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A Fuzzy Shape Control Method for Stainless Steel Strip on Sendzimir Rolling Mill

HUR Yone-gi , CHOI Young-kiu


The strip shape in the stainless steel process has made an issue of the strip quality. The objective of the shape control is to minimize the shape deviation and to maintain symmetrical shape patterns in the lateral direction. The method of the shape recognition employs the least square method. The shape deviation is controlled by the fuzzy shape controller (FSC). The experiments have been performed online for various stainless materials, thicknesses, and strip widths. The test results show very efficient performances in respect of stable target tracking and symmetrical and minimal fluctuation of the strip shape.

关键词: shape control , fuzzy control , stainless steel , Sendzimir mill

Thermodynamic discussion on Young's equation in wetting

Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde

Young's equation is discussed on a thermodynamic basis. The result shows that the equation is a thermodynamic equilibrium of the wetting system rather than a force balance. The equilibrium satisfies the general equilibrium condition, that is, Gibbs free energy should be minimum when the wetting equilibrium is reached. The validity of Young's equation is only limited to some special cases, namely if the droplet shape is an exact sphere sector. It implies that Young's equation can only be used in the case without the action of gravity. If the curve of the liquid surface changes, the term of cos theta in Young's equation should be replaced by another functional form of the contact angle theta. In the discussion, the author suggests that, in the case of a solid, the surface energy should be considered rather than the surface tension, and the concept of a solid surface tension should be reconsidered based on the difference between a liquid surface and a solid surface.


Evaluation of Young's Modulus and Residual Stress of NiFe Film by Microbridge Testing

Zhimin ZHOU , Yong ZHOU , Mingjun WANG , Chunsheng YANG , Ji'an CHEN , Wen DING , Xiaoyu GAO , Taihua ZHANG


Microbridge testing was used to measure the Young's modulus and residual stress of metallic films. Samples of freestanding NiFe film microbridge were fabricated by microelectromechanical systems. Special ceramic shaft structure was designed to solve the problem of getting the load-deflection curve of NiFe film microbridge by the Nanoindenter XP system with normal Berkovich probe. Theoretical analysis of load-deflection curves of the microbridges was proposed to evaluate the Young's modulus and residual stress of the films simultaneously. The calculated results based on experimental measurements show that the average Young's modulus and residual stress for the electroplated NiFe films are 203.2 GPa and 333.0 MPa, respectively, while the Young's modulus measured by the Nano-hardness method is 209.6±11.8 GPa for the thick NiFe film with silicon substrate.

关键词: Mechanical properties , 金属薄膜 , 纳米压痕

Determination of reduced Young's modulus of thin films using indentation test

Wuzhu YAN

金属学报(英文版) doi:10.1016/S1006-7191(08)60125-8

The flat cylindrical indentation tests with different sizes of punch radius were investigated using finite element method (FEM) aimed to reveal the effect of punch size on the indentation behavior of the film/substrate system. Based on the FEM results analysis, two methods was proposed to separate film's reduced Young's modulus from a film/substrate system. The first method was based on a new weight function that quantifies film's and substrate's contributions to the overall mechanical properties of the film/substrate system in the flat cylindrical indentation test. The second method, a numerical approach, including fitting and extrapolation procedures was put forward. Both of the results from the two methods showed a reasonable agreement with the one input FE model. At last, the effect of maximum indentation depth and the surface micro-roughness of the thin film on the reduced Young's modulus of the film/substrate system were discussed. The methods proposed in the present study provide some new conceptions on evaluating other properties of thin films, e.g. creep, for which a flat-ended punch is also employed.

关键词: Indentation test , 表观杨氏模量 , 压痕测试;压头尺寸效应;权重方程

Microbridge Testing of Young's Modulus and Residual Stress of Nickel Film Electroplated on Silicon Wafer

Y. Zhou , C.S. Yang , J.A. Chen , G.F. Ding , L. Wang , M.J. Wang , Y.M. Zhang , T.H. Zhang


Microbridge testing is used to measure the Young's modulus and residual stresses of metallic films. Nickel film microbridges with widths of several hundred microns are fabricated by Microelectromechanical Systems. In order to measure the mechanical properties of nickel film microbridges, special shaft structure is designed to solve the problem of getting the load-deflection curves of metal film microbridge by Nanoindenter XP system with normal Berkovich probe. Theoretical analysis of the microbridge load-deflection curve is proposed to evaluate the Young's modulus and residual stress of the films simultaneously. The calculated results based on the experimental measurements show that the average Young's modulus and residual stress are around 190GPa and 175MPa respectively, while the Young's modulus measured by Nano- hardness method on nickel film with silicon substrate is 186.8±7.34GPa.

关键词: nickel film microbridge , null , null , null


郭振丹 , 王秀芳 , 杨晓萍 , 蒋冬梅 , 马学鸣 , 宋洪伟

金属学报 doi:10.3321/j.issn:0412-1961.2008.08.002


关键词: 多晶铜 , 晶体取向 , 纳米压入 , 电子背散射衍射 , Young's模量 , 硬度

Effect of Zr and Sn on Young's modulus and superelasticity of Ti-Nb-based alloys

Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing

Quaternary Ti-(20-26)Nb-(2-8)Zr-(3.5-11.5)Sn (.wt%) alloys were investigated to evaluate the effects of Zr and Sri on Young's modulus and superelasticity of Ti-Nb-based alloys. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that solution-treated alloys have beta + alpha", beta + omega, alpha" + omega, alpha", or beta microstructures. Zr and Sn increase the lattice parameters of the beta phase; for orthorhombic alpha" matensite, they increase the lattice parameter a but decrease both b and c. The martensitic start temperature of the alpha" is depressed by Zr and Sri additions, whereas the formation of athermal w is dependent on Zr and Sn contents. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements show that 1 wt% of Nb, Zr or Sn addition decreases the martensitic start temperature by 17.6, 41.2 or 40.9 K, respectively, due to their negative effect on lattice parameter ratios of the martensite (c/a and b/a). Tensile tests were used to evaluate Young's modulus and superelasticity of the solution-treated alloys. Of the studied alloys Ti-24Nb-4Zr-7.5Sn with single P microstructure has the lowest Young's modulus of 52 GPa and recoverable elastic strain of about 2% at room temperature after cyclic strain. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: Young's modulus;superelasticity;biomedical titanium alloy;martensitic;transformation;alloying effect;shape-memory behavior;mechanical-properties;biomedical applications;plastic-deformation;induced martensite;titanium-alloy;mo alloys;ti-29nb-13ta-4.6zr;ta;ti-10v-2fe-3al

Axial Young's modulus prediction of single-walled carbon nanotube arrays with diameters from nanometer to meter scales

Applied Physics Letters

Based on a self-similar array model, we systematically investigated the axial Young's modulus (Y-axis) of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) arrays with diameters from nanometer to meter scales by an analytical approach. The results show that the Y-axis of SWNT arrays decreases dramatically with the increases of their hierarchy number (s) and is not sensitive to the specific size and constitution when s is the same, and the specific Young's modulus Y-axis(s) is independent of the packing configuration of SWNTs. Our calculations also show that the Y-axis of SWNT arrays with diameters of several micrometers is close to that of commercial high performance carbon fibers (CFs), but the Y-axis(s) of SWNT arrays is much better than that of high performance CFs. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.

关键词: mechanical-properties;ropes;fibers;bundles


郝玉琳 , 杨锐 , 李述军 , 崔玉友 , 李东 , M.Niimomi

金属学报 doi:10.3321/j.issn:0412-1961.2002.z1.036


关键词: 生物材料 , Young's模量 , 力学性能 , 内耗 , 相变


李朝升 , 王先平 , 方前锋



关键词: 纳米TiN/非晶Si3N4薄膜

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