L.F. Zhang
K.K. Cai
Y. Qu and Y.S. Shen Postdoctoral Fellow of Japan Science Promotion Society Taniguchi Lab.
Department of Metallurgy
Graduate School of Engineering
Tohoku University
Japan School of Metallurgy
University of Science and Technology Beijing
Beijing 100083
In the present paper, based on the two-phase model (Eulerian model), the two dimensional fluid flow liz air-stirred water systems is simulated, and the effect of interphase lift force on the fluid flow is specially discussed. In the Eulerian two-phase model, gas and liquid phase are considered to be two different continuous fluids interacting with each other through the finite inter-phase areas. The exchange between the phases is represented by source terms in conversation equations. Turbulence is assumed to be a property of the liquid phase, k - ε model is used to describe the behavior of the liquid phase. The dispersion of phases due to turbulence is represented by introducing a diffusion term in mass consecrvation equation. The contribution of bubble movement to the turbulent energy and its dissipation rate is taken into accounted by adding extra volumetric source terms to the equations of turbulent enemy and its dissipation rate. The comparison between the mathematical simulation and experiment data indicates that the interphase lift force has a big effect on the flow behavior, and considering both drug force and lift force as interphase forces is important to accurately simulate the gas-water two-phase fluid flow in air-stirred systems. The interphase lift force makes bubbles move away from the centerline, the gas concentration is decreased near the centerline, and increased near the wall. The lift force is smaller than drug force at the same place, especially far away from the centerline.
two-phase Eulerian model
Weitao WU and Chaoliu ZENG (State Key Lab. for Corrosion and Protection
Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shenyang 110015
China)F. Gesmundo and F. Viani (Instituto di Chimica
Facolta di Ingegneria
The corrosion of an Fe-based alloy containing 15 wt pct Y in H2-H2S mixtures under 10-3 Pa S2 was studied at 600~800℃ in an attempt to find materials with improved sulphidation resistance with respect to pure Fe. The presence of Y has been shown to be beneflcial, but not sufficient to the level expected. In fact, the alloy is able to form at all tested temperatures an external FeS layer, beneath which a zone containing a mixture of the two sulphides is also present. Thus,Fe can still diffuse through this region to form the outer FeS layer with non-negligible rate. The corrosion rate of Fe is considerably reduced by the Y addition. but the alloy corrodes still much more rapidly than Y. The sulphidation kinetics is generally rather irregular for both the pure metals, while the corrosion rate of the alloy decreases with time and tends to become parabolic after an initial period of 12~17 h. The sulphidation behaviour of the alloys is discussed by taking into account the presence of an intermetallic compound Fe17Y2 and the limited solubility of Y in Fe
The corrosion of an Fe-based alloy containing 15 wt pet Y in H-2-H2S mixtures under 10(-3) Pa S-2 was studied at 600 similar to 800 degrees C in an attempt to find materials with improved sulphidation resistance with respect to pure Fe. The presence of Y has been shown to be beneficial, but not sufficient to the level expected. In fact, the alloy is able to form at all tested temperatures an external FeS layer, beneath which a zone containing a mixture of the two sulphides is also present. Thus, Fe can still diffuse through this region to form the outer FeS layer with non-negligible rate. The corrosion rate of Fe is considerably reduced by the Y addition, but the alloy corrodes still much more rapidly than Y. The sulphidation kinetics is generally rather irregular for both the pure metals, while the corrosion rate of the alloy decreases with time and tends to become parabolic after an initial period of 12 similar to 17 h. The sulphidation behaviour of the alloys is discussed by taking into account the presence of an intermetallic compound Fe17Y2 and the limited solubility of Y in Fe.
high-temperature sulfidation;most-reactive component;ni-nb alloys;h2-h2s mixtures;behavior;600-degrees-c-800-degrees-c;oxidation
用直接平衡法研究了1500,1550,1600℃Ni液中Y-S平衡关系,测定了钇的脱硫常数lgK_(YS)及Y,S的一阶活度相互作用系数e_S~Y与温度的关系,并进行了有关的热力学计算。由测得的数据算出Ni液中YS的标准生成自由能△G_((Y)S),钇的标准溶解自由能△G_((Y)(l)→[Y]Ni),活度系数γ_Y~o,以及钇的克原子分数自相互作用系数∑_Y~Y和百分浓度自相互作用系数e_Y~Y与温度的关系。 对于反应[Y]_(Ni)+[S]_(Ni)=YS_(s) △G_((Y)S)=-215000+95.53T(cal/mol)脱硫常数: lgK_(YS)=-47000/T+20.86 e_S~Y=-350200/T+179 △G_((Y)(l)→[Y]Ni)=126200-79.31T(cal/mol) lgγ_(Y)=27584/T-15.151 ∑_Y~Y=-127T05/T+69.79 e_Y~Y=-364.8/T+0.2018
LI Guodong
D U Ting
Central Iron and Steel Research Institute
Ministry of Metallurgical Industry
China LI Guodong
Department No.16
Central Iron and Steel Research Institute
Ministry of Metallurgical Industry
The thermodynamic properties of Cu-Ce-S and Cu-Y-S liquid solutions were studied by the chemical equilibrium technique at 1200℃. The equilibrium constants and the standard free energies of formation of CeS and YS were determined for the reactions: CeS=[Ce]+[S] and YS = [Y]+[S] . For the solution of Ce_(1) and Y_(l) in pure Cu according to the reactions: Ce_(1)= [Ce] and Y_(1)= [Y] , the standard free energies of solutions were obtained. The first order and second order interaction coefficients between solute elements as well as the activity coefficients γ_(Ce)~0 and γ_Y~0 in liquid Cu were also determined.
Cu-Ce-S system
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
The changes of Mn-Y (Y = S, Se, Te) bond lengths R with the Mn composition x in the diluted magnetic semiconductors Zn1-xMnxY are calculated from the optical spectra and their pressure shifts. The calculated results suggest that the Mn-Y bond lengths change little with the Mn composition x-much less than expected from lattice parameters as determined by X-ray diffraction. These results are also in good agreement with the observed values obtained from the EXAFS measurements. It appears that for ternary A(1-x)M(x)Y (M denotes the divalent transition-metal ion) alloys the changes of M-Y bond lengths R with the M composition x can be studied from their optical spectrum data. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
semiconductors;high pressure;crystal fields;luminescence;light;properties;absorption fine-structure;local-structure;dependence;pressure;exafs
Materials Science & Engineering C-Biomimetic Materials Sensors and Systems
The bio-corrosion properties of Mg-Zn-Mn alloys with and without Y in Hank's solution at 37 degrees C were investigated by using electrochemical test and electrochemical impedance spectra (EIS). The results of open circuit potential (OCP) and polarization tests indicated that Y could reduce the cathodic current density. A passivative stage appeared in the Tafel curve of the Y containing magnesium alloy, indicating that a passivative film was formed on the surface of the Y containing magnesium alloy. EIS results showed that the Y containing alloy had higher charge transfer resistance and film resistance, but lower double layer capacity than the alloy without the Y element. The surface reaction product identification by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) showed that the surface corrosion products were hydroxide and phosphate (Mg(3)Ca(3)(PO(4))(4)) for Mg-Zn-Mn alloy and phosphate (MgNaPO(4)) for the Y containing Mg-Zn-Mn alloys. The XPS results also showed that a Y(2)O(3) protective film was formed on the surface of the Y containing magnesium alloy which contributed mainly to the low cathodic current density and the high resistance. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Magnesium alloy;Corrosion properties;Y(2)O(3);Electrochemical;impedance spectra;Biomedical materials;quasi-crystalline particles;in-vivo corrosion;magnesium alloys;mechanical-properties;microstructure;phase
研究了 Y2O2S:Tb纳米晶的发光性质和能量传递过程,根据浓度猝灭曲线分析了纳米 Y2O2S中引起 5D3和 5D4能级浓度猝灭的相互作用类型分别为电偶极-电偶极和交换相互作用.纳米 Y2O2S中 Tb离子的 5D3-7F5跃迁的发光寿命与相同掺杂浓度的体材料相比明显缩短,根据引起浓度猝灭的相互作用类型对发光衰减曲线进行拟合,得到理论和试验一致的结果.
Y2O2S: Tb纳米晶