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Application of Edge-to-edge Matching Model to Grain Refinement in Mg-Al Based Alloys

M.-X.Zhang , P.M.Kelly , M.Qian , J.A.Taylor


An edge-to-edge matching model has been used to analyze the crystallographic features between Mg matrix and three commonly accepted heterogeneous nucleants for Mg grains, Al4C3, Al2CO and Al8(Mn, Fe)5. The model has predicted that Al2CO is the most effective nucleant of the three compounds assessed for Mg grains and that Al4C3 can be a nucleant for Mg grains, but it is not as effective as Al2CO. This prediction is consistent with most recent experimental results. The Al8(Mn, Fe)5 intermetallic compound is predicted to have the lowest efficiency as a grain refiner. The model may be used to provide theoretical guidance for selection of new and potent grain refiners for Mg-Al based alloys.

关键词: Crystallography , null , null , null , null


戴丰乐 , 齐召庆 , 汪宏涛 , 姜自超 , 张时豪 , 丁建华

功能材料 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-9731.2016.12.022

研究了m(M)/m(P)比值对磷酸镁水泥干燥收缩行为的影响,采用温度记录仪、压汞仪、X 射线衍射仪、扫描电镜及能谱仪等分析手段探讨了m(M)/m(P)比值对磷酸镁水泥干燥收缩的作用机理。结果表明,随着m(M)/m(P)比值的增大,磷酸镁水泥水化初期的膨胀量以及干燥收缩减小;水化8 h左右水泥开始收缩,龄期达到20 d左右收缩趋于稳定;磷酸镁水泥收缩量的减少,是由于m(M)/m(P)比值的增大导致磷酸镁水泥水化温度降低,孔隙率增大,水化产物MgKPO4?6 H2 O 减少,水化产物结构趋于疏松。

关键词: 磷酸镁水泥 , 干燥收缩 , m(M)/m(P)比值


齐召庆 , 汪宏涛 , 薛明

功能材料 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-9731.2016.02.010


关键词: 磷酸镁水泥 , 自收缩 , m(M)/m(P)比值

High Temperature Oxidation of FGH96 P/M Superalloy

F.J. Liu , M.C. Zhang , J.X. Dong , Y.W. Zhang


High temperature oxidation behaviors of FGH96 P / M superalloy have been studied in air at temperatures ranging from 600 to 1000℃. By means of isothermal oxidation testing, X-ray diffraction, SEM (scanning electron microscopy) and EDS (energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) analyses, the oxidation kinetics as well as the composition and morphology of scales were investigated. Thermodynamic calculations were used to explain the oxidation mechanism. The results showed that as the oxidation temperature increased, the oxidation rate, the scale thickness and scale spallation increased. FGH96 P / M superalloy exhibits good oxidation resistance at temperature below 800℃. The oxidation kinetics follows an approximately parabolic rate law, and the oxide layer was mainly composed of Cr2O3, TiO2, and a little amount of NiCr2O4. The oxidation is controlled by the transmission of chromium, titanium, and oxygen through the oxide scale.

关键词: FGH96 P/M superalloy , null , null

A Novel near Net-Shape Technique for P/M Parts with Large H/D Ratio

Yong LIU , Baiyun HUANG , Kechao ZHOU , Hongwu OUYANG , Yuehui HE


In order to overcome the shortcomings of conventional hot pressing, a novel near net-shape technique, called radial hot pressing, for P/M parts with large height-to-diameter (H/D) ratio was introduced. Effects of processing parameters on the microstructures and density of P/M TiAl base alloy valves were studied. Results show that the radial hot pressing is an effective technique for manufacturing valves with a H/D ratio of about 10:1, and the perfect joint interface between the Mo sheet and the parts is helpful for subsequent HIPing.

关键词: Near net-shape technique , null , null

FeMoB Enhanced Sintering of P/M 316L Stainless Steel

YANG Xia , GUO Shiju


Liquidphase enhanced sintering of powder metallurgy (P/M) 316L stainless steel by addition of sintering aids was studied. 2%-8% of prealloyed FeMoB powder with two different particle sizes was added as sintering aids, and the specimens were sintered in vacuum at 1 200-1 350 ℃. The results show that the fine FeMoB powder (5-10 μm) has stronger activated effect. The sintered density increases with the increase in sintering aid content or sintering temperature. Warm compaction has a better effect on the control of dimensional precision of compacts. The prealloyed FeMoB powder deviated from Mo2FeB2 component can also be sintering aid of P/M 316L stainless steel.

关键词: P/M 316L stainless steel;liquidphase sintering;activated sintering;FeMoB;sintering aid


曹笃盟 , 李志友 , 周科朝


采用固相反应法制备了Li1+xV3-yMyO8(M=Mo,P;0≤y≤0.4),研究了不同Mo和P含量对Li1+xV3O8相的影响,并首次对其进行了高温阴极放电性能的研究.结果表明:Mo和P掺杂量分别为y≤0.2和y<0.2时可获得纯Li1+xV3O8相;Mo掺杂使Li1+xV3O8峰值电压提高0.3 V,比容量提高25%,嵌入的Li+量最高可达x=3.8;P掺杂(y≤0.20)对Li1+xV3O8的峰值电压和比容量影响较小.化学嵌锂实验也证实掺杂后的材料具有更快的Li+嵌入速度.

关键词: Li1+xV3O8 , 热电池 , 掺杂 , 比容量

Microstructure and Tensile Properties of ZK60 Alloy Fabricated by Simplified Rapid Solidification Powder Metallurgy (S-RS P/M) Process

Zhenya Zhang


This study investigated the microstructures and mechanical properties of ZK60 alloy prepared by a simplified rapid solidification powder metallurgy (RS P/M) processing system (S-RS P/M), which consists of warm press in dry air and hot extrusion. Microstructure characterizations showed that S-RS P/M alloy consisted of magnesium matrix and oxide stringers of ~1 μm in width. TEM (transmission electron microscopy) observations illustrated nano-size magnesia particles (10{30 nm) constituted oxide stringer in detail. Due to a relatively higher volume of nano-size magnesia particle produced during S-RS P/M process, 0.2% yield strength of S-RS P/M ZK60 alloy was found to be as high as 382 MPa, which is 10% higher than that of RS P/M alloy. The improvement in mechanical properties is mainly attributed to the combination effects of Orowan mechanism and coe±cient of thermal expansion (CTE) mismatch because of the approximately same average grain size.

关键词: Microstructure

Chemical bonding and mechanical properties of M(2)AC (M = Ti, V, Cr, A = Al, Si, P, S) ceramics from first-principles investigations

Journal of Materials Research

MAX-phase carbides (M is an early transition metal, A is an A-group element) exhibit an interesting bonding characteristic of alternative stacking of strong M-C bonds and relatively weak M-A bonds in one direction. In the present first-principles total energy calculations, we establish the relationship between mechanical properties and electronic structure for ternary M(2)AC (M = Ti, V, Cr. A = Al, Si, P, S) carbides. By systematically tuning elements on the M and A sites, pronounced enhancements of bulk modulus, elastic stiffness, and ideal shear strength are achieved in V-containing V(2)AC (A = Al, Si, P, and S) carbides. It is suggested that tailoring on the A site is more efficient than on the M site in strengthening the mechanical properties of studied serial carbides. The results highlight a general trend for tailor-made mechanical properties of ternary M(2)AC carbides by control of chemical bonding.

关键词: strength;solids;shear;dislocations;ti3sic2

SPD 法及P/M 法制备金属纳米体材料进展

王磊 , 樊建中 , 熊柏青

稀有金属 doi:10.3969/j.issn.0258-7076.2002.02.011

综述了金属纳米体材料的深度塑性变形法(SPD) 和粉末冶金法(P/M)制备方法及最新进展,讨论了目前金属纳米体材料制备中存在的问题,提出了今后的发展方向,中温高压成型技术是未来的纳米材料工业化制备技术发展的重要方向.

关键词: 金属 , 纳米体材料 , 制备技术

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