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Semiconducting properties of passive film formed on stainless steel by using A. V. passivation

Acta Chimica Sinica

Passive film formed on 304 stainless steel in 2.5 mol/L H2SO4 solution by using alternating voltage (A. V.) passivation have been investigated by measuring capacitance and photoelectrochemical parameters. The investigation of the effect of measure frequency on the slope of Mott-Schottky curve has been carried out. The photoelectrochemical measurements were consistent with the capacitance measurement. Analysis of the experimental results showed that the passive film formed 304 stainless steel by using A. V. passivation exhibits semiconducting properties. Using the simple model of semiconductor rather than the multi-donor level model can explain satisfactorily the semiconducting behavior of the film formed on 304 stainless steel by using A.V. passivation.

关键词: A. V. passivation;passive film;semiconducting properties;stainless;steel;model;electrodes


李金海 , A. A. Rossi , V. Palmieri

原子核物理评论 doi:10.11804/NuclPhysRev.32.S1.59

Nb3 Sn金属合金是一种性能优良的超导材料。磁控溅射多层沉积是用两个溅射源分层沉积铌和锡,再经过高温退火后获得超导薄膜的方法。用这种方法所获得的超导薄膜的原子组分的调整比较方便,对于Nb3Sn的研究较为有利。实验测量了样品的超导参数和晶格参数,其超导临界温度(Tc)可达17 K,剩余电阻率(RRR)为5左右。需要进一步研究相关工艺,以便提高RRR,从而使这种方法在超导加速腔的制造中得到应用。

关键词: 磁控溅射 , 超导薄膜 , Nb3 Sn , 多层沉积


Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures

Fatigue data for welded joints subjected to an explosion treatment (ET) were obtained using rotary bending fatigue specimens. The fatigue fracture surfaces were observed by SEM and the dislocation morphologies by TEM. Mechanical properties have been quantitively studied by considering elastic and plastic shock wave characteristics. The test results indicate that the fatigue strength of welded joints subjected to ET is apparently improved due to the action of elastic or plastic stress waves while the ductility of the welded joints, i.e., reduction in area, is greatly increased.



李慧玲 , 阮可青 , 王强 , 陈宇 , 钱朔 , 余勇 , 黄利 , 郑重 , 汪成友 , 曹烈兆

低温物理学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3258.2003.04.007

研究了不同Pb含量的Bi2-xPbxSr2Co2Oy单晶的输运行为.用A. F. Ho 和A. J. Schofield提出的公式对ρc的温度依赖关系曲线进行了拟合,得到了较好的结果.我们利用小极化子理论解释了ρc的复杂行为.

关键词: 过渡金属氧化物的电导 , 小极化子


徐东 , 巫欣欣 , 程晓农 , 张剑平 , 施利毅



关键词: 压敏瓷 , 两步烧结 , 稀土 , 显微组织 , 电性能

Spectral density for the tunneling current zero-frequency shot-noise in a one-dimentional mesoscopic system

Acta Physica Sinica

We have derived the expression of the spectral density for the current shot-noise in terms of the nonequilibrium Green's functions( closed-path Green's functions) for a. one-dimensional mesoscopic junction, and performed numerical calculations to discuss the dependence of the zero frequency spectral density for the currentshot-noise on other variables when the tunnling junction is pure or impure.

关键词: electron-electron scattering;quantum-dot;transient transport;anderson;model;conductors;barrier;equilibrium;contacts

Fingerprint profiling of Astragalus polysaccharides based on partial acid hydrolysis-hydrophilic interaction chromatography analysis and comprehensive quality evaluation of Astragalus membranaceus combined with reversed-phase liquid chromatography fingerprint analysis

Hui WANG , Huaxia XIN , Jianfeng CAI , Fangbing LI , Yu JIN , Qing FU

色谱 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1123.2016.03006

Astragalus polysaccharides (APS) are important components in Astragalus membranaceus (A. membranaceus). However, for the huge relative molecular mass, strong polarity, and difficulty in chromatographic separation, there's a lack of quality control finely reflecting the composition of APS up to now. To solve the problems, the key lies in degradation of polysaccharides and analysis of the hydrolyzates. A partial acid hydrolysis-hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) fingerprint for APS and a comprehensive quality evaluation method for A. membranaceus combining with the traditional RPLC fingerprint were developed. Orthogonal experiments were designed to investigate the influencing factors of partial hydrolysis and the conditions were optimized based on HILIC analysis. The hydrolyzates were successfully separated using HILIC-evaporative light scattering detection (ELSD) method and the optimal conditions of hydrolysis were selected as 80℃, 1.5 mol/L trifluoroacetic acid and 4 h, which proved to be stable and repeatable after the validation. This method was applied for the fingerprint analysis of 20 batches of A. membranaceus. Cosine method was used for similarity calculation using the average of samples Nos. 1-10 as reference. Moreover, RPLC fingerprint analysis was processed on other components and the data were compared for comprehensive evaluation. The similarities of ten samples with the reference ranged from 0.258 to 0.949, which were consistent with the chromatograms reflecting the apparent disparity in APS, and could be as a supplement of the RPLC fingerprint. The new method, with the advantages of intuition, convenience, and quantifiable in similarity, could reflect the differences of the composition of polysaccharides after degradation and was successfully applied in profiling of APS, contributing to the quality control together with the RPLC fingerprint.

关键词: partial acid hydrolysis , hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) , Astragalus polysaccharides (APS) , fingerprint , quality evaluation


任世科 , 骆重阳



关键词: 换热器 , 应力腐蚀 , 管束


李建丰 , 李勇华 , 孙硕 , 董茂军 , 欧谷平 , 张福甲



关键词: 有机电致发光 , TMEP缓冲层 , 发光效率


杜辉 , 石巨岩 , 李春海 , 张猛

兵器材料科学与工程 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-244X.2005.03.012

Cw-1耐磨蚀合金是针对电厂脱硫系统介质工况而进行试验研究的.使用光学显微镜、万能材料试验机、磨蚀试验机等设备对材料的组织和力学性能做了测试和分析.结果表明,Cw-1合金具有很好的耐磨蚀性能、较高的强韧性和硬度、良好的工艺性能.此材料的磨蚀性能达到了耐蚀级,磨蚀率<0.05 mm/a.

关键词: 耐磨蚀合金 , 组织 , 力学性能 , 耐磨蚀性能

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