综合结果。(注:m 和κ值见基本方程σ=κε~m)



戴丰乐 , 齐召庆 , 汪宏涛 , 姜自超 , 张时豪 , 丁建华

功能材料 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-9731.2016.12.022

研究了m(M)/m(P)比值对磷酸镁水泥干燥收缩行为的影响,采用温度记录仪、压汞仪、X 射线衍射仪、扫描电镜及能谱仪等分析手段探讨了m(M)/m(P)比值对磷酸镁水泥干燥收缩的作用机理。结果表明,随着m(M)/m(P)比值的增大,磷酸镁水泥水化初期的膨胀量以及干燥收缩减小;水化8 h左右水泥开始收缩,龄期达到20 d左右收缩趋于稳定;磷酸镁水泥收缩量的减少,是由于m(M)/m(P)比值的增大导致磷酸镁水泥水化温度降低,孔隙率增大,水化产物MgKPO4?6 H2 O 减少,水化产物结构趋于疏松。

关键词: 磷酸镁水泥 , 干燥收缩 , m(M)/m(P)比值


齐召庆 , 汪宏涛 , 薛明

功能材料 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-9731.2016.02.010


关键词: 磷酸镁水泥 , 自收缩 , m(M)/m(P)比值

Deuton-M magnetic tapes and sheets for cards

Tesshu Miyahara


Magnetic stripe is one of the major applications of magnetic materials. As a key component of the present card technologies magnetic stripes play reliable components for electronic data interchange in worldwide electronic payment systems such as financial cards, transit tickets and phone cards, etc. Magnetic stripes are available in various coercivity materials, widths, lengths, structures and colors with each types of transferable, lamination and pressure sensitive magnetic tapes of Deuton-M. Manufacturing process, structure and characteristics of Deuton-M magnetic tape and sheet are described.


2.6~2.8μm KTP OPO实验研究

卞进田 , 孙晓泉 , 聂劲松

量子电子学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-5461.2008.02.019

为了得到2.7 μm波段可调谐激光辐射,设计了信号光单谐振荡KTP光参量振荡器(OPO),给出了KTP OPO II(B)类相位匹配方式下的角度调谐曲线、有效非线性系数.KTP晶体切割角为θ=62°,ψ=0°,有效非线性系数为-2.97 pm/V.利用该KTP OPO实现了2.6~2.8 μm波段范围可调谐激光输出,用脉宽为16 ns的基模高斯光束1.064 μm激光泵浦得到了最大能量578 μJ,能量转换效率达1.7%.

关键词: 非线性光学 , 可调谐红外激光 , 单谐振光参量振荡器 , KTP , 角度调谐 , 相位匹配



金属世界 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6826.2007.05.020


关键词: 球磨机齿轮轴 , 断裂 , 磨损 , 解决方案

Stable M(2)AlC(0001) surfaces (M = Ti, V and Cr) by first-principles investigation

Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter

We investigated the stable (0001) surfaces of M(2)AlC (M = Ti, V and Cr) using the first-principles plane-wave pseudopotential total energy method. Four possible (0001) terminations were considered by breaking the M-Al and M-C bonds. The corresponding surface energies were calculated and compared. The Al-and M(C)-terminated (0001) surfaces demonstrated better stability than the C- and M(Al)-terminated surfaces by their much lower surface energies. In addition, the stability of surfaces was predicted under various chemical environments as a function of chemical potentials. We further investigated the character of surface relaxations. The electronic structures of the stable Al- and M(C)-terminated surfaces were analyzed.

关键词: ab-initio calculations;ti3sic2 thin-films;electronic-structure;elastic stiffness;al;deposition;cr2alc;simulation;adhesion;solids


林元华 , 张中太 , 张枫 , 唐子龙 , 吕霄 , 郑子山



关键词: 长余辉 , 发光材料 , 发射光谱 , 空穴

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