


检索条件:任意字段=ChinaMingzhou CAO Xiaojing WAN Institute of Metal Research  

  • 论文(4363)

Hydrogen Trapping by Dislocations and Grain Boundaries in Fe-3%Si AHoy

Yuandong DIAO Shenyang Institute of Chemical Technology , Shenyang , 110021 , ChinaMingzhou CAO Xiaojing WAN Institute of Metal Research , Academia Sinica , Shenyang , 110015 , China


In present work,Fe-3%Si alloy specimens with various degrees of cold working and various grain sizes were chosen to determine the effect of cold working and grain sizes on the hydrogen diffusivities by electrochemical permeation method and the mechanism of hydrogen trapping by dis- ocations and grai...

关键词: hydrogen trapping , null , null

MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF SiC_w/6061Al COMPOSITE The Author is now with Institute of Metal Research,Academia Sinica,China

MA Zongyi YAO Zhongkai Harbin Institute of Technology , Harbin , China


The SiC_w/Al composite prepared by squeeze casting has a combination of superior room temperature specific strength and modulus together with excellent thermal properties.The extrusion can make an improvement on the strength and ductility of the composite from 582 MPa as squeeze casted up to 639 MPa...

关键词: composite , null , null , null

Technical note: Research and development of localized corrosion rate monitoring instrument for nonpassivable metal in corrosive media


This paper introduces the design of a localized corrosion rate monitoring instrument that can monitor and evaluate the maximum and stable localized corrosion rate of a nonpassivable metal in a corrosive environment by measuring the current density in a corrosion sensor...

关键词: instrument;localized corrosion rate;monitor

Study on Process Parameters Optimization of Sheet Metal Forming Based on PFEA/ANN/GA

Juhua HUANG , Jinjun RAO , Xuefeng LI


Sheet metal forming is widely applied to automobile, aviation, space flight, ship, instrument, and appliance industries. In this paper, based on analyzing the shortcoming of general finite element analysis (FEA), the conception of parametric finite element analysis (PF...

关键词: Sheet metal forming , null , null , null

Metal Dusting-Mechanisms and Preventions



Metaldusting attacks iron, low and high alloy steels and nickel-or cobalt-base alloys by disintegrating bulk metals and alloys into metal particles in a coke deposit. It occurs in strongly carburising gas atmospheres (carbon activity aC>1) at ele...

关键词: metal dusting , null , null , null , null , null

Activity of VO in molten ternary CaO-SiO2-VO slag

Yanwen TIAN , Yuchun ZHAI , Xin ZHANG


The activity of VO in molten ternary CaO-SiO2-VO slag has been determined by chemical equilibrium method, using tin as the solvent metal. The relation between the activity and the content of VO, as well as the effect of slag basicity on a...


Review On Research And Development Of Magnesium Alloys

Z. Yang , J.P. Li , J.X. Zhang , G.W.Lorimer , J. Robson , null , null , null , null


The current research and development of magnesium alloys is summarized. Several aspects of magnesium alloys are described: cast Mg alloy, wrought Mg alloy, and novel processing. The subjects are discussed individually and recommendations for further study are listed in...

关键词: Magnesium alloys , null , null

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