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Diamond Film Synthesis with a DC Plasma Jet: Effect of the Contacting Interface between Substrate and Base on the Substrate Temperature

Rongfa CHEN , Dunwen ZUO , Feng XU , Duoseng LI , Min WANG


The contacting interface between the substrate and water-cooled base is vital to the substrate temperature during diamond films deposition by a DC (direct current) plasma jet. The effects of the solid contacting area, conductive materials and fixing between the substrate and the base were investigated without affecting the other parameters. Experimental results indicated that the preferable solid contacting area was more than 60% of total contacting areal; the particular Sn-Pb alloy was more suitable for conducting heat and the concentric fixing ring was a better setting for controlling the substrate temperature. The result was explained in terms of the variable thermal contact resistance at the interface between substrate and base. The diamond films were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for morphology, X-ray diffraction (XRD) for the intensity of characteristic spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy for structure.

关键词: diamond films , 基体温度 , 连接界面 , 直流等离子体

Two-step magnetization in a spin-chain system on the triangular lattice: Wang-Landau simulation

Physical Review B

The Wang-Landau algorithm is used to study the thermodynamic and magnetic properties of triangular spin-chain system based on two-dimensional Ising model in order to understand the magnetic-order dynamics in Ca(3)Co(2)O(6) compound. The calculated results demonstrate that the equilibrium state of the rigid spins produces the two-step magnetization curve at low temperature even when the random-exchange term is considered. This work indicates that the four-step magnetization behavior observed experimentally must be due to the nonequilibrium magnetization.

关键词: calcium compounds;exchange interactions (electron);Ising model;magnetisation;thermodynamics;one-dimensional ca3co2o6;density-of-states;compound ca3co2o6;phase-diagram;proteins;crystal


Q.S. Liu1 , 2 , 3) , L.C. Zhao3) , G.X. Dong2) and N.J. Gu1) 1) Heibei University of Technology , Tianjin 300130 , China 2) Tianjin Institute of Technology , Tianjin 300191 , China 3) Harbin University of Technology , Harbin 150001 , China


Theconstruction changinginthereversetransformation ofthestress induced εMin Fe 17 Mn 10 Cr 5 Si 4 Ni alloy is carefully inspected in transmission electron microscope, and then stress induced εM procedure of reverse transformation is analyzed. The behavior of reverse transformationisdissimilar when the organization of εMis different. The reversetransfor mation ofεM withtheshapeofsingle plateandstripisrelativelyeasy,anditsreversibilityincrystallographiciseasilytocarryout,fortheεM with multilayerstructure,thereversetrans formationtakes placein isolatedlayers, fortheεMthat grows well,thereversetransforma tion isrelatively difficult becauseofthe ductile harmonization between itsinternalorganiza tion structures.

关键词: stress induced εM , null , null


徐佩 , 卢旭鑫 , 汪传斌 , 杨善中 , 孙晓红 , 丁运生



关键词: 咪唑基离子液体 , 碳纳米管 , 低密度聚乙烯 , 介电性能

Ion sputter erosion in metallic glass-A response to "Comment on: Homogeneity of Zr(64.13)Cu(15.75)Ni(10.12)Al(10) bulk metallic glass" by L-Y. Chen, Y-W. Zeng, Q-P. Cao, B-J. Park, Y-M. Chen, K. Hono, U. Vainio, Z-L. Zhang, U. Kaiser, X-D. Wang, and J-Z Jiang J. Mater. Res. 24, 3116 (2009)

Journal of Materials Research

The morphology of the dark and bright regions observed by transmission electron microscopy for the Zr(64.13)Cu(15.75)Ni(10.12)Al(10) bulk metallic glass strongly depends on the ion beam parameters used for ion milling. This indicates that the ion beam could introduce surface fluctuation to metallic glasses during ion milling.

关键词: room-temperature

Wear and corrosion properties of a low carbon steel processed by means of SMAT followed by lower temperature chromizing treatment

Surface & Coatings Technology

A duplex lower temperature chromizing treatment at 600 degrees C for 120 min followed by 860 degrees C for 90 min was performed on a low carbon steel plate with a nanostructured surface layer, induced by surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT) [Z.B. Wang, J. Lu, K. Lu, Acta Mater. 53 (2005) 2081]. Microhardness, wear and corrosion resistances of the chromized SMAT sample were measured, in comparison with those of the chromized coarse-grained counterpart and the as-annealed coarse-grained sample. Experimental results showed that these properties were improved markedly. The much enhanced properties of the chromized SMAT sample relative to the chromized coarse-grained counterpart might originate from its superior microstructures, i.e., a much thicker chromized surface layer with smaller grains and more homogenous phase-distribution, due to the employed processes of the SMAT and the duplex lower temperature chromizing treatment. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: low carbon steel;surface mechanical attrition treatment;lower;temperature chromizing;wear resistance;corrosion resistance;mechanical attrition treatment;surface nanocrystallization;alloy;resistance;diffusion;iron

Effect of interstitial hydrogen on cohesive strength of Al grain boundary with Mg segregation


The effect of interstitial hydrogen on the cohesion of the Al Sigma=11(113) grain boundary (GB) is investigated based on the thermodynamic model of Rice-Wang using the first-principles density function calculation. The results indicate that interstitial H behaves as an embrittler from "strengthening energy" analysis. The reduced GB cohesion due to the presence of H at the GB is attributed to the low affinity between H and Al, and the weakened bonding of Al atomic pairs perpendicular to GB plane.

关键词: hydrogen;grain boundary;Al-Mg alloys;pseudopotentials;1st-principles

Effect of Interstitial Hydrogen on Cohesive Strength of Al Grain Boundary with Mg Segregation

Xiaoguang LIU , Xiaowei WANG


The effect of interstitial hydrogen on the cohesion of the Al ∑=11(113) grain boundary (GB) is investigated based on the thermodynamic model of Rice-Wang using the first-principles density function calculation. The results indicate that interstitial H behaves as an embrittler from "strengthening energy" analysis. The reduced GB cohesion due to the presence of H at the GB is attributed to the low affinity between H and Al, and the weakened bonding of Al atomic pairs perpendicular to GB plane.

关键词: Hydrogen , null , null

First-principles study on the effect of Mn and N on the cohesion of a gamma-iron grain boundary

Physical Review B

By use of the linear-combination-of-atomic-orbital (LCAO) method for a cluster model, we studied the electronic structure of gamma-from Sigma 11 [1 (1) over bar0](11 (3) over bar) grain boundary doping with N and Mn atoms. The effect of the segregation on the cohesion of the grain boundary is investigated based on the Rice-Wang thermodynamic model. It is found that N could not only largely enhance the cohesion of the grain boundary but also eliminate the detrimental effect of Mn. The cosegregation effect of Mn and N on the cohesion of the grain boundary depends on where they segregate. Nitrogen could be reliably used in alloyed steels as an efficient strengthening element.

关键词: electronic-structure;phosphorus segregation;stainless-steel;embrittlement;austenite;nitrogen;boron;impurities;fracture;metals

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