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Correlation between Structures of Bulk Amorphous Zr-Ti-Ni-Cu-Be Alloy in Different States

Xuelei TIAN , Xichen CHEN


The structures of the bulk amorphous Zr41Ti14Cu12.5Nil0.0Be22.5 alloy have been analyzed in solid, supercooled liquid and liquid with X-ray diffraction. The first coordination sphere radii and the first coordination numbers are 0.312 um, 11.2 in solid state, 10.932 nm, 10.932 in supercooled liquid region and 0.305 urn, 11.296 in liquid state. The structures are the same in different states. But it shows some tendency to crystallizing that the first coordination sphere radius and the first coordination number drop in supercooled liquid region.


Growth of the Single Crystal of Peritectic Reaction Induced Phases by “Melting Zone of Different Compositions” Technique

Shunpu LI , Deqian ZHAO , Shengxu ZHAO , Mingxiang PAN , Xichen CHEN


Selecting Ni5Zr compound as a model object, the single crystal growth of peritectic reaction induced phases has been achieved by “melting zone of different composition” technique in this study.


Crystallization Behavior of C-containing FINEMET Amorphous Alloy Melt-spun Ribbon

Chengdong LI , Xuelei TIAN , Xichen CHEN , A.G.Ilinsky , Likai SHI


The crystallization kinetics of amorphous Fe¬¬68.5Si¬13.5B¬9Cu¬1Nb¬3C¬5 (at. pct) melt-spun ribbons were studied by the DSC method in the mode of continuous heating. The apparent activation energy Ep1 and Ep2 (373.07±7.92 and 518.75±21.35 kJ/mol, respectively) derived from the Kissinger plots were calculated by the peak temperatures Tp1, Tp2, which display a strong dependence on the heating rates. The crystallization behavior during isothermal annealing at 823 K for 1, 5, 10 h and 973 K for 5 h were investigated using XRD and TEM. The results show that crystallization behavior becomes completely different from that of FINEMET. It is not bcc α-Fe (Si) but metastable fcc γ-Fe (Si) that participates in the first crystallization step combining the appearance of Fe23B6 and Nb2B. Therefore, the addition of C promotes the combination of Fe and B. Fe3.5B is participated in the second step together with the disappearing of Fe23B6, which indicates that transition Fe23B6→Fe3.5B+Fe2B presumably happens. γ-Fe (Si) with peculiar stability cannot transform into nano-sized α-Fe (Si) crystals until the amorphous ribbons were annealed for 5 h at 973 K.

关键词: Amorphous , null , null , null

Structure and Stability of TiC/g Interface in Fe-Cr-Ni Base Composite

Xidong HUI , Yuansheng YANG , Xinqiang WU , Zhifu WANG , Xichen CHEN


The morphology, orientation relationship and stability of TiC/γ interface in Fe-Cr-Ni base composite synthesized with a liquid state in-situ process have been studied. The TiC/γ interface in as-cast sample is of coherent feature. Its orientation relationship is (0-20)γ//(2-20)TiC, [001]γ//[001]TiC. During the aging at 1473 K, the TiC/γ interface may dissolve in matrix and lamellar M23C6 compound may precipitate from γ-matrix.



李开明 , 李亚洲 , 冯维贵 , 林长

量子电子学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-5461.2007.05.014


关键词: 混沌 , Chen系统 , 不动点 , Lyapunov指数 , 反馈控制

Ion sputter erosion in metallic glass-A response to "Comment on: Homogeneity of Zr(64.13)Cu(15.75)Ni(10.12)Al(10) bulk metallic glass" by L-Y. Chen, Y-W. Zeng, Q-P. Cao, B-J. Park, Y-M. Chen, K. Hono, U. Vainio, Z-L. Zhang, U. Kaiser, X-D. Wang, and J-Z Jiang J. Mater. Res. 24, 3116 (2009)

Journal of Materials Research

The morphology of the dark and bright regions observed by transmission electron microscopy for the Zr(64.13)Cu(15.75)Ni(10.12)Al(10) bulk metallic glass strongly depends on the ion beam parameters used for ion milling. This indicates that the ion beam could introduce surface fluctuation to metallic glasses during ion milling.

关键词: room-temperature



Volu扣ne 27SeriesB1991AUTHOR INDEX CCAO Guanghan(曹光旱)············……6一B科6CAo weijie(曹卫恋)..················……5一B32oCAO Yilin(曹益林)··················……6一B443CHANG Xin(常听)···············……1一B48CHE Guang邻n(车广灿)·············一6一B科0CHEN Erbao(陈二保)···············……6一B410CHEN Jia....



高诚 , 胥蕊娜 , 陈黎 , 姜培学



关键词: 二氧化碳封存 , 超临界两相流 , Shan-Chen模型

A molecular dynamics study of the structural change differences between Au-225 and Au-369 clusters on MgO surfaces at low temperature

Chinese Physics B

The differences in structural change between Au-225 and Au-369 clusters with their (111) facets supported on MgO(100) surfaces at 5 K are studied by using molecular-dynamics simulations with the atomic interchange potentials of the Au/MgO interface. The parameters are obtained from the ab initio energies using the Chen-Mobius inversion method. Analyses of the pair distribution functions show that the two Au clusters use different deformation processes to adjust the distances between the interface atoms, owing to the misfit between the atom distances among the clusters and the substrates. The local structural changes are identified by atomic density profiles.

关键词: interfaces;nanostructures;computer modelling and simulation;molecular;dynamics;local-structure changes;mgo(001) surface;au;adsorption;cu;nanoclusters;dimers;models;ag

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