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J.C. Wang , Z.M. Zhang , Y.L. Lu , G.S. Song and G.C. Yang (State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing , Northwestern Polytechnical University , Xi'an 710072 , China)


To improve the damping capacities of metals and alloys, the microstructures and damping capacities of ZA27 alloy modified by Zr were studied, and the damping capacities at room tempemture were measured by using cantilever beam techniques. The experiment results show that Zr can refine the Al-rich primary phase and improve the damping Capacities saliently. Compared with the un-modified one, the damping capacity of ZA27 alloy modified by 0.3wt%Zr received 90 percent increment. The high damping capacities are attributed primarily to grain ablement and the increasing of phase interfaces.

关键词: ZA27 alloy , null , null , null


张炳涛 , 滕冰 , 钟德高 , 曹丽凤 , 李建宏 ,


采用提拉法生长出Ybb0.005Y0.708Lu0.287VO4晶体.在室温下,对Yb0.005Y0.708Lu0.287VO4晶体进行了XRPD测试,计算了晶格常数(a=b=0.7091 nm,c=0.6273 nm)和密度(4.826 g/cm3).对混晶的(100)面进行了腐蚀,腐蚀坑呈四棱锥形状.平均线膨胀系数α1=1.285×10-6 K-1,α3=7.030 ×10-6 K-1,温度在330.15 K和570.15 K之间变化时,比热为0.494 ~0.617 J/g·K.

关键词: 钒酸盐晶体 , 腐蚀坑 , 膨胀系数 , 比热 , 热导率


孙丹丹 , 潘尚可 , 任国浩 , 吴云涛 , 商珊珊 , 张国庆

无机材料学报 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1077.2013.12735

针对Ce:Li6Lu(BO3)3晶体有效原子序数(zeff)高的问题,采用低原子序数的Y3+离子部分置换晶体中的Lu3+离子.通过固相合成法制备了Ce:Li6Lu1-xYx(BO3)3(0≤x≤1)固溶体.X射线粉末衍射(XRD)分析表明,该系列固溶体结构与Li6Gd(BO3)3晶体相同,空间群为P21/c.其X射线激发发射(XSL)的发光强度随着Y3+的含量增加而降低,当x=0.5时,固溶体的有效原子序数与Li6Gd(BO3)3闪烁体相当,但XSL发光强度是其1.4倍.Ce:Li6Lu0.5Y0.5(BO3)3的XSL光谱和PL光谱都在400 nm附近出现Ce3+离子的特征峰,可拟合出361和419 nm两个发光分量,分别对应于Ce3+离子的激发态电子的5d1→2F5/2和5d1→2F7/2能级跃迁.Ce:Li6Lu0.5Y0.5(BO3)3固溶体的衰减时间比Ce:Li6Lu(BO3)3略长,为19.6 ns.当x=0.50~0.70时,Ce:Li6Lu1-xYx(BO3)3(0≤x≤1)闪烁体比较适合作为中子探测材料.

关键词: 固相合成 , Ce∶Li6LU1-xYx(BO3)3 , X射线激发发射谱 , PL光谱 , 衰减时间

LuxY1-xAl 3:Ce晶体中伴生(Lu,Y3 Al5O12:Ce相成因研究

丁栋舟 , 陆晟 , 潘尚可 , 张卫东 , 王广东 , 任国浩

无机材料学报 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1077.2008.00434

采用提拉法制备了LuxY1-xAlO3:Ce晶体样品, 通过XRD物相分析和成分分析, 并结合Lu2O 3-Al2O3二元体系相图以及LuxY1-x AlO3:Ce结构稳定性方面的分析与讨论, 结果表明: 随着熔体中Lu元素含量的增加, 熔体分层加剧, 析晶LuxY1-xAlO3:Ce相的熔体组成区间将向富Lu一侧偏移, 这使得晶体上部易伴生(Lu,Y)3Al5O12:Ce相; 而随着Lu元素含量的提高, LuxY1-xAlO3:Ce晶体的热稳定性降低, 氧空位的存在则使晶体的热稳定性进一步降低, 在接种过程中籽晶表面易发生相分解反应生成(Lu,Y)3 Al5O12:Ce和(Lu,Y) 4 Al2O9:Ce, 籽晶表面相分解产物(Lu,Y)3Al5O12:Ce提供了诱导析晶(Lu,Y)3Al5O12 :Ce相所需的晶核, 这使得晶体的外
表面处易伴生(Lu,Y)3Al5O12:Ce相. 调整配料组成使 n(Lu,Y)2O3 ): n (Al2O3)=1.17~1.00, 加大熔体内部和固液界面处的温度梯度以改善熔体对流、抑制熔体分层以及籽晶表面处的相分解等有助于高Lu元素含量LuxY1-xAlO3 :Ce晶体的获得.

关键词: 铝酸钇镥晶体 , perovskite , garnet , accompany


丁栋舟 , 陆晟 , 潘尚可 , 张卫东 , 王广东 , 任国浩

无机材料学报 doi:10.3321/j.issn:1000-324X.2008.03.004

采用提拉法制备了LuxY1-xAlOa:Ce晶体样品,通过XRD物相分析和成分分析,并结合Lu2O3-Al2O3二元体系相图以及LuxY1-xAlO3:Ce 结构稳定性方面的分析与讨论,结果表明:随着熔体中Lu元素含量的增加,熔体分层加剧,析晶LuxY1-xAlO3:Ce相的熔体组成区间将向富Lu一侧偏移,这使得晶体上部易伴生(Lu,Y)3Al5O12:Ce相;而随着Lu元素含量的提高, LuxY1-xAlO3:Ce晶体的热稳定性降低,氧空位的存在则使晶体的热稳定性进一步降低,在接种过程中籽晶表面易发生相分解反应生成(Lu,Y)3Al5O12:Ce和(Lu,Y)4Al2O9:Ce,籽晶表面相分解产物(Lu,Y)3Al5O12:Ce提供了诱导析晶(Lu,Y)3Al5O12:Ce相所需的晶核,这使得晶体的外表面处易伴生(Lu,Y)3Al5O12:Ce相.调整配料组成使n((Lu,Y)2O3):n(A12O3)=1.17~100,加大熔体内部和固液界面处的温度梯度以改善熔体对流、抑制熔体分层以及籽晶表面处的相分解等有助于高Lu元素含量LuxY1-xAlO3:Ce晶体的获得.

关键词: 铝酸钇镥晶体 , 钙钛矿 , 石榴石 , 伴生

Studies of the spin Hamiltonian parameters and the local structure of tetragonal Zr3+ Centers in orthophosphate MPO4 (M = Sc, Lu, Y) crystals

Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section a-a Journal of Physical Sciences

The spin Hamiltonian parameters (g factors g(parallel to), g(perpendicular to) and hyperfine structure constants A(parallel to), A(perpendicular to)) of Zr3+ on the tetragonal M3+ (M = Sc, Lu, Y) sites of zircon-type orthophosphate MPO4 crystals are calculated by high-order perturbation formulas of d(1) ions in tetragonal symmetry. The crystal-field parameters are estimated by the superposition model and reasonable local structural data of impurity centers. The results show good agreement with the experimental values. It appears that in the case of size mismatch, the explanation of the spin Hamiltonian parameters of a paramagnetic impurity in crystals should take the impurity-induced local lattice relaxation into account.

关键词: EPR;spin Hamiltonian parameters;crystal-field theory;defect;structure;Zr3+;MPO4;(M = Sc, Lu, Y);electron-paramagnetic-res;d-orbital theory;superposition-model;single-crystals;cr3+ ions;ypo4;epr;lupo4;ruby;impurities

CF4气氛中生长Re: LiM(Re=Tm,Ce;M=Lu,Y)F4晶体

那木吉拉图 , 阮永丰 , 苏小平 , 杨海 , 杨鹏 , 李楠



关键词: LiYF4 , LiLuF4 , 晶体生长 , 有效分凝系数


李金生 , 孙旭东 , 李晓东 , 刘绍宏 , 朱琦

无机材料学报 doi:10.15541/jim20140254

采用硬脂酸盐熔融新方法合成了[(Y1-xLux) 1-yCey]3A15O12固溶体荧光粉(x=0~0.5,y=0.005~0.03),并通过XRD、SEM、BET和PL-PLE等方法对该荧光粉进行了表征.结果表明,纯相石榴石在800℃的低温下即可生成,而不经过YAM和YAP中间相.煅烧所得[(Y1-xLUx) 1-yCey]3Al5O12荧光粉具有良好的均一性和分散性,并在455 nm蓝光激发下于544 nm附近呈现最强黄光发射.粉体的发光强度随煅烧温度升高而增大,归因于结晶度提高和表面缺陷减少.发现Ce3+的荧光猝灭浓度为1.5%,猝灭机制为Ce-Ce间的交换相互作用和晶格缺陷.发现发射峰位随Ce3+含量增加而红移,而最强激发峰和发射峰随Lu3+含量增大而蓝移,归因于Ce3+离子5d激发态能级重心移动和晶体场劈裂的共同作用.

关键词: YAG∶Ce3+ , Lu3+掺杂 , 发光性能 , 能级重心 , 晶体场劈裂

A study of spin-hamiltonian parameters for Hf3+ ions in orthophosphate MPO4 (M = Sc, Lu, Y) crystals

Solid State Communications

The spin-Hamiltonian (SH) parameters (g factors g parallel to, g perpendicular to and hyperfine structure constants (177)A parallel to, (179)A parallel to, (177)A perpendicular to, (179)A perpendicular to) of 5d(1) ion Hf3+ in zircon-type orthophosphate MPO4 (M = Sc, Lu, Y) crystals are calculated from two microscopic SH theory methods, the perturbation theory method (PTM) and the complete diagonalization (of energy matrix) method (CDM). The calculated results show that when the high-order (i.e., the third-order rather than the conventional second-order) perturbation formulas in PTM are used, the calculated values from both PTM and CDM methods are not only close to each other, but also in good agreement with the experimental values. This suggests that the two microscopic SH theory methods based on crystal-field theory are effective to the explanations of SH parameters for 5d(n) ions in crystals. The covalence effect, the signs of constants A(i) (i = parallel to or perpendicular to) and the core polarization constants K obtained from the calculations are also discussed. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

关键词: insulators;point defects;crystal and ligand fields;electron;paramagnetic resonance;electron-paramagnetic-res;phosphate single-crystals;epr parameters;cr3+ ions;laser;ruby


严成锋 , 赵广军 , 张连翰 , 徐军

无机材料学报 doi:10.3321/j.issn:1000-324X.2005.06.004


关键词: LYSO , 闪烁晶体 , 提拉法 , 光学特性

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