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Y.H. He , B. Y. Huang , Y. Liu and Y.X. Liu (Powder Metallurgy Research Institute , Central South University of Technology , Changsha 410083 , China)


The effects of a new technology, multi-step thermo-mechanical treatment, on the microstructure, deformation substructure and mechanical properties at ambient and elevated tempemture of can-forged Ti-33 Al-3 Cr-0.5Mo (wt%) Alloy were investigated.The results show that, after multi-step thermo-mechanical treatment of can-forged specimens, homogeneous, fine microstructures can be obtained in the whole TiAl-based alloy specimens. Furthermore, the specimen with homogeneous and fine full lamellae microstructure demonstrutes excellent comprehensive mechanical properties at ambient and elevated temperature.

关键词: TiAl-based alloy , null , null

Multiferroic phase diagram of Y partially substituted Dy(1-x)Y(x)MnO(3)

Applied Physics Letters

The effect of nonmagnetic Y partial substitution at the Dy site in Dy(1-x)Y(x)MnO(3) up to x=0.2 on magnetism, specific heat, and ferroelectricity is investigated, which resulted in a preliminary multiferroic phase diagram. It is revealed that the Y partial substitution suppresses the Dy-spin ordering point (T(Dy)) and ferroelectric ordering point (T(FE)) but enhances the Mn-spin ordering point (T(N)). The interaction between the spins of Dy and Mn is remarkably affected by Y substitution. The measured electrical polarization depends on the Y substitution in a complex way because the ferroelectricity is sensitive to the interaction between the spins of Dy and Mn. (c) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3536506]

关键词: ferroelectricity;polarization

Laser surface cladding of ZM5 Mg-base alloy with Al+Y powder

Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China

The surface properties of ZM5 Mg-base alloy were modified by laser cladding with Al+Y powder. Laser cladding was carried out with a 5 kW continuous wave CO2 laser by melting the preplaced powder mixture of Al and Y. Following laser cladding, the cladding zone was characterized by a detailed microstructural observation and phase analysis. Moreover, the microhardness and element distribution were evaluated in detail. The surface modified layer consists of Mg-17 Al-12 and Al-4 MgY phases, while alpha-Mg and Mg-17 Al-12 in the substrate. The microhardness of the cladding zone was significantly enhanced as high as HV122 - 180 as compared to HV60 - 80 of the substrate region. The maximal hardness about HV224 is in the interface due to the formation of intermetallic Mg-17 Al-12 phase. The microstructure is refined and Mg diffuses into the cladding material which leads to the formation of Mg-17 Al-12.

关键词: laser cladding;ZM5 Mg base alloy;rare earth;Al plus Y powder;microstructure;magnesium;microstructures;behavior

Blue-shift of Nano-Y_2O_3 : Eu~(3+) Emission Spectra Excited by X-ray

Qiang LI , Lian GAO , and Dongsheng YAN(State Key Lab. of High Performance Ceramics & Superfine Microstructure , Shanghai Institute of Ceramics , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Shanghai 200050 , China)


Nano-Y_2O_3:Eu~(3+) powder was prepared by the homogeneous precipitation. With controlling the conditions of the reaction, nano powders with different grain size were obtained. It is found that the blue-shift phenomena exist in the nano-Y2O3:Eu3+ emission spectra excited by X-ray. The wave lengths of the peak (5D0→7F2) are related with the grain size of the powder


The electronic structure and spin polarization of Fe(3-x)MnxSi and Fe(3-y)MnSiy alloys

Journal of Applied Physics

First principle calculations using supercell approach and coherent potential approximation (CPA) are performed to investigate the electronic and magnetic structures of Fe(3-x)Mn(x)Si and Fe(3-y)MnSi(y) alloys, where x, y=0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, and 2.25. Using supercell calculations we obtained a metallic behavior for x=0, 0.25, and 0.5 in Fe(3-x)Mn(x)Si alloys with spin polarizations of 24%, 39%, and 93%, respectively. The behavior starts to be half-metallic at x=0.75 with a small direct band gap that increases for higher concentrations of Mn. Among the half-metallic systems, only those of L2(1) structure at x=1 and 2 possess indirect band gaps along Gamma-X symmetry line. The change of Si concentration in Fe(3-y)MnSi(y) structures retrieve the metallic behavior for all concentrations except y=1.25 that shows a half-metallic behavior with a direct band gap of 0.27 eV. We obtained a good agreement between supercell and CPA calculations for the values of the magnetic moment and the trends of the formation energies, which reveals the validity of the supercell approach in predicting the magnetic structure and the energetics of doped Heusler alloys. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3388640]

关键词: magnetic-properties;hyperfine fields;heusler alloys;potential model;site preference;fe3si;spintronics;stability;density;moments

Improvement of Ductility of Powder Metallurgy Titanium Alloys by Addition of Rare Earth Element

Yong LIU , Lifang CHEN , Weifeng WEI , Huiping TANG , Bin LIU


Ti-4.5Al-6.0Mo-1.5Fe, Ti-6Al-1Mo-1Fe and Ti-6Al-4V alloys were prepared by blended elemental powder metallurgy (PM) process, and the effects of Nd on the microstructures and mechanical properties were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). It was found out that the addition of Nd increased the density of sintered titanium alloys slightly by a maximum increment of 1% because small amount of liquid phase occurred during sintering. The addition of Nd shows little effect on the improvement of tensile strength, while the elongation is significantly improved. For example, the elongation of Ti-4.5Al-6.0Mo-1.5Fe can be increased from 1% without addition of Nd to 13% at a Nd content of 1.2 wt pct.

关键词: Powder metallurgy titanium alloy , null , null , null

ZrO2 strengthened NiAl/Cr(Mo,Hf) composite fabricated by powder metallurgy


The ZrO2 ceramic particles strengthened NiAl/Cr(Mo,Hf) composite was fabricated from the rapidly solidified NiAl/Cr(Mo,Hf) pre-alloyed powder and the ZrO2 powder by powder metallurgy technique. Microstructure examination revealed that in the prepared composite NiAl and Cr(Mo) phases distributed at the eutectic cell boundary become coarse but many Cr(Mo) platelets inside the eutectic cell were broken, which was different from the original powder. Moreover, fine Ni2AlHf and Hf solid solution particles distributed uniformly in the composite, and the ZrO2 particles mainly segregated along eutectic cell boundary. In addition, twin crystal and stacking faults were observed inside of ZrO2 grains. The experimental results showed that the ZrO2 ceramic particles strengthened NiAl/Cr(Mo,Hf) composite exhibited better room temperature and high temperature mechanical properties than the NiAl/Cr(Mo,Hf) alloy, which may be attributed to the fine structure and the strengthening effect of ZrO2 particles. (C) 2012. Chinese Materials Research Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

关键词: NiAl intermetallics;NiAl/Cr(Mo) composite;Powder metallurgy;ZrO2;strengthening;temperature compressive properties;mechanical-properties;eutectic;alloy;microstructure;behavior;nial-cr(mo)-hf

Glass-forming ability for Nd(70-x)Fe(20)Al(10)Y(x) and Nd(60-x)Fe(30)Al(10)Y(x) alloys


The glass-forming ability (GFA) of Nd(70-x)Fe(20)Al(10)Y(x) and Nd(60-x)Fe30Al(10)Y(x) (0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to15) alloys produced by Cu mold casting was investigated. Except Y = 5 at. pct, bulk amorphous Nd(70-x)Fe(20)Al(10)Y(x) alloys up to 2 mm in diameter were obtained. The GFA for Nd(60-x)Fe(30)Al(10)Y(x) alloys, however, was found to decrease with increase of Y due to the increasing compositional deviation from the original eutectic point of Nd(60)Fe(30)Al(10) alloy. The Nd(60)Fe(20)Al(10)Y(10) and Nd(60)Fe(30)Al(10) alloy exhibit the largest GFA and can be cast into bulk amorphous cylindrical specimens of 3 mm in diameter. The melting temperature or/and the reduced crystallization temperature is closely related to the GFA of Y-containing alloys. The bulk amorphous cylinder for the Nd(55)Fe(20)Al(10)Y(15) alloy shows a distinct glass transition temperature and a wide supercooled liquid region before crystallization. The crystallization temperature, T(g), and the supercooled liquid region, DeltaT(x), are 776 K and 58 K, respectively, The GFA and thermal stability of the Nd-Fe-Al-Y alloys were discussed.

关键词: Nd-based alloys;glass forming ability;liquidus temperature;thermal;stability;supercooled liquid region;bulk amorphous-alloys;metallic glasses;transition temperature;thermal-stability;atomic size;ni alloys;cu;alloys;diameter;tm


K.M. Chang(Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering , West Virginia University , P.O. Box 6160 , Morgantown , WV 26506 , USA Manuscript received 26 August 1996)


P/M superalloy disks obtain their final strength by appropriate heat treatments; the maximum attainable strength depends on the rapid cooling rate from the solution annealing. A rapid quench of a large disk forging can cause two problems, surface cracking and shape distortion.In the past,many attempts employ the finite element code to model and to predict temperature evolution and induced stress distribution in a large turbine disk. The major difficulty was the correct description of alloy behavior; particularly the thermomechanical properties and the failure criteria of material during the cooling. High temperature fatigue resistance is always the key requirement for disk materials. New methodology of residual life management emphasizes the initiation as well as the propagation of the cracks developed under the service conditions. One of major challenges to P/M superalloys is the time-dependent behavior of fatigue cracking, which relates to the well-known SAGBO (stress-assisted grain boundary oxidation) phenomenon.A great effort has been done to understand the micro-mechanism of time-dependent fatigue crack propagation resulted in the second generation of P/M superalloys. Further improvement on temperature capability of disk alloys at rim area may lead to the idea of dual-property disks.Different grain structures at different portions of a large disk are possible,as the property requirements for different locations are different. This goal is achievable if the thermal history at specific disk locations can be controlled to develop desirable microstructures and properties.Some suggestions on the future direction of research efforts will be discused.

关键词: :superalloy disk , null , null , null , null , null , null

Double-impurity doping-induced quantum critical behaviors in Sr(1-x)Ba(x)Ti(1-y)Ru(y)O(3)

Journal of Applied Physics

It has been reported both experimentally and theoretically that the Ba(2+)-doping at the A-site of quantum paraelectric SrTiO(3) suppresses the quantum fluctuations by activating the ferroelectric mode, while the Ru(4+)-doping at the B-site plays the opposite role. For a double-impurity doped SrTiO(3), i. e., Sr(1-x)Ba(x)Ti(1-y)Ru(y)O(3), where the two types of opposite effects compete with each other, we propose an improved transverse-field Ising model in order to investigate the effect of the double-impurity doping on the quantum phase transitions and critical behaviors. The calculated quantum behavior is quite well consistent with experimental measurements. A linear relationship between the quantum critical doping concentrations for Ba(2+) and Ru(4+) is predicted, subsequently validated qualitatively by an anharmonic oscillator model. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3361080]

关键词: induced phase-transition;srtio3;susceptibility;paraelectrics;batio3;model

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