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L. W Zhang , R.S. Wang , J. Th.M.De Hosson , Y.L. Xia and F. G. Wang 1) The State Key Lab. for Materials Modification by Laser , Ion and Electron Beams , Dalian University of Technology , Dalian 116023 , China 2) Department of Applied Physics , University of Groningen , The Netherlands


A three-dimensional transient heat transfer model for laser transformation hardening process has been developed in this paper. The finite size of the laser treated sample, the surface heat loss of the sample, the latent heat of phase transformation and the temperature dependence of thermal properties of materials were considered. The heat source was considered as a moving Gaussian heat flux with a constant velocity. Three-dimension unequally spatial grid explicit finite difference equations, alternating direction implicit finite difference equations and implicit finite difference equations were deduced respectively. Three programs to calculate the temperature field were developed using Fortran language. The transient temperature fields of C22, 42CrMo, C60 steel samples during laser transformation hardening process were calculated using these programs, and the widths and depths of laser transformation hardening zones were also predicted. C22, 42CrMo, C60 steel samples were treated by CO_2 laser,the widths and depths of laser transformation hardening zones of these samples were also measured experimentally. The calculated widths and depths of laser transformation hardening zones are in good agreement with the experimental results.

关键词: temperature field , null , null

Surface modification of ceramic materials using excimer laser


Changes of surface morphology following XeCl excimer laser irradiation were investigated for three engineering ceramic materials (Al2O3, Al2O3-SiC nanocomposite and Si3N4) Al2O3 and Al2O3-SiC nanocomposite samples exhibit a smooth rapid melt layer on the surface, and the formation of the metastable gamma-Al2O3 was observed. A silicon-rich layer on the surface was formed after laser irradiation of Si3N4. The toughness K-1c of the materials was measured by the indentation fracture method. After laser irradiation, the toughness of Al2O3, Al2O3-SiC nanocomposite and Si3N4 was improved to various degrees: Al2O3-SiC nanocomposite, 60% (max.); Al2O3, 40% (max.); Si3N4, 12% (max.).

关键词: alumina

Laser and Fluorescence Properties of Organic Dye DCM Doped Sol-Gel-Derived Solid-State Materials

Qinyuan ZHANG , Zhonghong JIANG


Two kinds of new Ormosil xerogels derived from GPTMS (3-glycidyl propyl trimethoxisilane) and TEOS (tetraethoxysilane) or GPTMS and Ti(OBu)4 (tetrabutoxytitanate) were synthesized via the sol-gel method as dye laser host. Their optical properties, microstructure characteristics and surface laser damage thresholds have been reported. The effects of dye matrix combination on the fluorescence emission, slope efficiency, photostability and tunable bandwidth were examined. Laser oscillation was easily achieved near 620 nm with a slope efficiency of 29% from DCM doped SiO2-Ormosil pumped by a frequency-doubled radiation from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. The laser wavelength was tunable over 59nm, and the laser output energy had only a 10% reduction after 2.5×104 pulses at a pump repetition rate of 1 Hz and a pump intensity of 1 J/cm2.


Investigations of EPR g Factors and Rhombic Distortion for the Rhombic Cu2+ Centers in K2Zn1-x Cu (x) F-4 Crystals at Low Temperature

Applied Magnetic Resonance

The electron paramagnetic resonance g factors g (i) (i = x, y, z) of two rhombic Cu2+ centers, Cu2+(II) and Cu2+(III), in K2Zn1-x Cu (x) F-4 crystals found at low temperature are calculated from the complete diagonalization (of energy matrix) method based on the cluster approach. The calculations show that the ground state wave function of the two rhombically compressed Cu2+ centers is with a small admixture of . The rhombic distortions for both Cu2+ centers are obtained from the calculations. The results are discussed.

关键词: electron-paramagnetic-resonance;atomic screening constants;hyperfine;parameters;gyromagnetic factor;spin resonance;scf functions;field;copper(ii);dependence;spectra

Laser Modification of Plasma Sprayed Alumina Coating

TAO Zengyi WANG Aihua ZHU Beidi DENG Shijun CHENG Xudong FU Jiangmin Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan , 430074 , ChinaWuhan Research Institute of Material Protection , Wuhan , 430000 , China


An alumina coating was developed on mild carbon steel by plasma spraying and then modified by laser remelting.Some characteristics of plasma sprayed ceramic coating before and after laser remelting,such as microstructure,wear resistance, heat shock resistance,hot corrosion property and bond strength,have been investigated in this paper.

关键词: plasma spraying , null , null

Surface modification on steel by rare earth and laser treatment

Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China

Several coatings including RE mere treated by Laser Rapid Solidification Processing (LRSP). The RE content in the melted surface layer and the surface properties modified by RE and laser treatment on steel were studied. The experimental results show that oversaturated RE was dissolved into the steel surface layer and the steel surface treated by combining RE and LRSP has even higher wear resistance and oxidation resistance than that treated by only LRSP.

关键词: rare earth;laser treatment;surface modification

Ceramics Surface Modification by Excimer Laser Metal Coating

Weidou ZHU and Haicheng GU(Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering , Xi'an Jiaotong University , Xi'an , 710049 , China)


Thin metallic layers (~ 2 μm) of Ni were deposited on polycrystalline Al2O3. ZrO2 and (Ce-TZP)+Al2O3 ceramic substrates. and further irradiated with pulsed excimer (Xeno chloride) laser pulses. The laser energy density was varied from 0.21 to 0.81 J / cm2 to optimize bending strength. For ZrO2 ceramic, it was found that the strength increases from 530 to 753 MPa at 0.51 J / cm2 irradiation. For Al2O3 and (Ce-TZP)+ Al2O3 the fracture strength also increases in varying degree. The causes of strength increment were discussed.


L1(2)- and L1(0)-like cation-ordered structures in ZrO2-Y2O3 ceramics

Journal of Materials Research

Y0.25Zr0.75O2-x and Y0.5Zr0.5O2-y phases, with L1(2-) and L1(0-) like cation-ordered structures, respectively, have been found in ZrO2-Y2O3 ceramics in both the sintered and annealed states. High-resolution electron microscopy, energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy and computer simulation have been used to reveal the presence of the phases. The formation of Y0.25Zr0.75O2-x, and Y0.5Zr0.5O2-y phases was initiated during the sintering procedure and developed with the increase in annealing temperature and time. Segregation of yttrium, which was prevalent in different regions even within one grain, induced the formation of Y0.25Zr0.75O2-x and Y0.5Zr0.5O2-y phases.

关键词: yttria-stabilized zirconia;percent y2o3 alloy;x-ray-diffraction;solid-solutions;electron-diffraction;neutron-diffraction;modulated;structure;diffuse-scattering;average structure;tetragonal phase

Optical properties of (Y1-xTmx)(3)GaO6 and subsolidus phase relation of Y2O3-Ga2O3-Tm2O3

Journal of Solid State Chemistry

A serial of samples in Y2O3-Ga2O3-Tm2O3 pseudo-ternary system are prepared by solid-state chemical reaction method. The range of solid solution in (Y1-xTmx)(3)GaO6 is 0 < x < 0.384. Powder X-ray diffraction shows that the compounds crystallize in Gd3GaO6 (Cmc2(1))-type structure. The solid solubilities of Y3+xGa5-xO12 (x = 0-0.77) and Tm3+xGa5-xO12 (x = 0-0.62) are 37.5-47.11 at% Y2O3, and 37.5-45.26 at% Tm2O3, respectively. PL spectra of Tm-doped Y3GaO6 show that there is a sharp blue emission at similar to 456 nm from the D-1(2) -> F-3(4) transition at room temperatures with two lifetimes (similar to 5 and similar to 15 mu s) and a narrow saturation range of PL intensity for the Tm3+ content from x = 0.005 to 0.03. The sharp emission and long lifetime of (Y1-xTmx)(3)GaO6 indicate that Y3GaO6 is a potential phosphor and laser crystal host material. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

关键词: Tm3+ -doped Y3GaO6;Y2O3-Ga2O3-Tm2O3 system;(Y1-xTmx)(3)Ga5O12 solid;solution;luminescence;crystal-structure;luminescence;phosphor;cations;ions;tb3

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