


  • 论文(48691)

CORRELATION BETWEEN STRESS COMPONENTS AND STRESS CORROSION CRACKS IN BRASS Lecturer,Department of Materials Physics,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China

QIAO Lijie LIU Rui XIAO Jimei University of Science and Technology Beijing , Beijing , China


The effects of stress components on nucleation sites and propagation directions of stress cor- rosion cracks in brass were investigated with specimens under mode Ⅱ and mode Ⅲ loadings. The results indicated that under mode Ⅱ loading,stress corrosion cracks nucleated on the site with maximum normal s...

关键词: stress corrosion cracking , null , null , null

Relationship between the brittlement susceptibility and H permeation current for UNS g11180 steel in 5% NaCl solution with H2S


Sulfide stress corrosion cracking (SSCC) behaviour of UNS G11180 steel in 5% NaCl solution with H2S was, studied by slow strain rate tensile test (SSRT), SEM and electrochemical hydrogen permeation technique. The results reveal different ...

关键词: cracking

Relationship between the Brittlement Susceptibility and H Permeation Current for UNS G11180 Steel in 5% NaCl Solution with H_2S

Xueyuan ZHANG and Yuanlong DU(State Key Lab. for Corrosion and Protection , Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Shenyang 110015 , China)


Sulfide stress corrosion cracking (SSCC) behaviour of UNS G11180 steel in 5% NaCl solution with H2S was studied by slow strain rate tensile test (SSRT), SEM and electrochemical hydro gen permeation technique. The results reveal different ...


Two-step magnetization in a spin-chain system on the triangular lattice: Wang-Landau simulation

Physical Review B

The Wang-Landau algorithm is used to study the thermodynamic and magnetic properties of triangular spin-chain system based on two-dimensional Ising model in order to understand the magnetic-order dynamics in Ca(3)Co(2)O(6) compound. The calculated results demonstrate t...

关键词: calcium compounds;exchange interactions (electron);Ising model;magnetisation;thermodynamics;one-dimensional ca3co2o6;density-of-states;compound ca3co2o6;phase-diagram;proteins;crystal

Incoloy 800H/20g复合板材料焊接技术探讨

叶建林 , 杨永福 , 巨建辉 , 董斌

中国材料进展 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-3962.2006.01.008

研究Incoloy 800H/20g复合板焊接工艺,以解决以镍基合金复合板材为主体的设备在焊接过程中易产生裂纹、气孔及成分偏析等问题.焊接实验选择

关键词: Incoloy 800H/20g复合板 , 焊缝质量 , 焊接工艺


毕大森 , 武晋 , 张建 , 彭本栋

材料开发与应用 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-1545.2009.01.003


关键词: 汽车轻量化 , 高强度钢板 , 烘烤硬化 , 成形性能 , 抗凹陷性

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