W.H. Jiang
X.D. Yao
H.R. Guan and Z.Q. Hu(1) Department of Superalloys
Institute of Metal Research
The Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shenyang 110015
China2) Department of Metal Materials Engineering
Shenyang Polytechnic University) Shenyang 110023
China )Manuscript received in revised form 11 September 1998
Secondary M23C6 precipitation around primary MC carbide in a directionally solidified cobalt-base saperalloy was investigated duriny aging at 850℃. The results show that it was closely related to the decomposition of the MC. Two mechanisms were suggested,i.e. the in situ reaction, MC+γ→M23C6+C, and the direct reaction, M+C→M23C6,in which MC acted as a carbon source.
cobalt-base superalloy
Chinese Science Bulletin
A study was carried out in order to investigate the effect of contaminants and meteorological variables on the rust layer of carbon steel exposed in Shenyang urban atmosphere. Seven kinds of contaminants and twelve kinds of meteorological parameters were also registered in order to correlate the data with respect to corrosion rate and the stepwise multiple regression analysis was carried out in order to obtain the best regression model. The sum of rainfall time as well as sunshine time and the concentration of H(2)S could stimulate initial atmospheric corrosion of carbon steel. The initial atmospheric corrosion kinetics of carbon steel was observed to follow the cubic equation. The corrosion products were analyzed by XRD and the transformation of phases in different periods was discussed.
contaminants;meteorological parameters;carbon steel;urban atmospheric;corrosion;stepwise multiple regression;corrosion products;rust;pollution
X. Chang
K. Qin and Y.L.Lu Orthodontic Department of Stomatology College
China Medical University
Sheny ang 110001
proach change of CGRP with time in periodontal ligaments of rats in magnetic field, maxillae of 28 Wistar rats of 6 7 weeks were placed in magnetic fields of permanent magnets Nd 2 Fe 4 B. Changes of CGRP with t ime in maxillary periodontal ligaments of the rats were studied by immunohistochemistry. The result showed that: magnetic field had dynamic effect and some promotional effect on recove?E F F E C T O F M A G N E T I C F I E L D O N C A L C I T O N I N G E N E- R E L A T E D P E P T I D E I N P E R I O D O N T A L L I G A M E N T S O F R A T S X. Chang , K. Qin and Y. L. Lu Orthodontic Department of Stomatology College , China Medical University , Shenyang 110001 , China Manuscript received 24 June 1999 In order to approach change of C G R P with tim e in periodontal liga m ents of rats in m agneticfield , m axillae of 28 Wistar rats of 6 7 weeks w ere placed in m agnetic fields of per m anentm agnets Nd 2 Fe4 B. Changes of C G R P with tim e in m axillary periodontal liga ments of therats were stu died by i m m unohistoche mistry . The result sho wed that : m agnetic field had dy na m ic effect an d so m e pro motional effect on recovering and reconstruction of the periodontaltissues in it . This provided a better theoretical evidence for clinical use of per m anent m agnets .
per m anent m agnet Nd 2 Fe4 B