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T.He , B.Zhao , Y.Gao , F.Zeng , F.Pan


The Fe/Mo multilayers were prepared by electron beam evaporation,the microstructure and magnetic properties of the multilayers were studied by X-ray diffraction,vibrating-sample magnetometer(VSM) et al.The experimental results revealed that the Fe/Mo multilayers in our experimental conditions behaved magnetoresistance effect with a sharp peak on magnetoresistance(MR)ratio curve,and magnetoresistance is easily saturated at low applied magnetic fields.For[Fe(1.5nm)/Mo(10.nm)]42 multilayers,MR ratio could arrive to 0.1The antiferromagnetic interlayer coupling could be observed in some films at room temperature.The strength of the antiferromagnetic interlayer coupling J in the films is low because of the low saturation field Hs.The relationship between magnetic properties and microstructure was also discussed in this paper.

关键词: magnetoresistance , null , null

Crystal structure and photoluminescence of Tb3+ doped Y3GaO6

Journal of Alloys and Compounds

A solid solution with formula (Y1-xTbx)(3)GaO6 (x = 0-0.5) was prepared by solid-state reaction method. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) shows that Y3GaO6 is isostructural to Gd3GaO6 (Cmc2(1)), and the lattice parameters are a = 8.8364(1) angstrom, b = 11.0899(1) angstrom and c = 5.3937(1) angstrom. Atomic parameters were derived by Rietveld refinement of the XRD pattern. Photoluminescence (PL) spectra show a strong green emission of 543 nm from the D-5(4) -> F-7(5) transition of Th3+ at room and liquid nitrogen temperature. There is a wide saturation range of the PL intensity for the Th3+ content from x = 0.04-0.20, and a long life time about 1200 mu s for the green 543 nm emission at room temperature. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: Y3GaO6;crystal structure;Tb3+ doped;photoluminescence;luminescence properties;dependence;y3al5o12;phosphor;ions;ce3+;tb-3;uv

Optical properties of (Y1-xTmx)(3)GaO6 and subsolidus phase relation of Y2O3-Ga2O3-Tm2O3

Journal of Solid State Chemistry

A serial of samples in Y2O3-Ga2O3-Tm2O3 pseudo-ternary system are prepared by solid-state chemical reaction method. The range of solid solution in (Y1-xTmx)(3)GaO6 is 0 < x < 0.384. Powder X-ray diffraction shows that the compounds crystallize in Gd3GaO6 (Cmc2(1))-type structure. The solid solubilities of Y3+xGa5-xO12 (x = 0-0.77) and Tm3+xGa5-xO12 (x = 0-0.62) are 37.5-47.11 at% Y2O3, and 37.5-45.26 at% Tm2O3, respectively. PL spectra of Tm-doped Y3GaO6 show that there is a sharp blue emission at similar to 456 nm from the D-1(2) -> F-3(4) transition at room temperatures with two lifetimes (similar to 5 and similar to 15 mu s) and a narrow saturation range of PL intensity for the Tm3+ content from x = 0.005 to 0.03. The sharp emission and long lifetime of (Y1-xTmx)(3)GaO6 indicate that Y3GaO6 is a potential phosphor and laser crystal host material. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

关键词: Tm3+ -doped Y3GaO6;Y2O3-Ga2O3-Tm2O3 system;(Y1-xTmx)(3)Ga5O12 solid;solution;luminescence;crystal-structure;luminescence;phosphor;cations;ions;tb3

Optical spectra of Ln(3+)(Nd3+, Sm3+, Dy3+, Ho3+, Er3+)-doped Y3GaO6

Journal of Luminescence

Ln(3+) (Ln = Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er)-doped Y3GaO6 compounds were prepared by solid-state reaction, and their optical spectra such as absorption, photoluminescence, excitation and time-resolved spectra have been measured for Ln Nd, Sm, Dy, Ho, Er. X-ray powder diffraction shows that the lattice parameters of the compounds (Y(0.96)Ln(0.04))(3)GaO6 decrease with the decrease of the radii of trivalent Ln(3+) ions, indicating that Ln(3+) ions have substituted for y(3+) ions in the lattice. Optical spectra show that there are obvious absorptions at ultraviolet to visible region. The strong emissions in visible and infra-red region show that Y3GaO6 is a suitable host for rare-earth-doped laser crystal and phosphor materials. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: crystal-field;absorption-spectra;luminescence;y3ga5o12;glasses;garnet;y2o3;ions;laf3;tb3

A systematic study on crystal structure and magnetic properties of Ln(3)GaO(6) (Ln = Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho and Er)

Journal of Solid State Chemistry

The crystal structures of a series of compounds with the composition Ln(3)GaO(6)(Ln = Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho and Er) synthesized by solid-state reaction at 1400degreesC are investigated. X-ray diffraction shows that Ln3GaO6 has a non-centro symmetric orthorhombic structure (space group Cmc2(1)). Lattice parameters a, b, c and cell volume and the average distances between Ln(l)-O, Ln(2)-O of these compounds decrease with the decreasing of the radii of trivalent Ln ions, which accord with the expected lanthanide contraction behavior. There are two sites of seven-fold coordination for Ln atoms with oxygens, and Ga atoms are in oxygen tetrahedra which are distorted and elongated along the a-axis. Magnetization measurements indicate that the susceptibility X changes with temperature in Curie-type manner. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

关键词: Ln(3)GaO(6);crystal structure;Rietveld refinement;X-ray diffraction;garnets


张兰河 , 李德生 , 王旭明 , 张海丰


为了提高生物除磷效率,研究采用AOA-SBR工艺进行了长期连续除磷实验,考察不同温度下碳源(乙酸钠、丙酸钠、葡萄糖)对PAO与GAO竞争的影响.结果表明:当温度由10℃升高至25℃时,利用丙酸钠作为碳源时,污泥含磷量与含糖量分别从7.2%和5.1%升高至7.9%和6.3%,PHA转化量升高了23.1 mg/L,厌氧释磷量从105.9 mg/L升高至149.9 mg/L,VSS/MLSS由71%降低至65%;利用乙酸钠作为碳源时,污泥含磷量与含糖量分别从6.9%和5.3%升高至7.6%和6.7%,PHA转化量升高了23.9 mg/L,厌氧释磷量从73.8 mg/L升高至108.8 mg/L,VSS/MLSS由73%降低至71%;利用葡萄糖作为碳源时,污泥含磷量与含糖量分别从5.8%和6.3%升高至6.6%和8.8%,PHA转化量升高了33.2 mg/L,厌氧释磷量从37.4 mg/L升高至43.2 mg/L,VSS/MLSS由80%升高至88%.当温度升高至30℃时,3个反应器均出现厌氧末期PHA浓度下降和糖原浓度升高,厌氧释磷量减少,污泥含磷量均下降,污泥含糖量上升,VSS/MLSS均很高.与葡萄糖相比,采用乙酸钠和丙酸钠作为碳源,有利于PAO生长繁殖,PAO为优势菌种,抑制GAO增殖.同时,低温更有利于PAO的生长繁殖.

关键词: 温度 , 碳源 , SBR , PAO与GAO


LUO Meiqing CHEN Nianyi Shanghai Institute of Metallurgy , Academia Sinica , Shanghai , ChinaYU Zhizhong Shanghai Institute of Testing Technics , Shanghai , ChianNING Yuantao ZHOU Xinming Kunming Institute of Precious Metals , Kunming , China CHEN Nianyi , Professor , Shanghai Institute of Metallurgy , Academia Sinica , Shanghai 200050 , China


The electronic structure of Pd-Y-Si glass has been investigated by ESCA and quantum chem- ical calculation.It was found that the valence electrons of Y transferred to Si atoms in this metallic glass,forming polar covalent bonds.Perhaps these strong covalent bonds link Si and Y atoms to form clusters that hinder the process of crystallization.

关键词: Pd-Y-Si glass , null , null , null


LI Laifeng XING Zhongshu Institute of Metal Research , Academia Sinica , Shenyang , China XING Zhongshu , professor , Institute of Metal Research , Academia Sinica , Shenyang 110015 , China


The solubilities of Ce,Nd and Y in α-Fe at 873 to 1153 K have been deter mined by means of electron microprobe quantitative analyses.The temperature dependences of the solubilities were obtained from the experimental data.The results have been compared with those deter- mined by three other technigues,very good agreement was obtained between the results of all these techniques.

关键词: α-Fe , null , null , null , null


翟庆洲 , 蔡建岩 , 于淼



关键词: Y沸石 , Y改性沸石 , 甲基三甲氧基硅烷 , 纳米CdS , 主-客体纳米复合材料 , 表征

Microstructure Formation and Mechanical Property Involving Icosahedral Quasicrystal Phase of Y Rich Mg-Zn-Y Quasicrystal Alloy

D.Q. Wan , G.C. Yang


The microstructure formation and mechanical property involving icosahedral quasicrystal (I-phase) in the Y-rich Mg-Zn-Y alloy have been studied. The equilibrium formation of I-phase from the Y-rich Mg-Zn-Y melt is through a peritectic reaction between the Y-rich melt and the primary W-phase, which is discussed in detail. The independent nucleation and coupling growth mechanism between the W-phase and the I-phase, from the melt, are revealed, which is significant for understanding the peritectic reaction process involving icosahedral quasicrystal in the Mg-Zn-Y alloy. The mechanism of the quasicrystal phase strengthened magnesium alloys is also discussed here.

关键词: Mg-Zn-Y , null , null

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