W.J. Li
Z.M. Wu
J.F. Zhao
Z.H. Wu
X.L.Zhao and B.C. Cai ( Information Storage Research Center
Shanghai Jiaotong University
Shanghai 200030
College of Chemical Engineering & Technology
Taiyuan University of Technology
Taiyuan 030024
Titanium dioxide thin films were prepared by low pressure metal organic chemical vapor deposition (LP-MOCVD) from titanium IV isopropoxide. Nitrogen was used as a carrier gas for the titanium precursor,and oxygen as a reactant gas. The deposition rates of the films have been studied as functions of process parameters such as sabstrate temperature and oxygen flow rote. Structural evolution of the films has been studied as functions of substrate temperature (110 to 700℃) and annealing temperature. The films have been characterized by X-ray dissection and by Raman scattering. Films deposited onto Si(100) substrates were amorphous at 110-250℃, anatase at 350- 550℃ and rutile above 650℃. The films deposited at substrate temperatures less than 550℃ and annealed at 600℃ for two hours were annealed, annealed at 700℃ for two hours were mixtures of anatase and rutile, and annealed at 850℃ for two hours were rutile.
The uptake of hydrogen in carbon nanotubes is a hot topic in carbon nanotube research. Currently there are two methods to store hydrogen in carbon nanotubes. One is based on gas phase hydrogen storage and the other is based on an electrochemical method. Fundamental principles, theoretical calculations, and the interaction between hydrogen and carbon nanotubes for electrochemical hydrogen storage are reviewed. In particular, an overview of the most recent progress on electrochemical hydrogen storage in both single-walled carbon nanotubes and multi-walled carbon nanotubes is given and the prospect of their use in high performance batteries is highlighted.
carbon nanotubes;electrochemistry;gas storage;nanofibers;adsorption
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
The spin Hamiltonian (SH) parameters (g factors g(x), g(y), g(z) and hyperfine structure constants A(x), A(y), A(z)) of the low-symmetry Nb-Li(4+) antisite defect center in the X-ray-irradiated congruent undoped LiNbO3 crystal are calculated from the high-order perturbation formulas of SH parameters for d(1) ions. The calculated results are in reasonable agreement with the experimental values. Some information related to the defect structure of the Nb-Li(4+) center (characterized mainly by the Nb-Li(4+) displacement Delta z from the ideal Li+ site along C-3 axis and the displacement Delta x of O2- ions in the oxygen triangle between Nb-Li(4+) and Nb-Nb(5+)) is obtained from the calculations. These displacements are consistent with the expectation based on the electrostatic interaction and electron cloud overlap. The results are discussed. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
ferroelectrics;inorganic compounds;crystal and ligand fields;point;defect;electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR);temperature-dependence;lithium-niobate;epr parameters;cr3+ centers;endor;ions;ruby
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research
The spin-Hamiltonian parameters b(2)(2), b(2)(-1) and b(2)(0) for Gd3+-O2- center in the tetragonal phase of Rb0.95K0.05CaF3 perovskite-type compound are studied by the superposition model which considers the (GdOF5)(4-) octahedron distortion related to the elongation or release of the metal-ligand bond lengths in the octahedron. The parameters b(2)(m) can be reasonably explained, and information for the local phase transition behaviour is obtained.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Effects of the Mn substitution on microstructures and hydrogen absorption/desorption properties of LaNi(3 8)Al(1 2-x)Mn(x) (x = 0 2 0 4 0 6) hydrogen storage alloys were investigated The pressure composition (PC) isotherms and absorption kinetics were measured in a temperature range of 433 K <= T <= 473 K by the volumetric method XRD analyses showed that with the increase of the Mn content in the LaNi(3 8)Al(1 2-x)Mn(x) alloys the lattice parameter a was decreased c increased and the unit cell volume V reduced It was found that the absorption/desorption plateau pressure was increased and the hydrogen storage capacity was enhanced with the increase of Mn content The absorption/desorption plateau pressure of the alloys was linearly changed with the Mn content x and the lattice parameter a while the hydrogen storage capacity was linearly increased with the increase of c/a ratio It was also found that the slope factor S(f) was closely correlated with the lattice strain of the alloys (C) 2010 Professor T Nejat Veziroglu Published by Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved
Metal hydride (A);Hydrogen absorbing materials (A);Gas solid reactions;(B);Thermodynamic properties (C);structural-properties;sorption properties;system;hydrides;lani5-xalx;ni
Applied Physics Letters
The ferroelectric polarization dependent bipolar and conductive filament related unipolar resistive switching behaviors are investigated systematically in Au/BiFe0.95Mn0.05O3/La5/8Ca3/8MnO3 heterostructure. The results show that after conductive filaments are formed, the ferroelectric state previously polarized will keep almost unchanged. By combining the two resistive switching mechanisms together under appropriate programming conditions, a tri-state-like resistive switching behavior is realized, finding effective routes in designing high-density storage. According to these distinctive characteristics, a prototype memory device with secure information storage is properly designed as an example of promising applications. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4714514]