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高敏 , D.M.ROWE


经高温热处理后的SiGe∶GaP 半导体温差电材料,其微观结构由具有富Si 相特征变化成为具有富Ge 相特征,温差电优值也得到了提高。实验还表明,材料晶格热导率的降低与富Si 相的消失和富Ge相的出现有关。然而,塞贝克系数和电导率的显著变化却与微观结构中富Si 相和富Ge 相的变化基本无关。通过对材料微观结构和温差电特性比较发现,具有富Ge 相特征的微观结构对应于较大的温差电优值。

关键词: SiGe:GaP 合金 , thermoelectricity , microstructure , heat treatment


王明林 , 谢迪明 , 王君民 , 张成杰

材料开发与应用 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-1545.2006.02.004


关键词: 埋弧焊丝 , 熔敷金属 , 韧性


俞善庆 , 张小平 , 马敏伟


透明薄膜是一种光谱选择性材料,探明该膜系的光谱选择度,对于开发新型能源材料具有重要意义。作者研究了在Al 和Ag 基膜上分别沉积SiO,SnO_2,CeO_2,ZnS 和CdS 介质膜,组成D/M 非对称膜系,测定了它们在320—1000nm 波长范围内的光谱透过率。证明各种介质膜对于金属基膜光谱选择度的影响基本相似,但对于透过率峰值的影响却明显不同;一般说来,介质膜对于Ag 膜的光谱透过率会产生较大的增益,而且介质膜愈厚,增透性愈好。实验结果表明,采用D/M 非对称膜系,有可能研制出光谱选择度满意的透明热反射镜材料。

关键词: 光谱透光性 , transparent heat-mirror films , unsym-metrical optical systems


孙瑶 , 汪洪

航空材料学报 doi:10.11868/j.issn.1005-5053.2015.4.005

采用射频反应溅射制备SiNx薄膜,作为以Ag膜为功能层的D/M/D结构透明导电膜中的电介质膜,并研究射频功率、气压以及N2流量对SiNx薄膜光学常数的影响.结果表明,SiNx薄膜具有非晶态结构,光学常数在300~ 2500nm波长范围内符合正常色散关系.椭偏测试及Cauchy模型拟合结果表明,折射率随功率、气压以及N2流量升高而降低,SiNx光学常数最佳的工艺条件为功率300W,气压0.16Pa,N2与Ar流量比例1∶1,此时薄膜折射率为2.02,消光系数为0,最接近具有化学计量比的Si3N4薄膜的光学常数.按此工艺制备的SiNx膜在优化厚度为44nm的条件下作为20nm厚度Ag膜的电介质膜,当只有表面SiNx膜时,Ag膜透光率由29.17%提高至55.01%,当Ag膜上下均制备SiNx膜时,透光率进一步提高至66.12%.

关键词: SiNx膜 , Ag膜 , 折射率 , 椭偏仪 , 透光率

A Novel near Net-Shape Technique for P/M Parts with Large H/D Ratio

Yong LIU , Baiyun HUANG , Kechao ZHOU , Hongwu OUYANG , Yuehui HE


In order to overcome the shortcomings of conventional hot pressing, a novel near net-shape technique, called radial hot pressing, for P/M parts with large height-to-diameter (H/D) ratio was introduced. Effects of processing parameters on the microstructures and density of P/M TiAl base alloy valves were studied. Results show that the radial hot pressing is an effective technique for manufacturing valves with a H/D ratio of about 10:1, and the perfect joint interface between the Mo sheet and the parts is helpful for subsequent HIPing.

关键词: Near net-shape technique , null , null


赵德文 , 郭长武 , 刘相华 , 王国栋 , 徐辉 , 戴建明



关键词: 脱碳层深度 , 模具扁钢 , ASTM-A681


楼永通 , 宋伟华 , 罗菊芬 , 吕海峰 , 王寿根 , 徐荣安 , 贺持缓 , 李国良 , 陶维正

膜科学与技术 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-8924.2004.05.010

在中试基础上建立1200 m3/d电镀镍漂洗水膜法回收工程,采用三级膜分离技术浓缩电镀废水并回收水和镍.一级处理量50 m3/h,浓缩10倍;二级处理量5 m3/h,浓缩5倍;三级处理量1m3/h,浓缩2倍以上,共浓缩100倍以上.一级膜分离系统对镍的截留率为98%;二级、三级膜分离系统对镍截留率均在99%以上.从2001年1月至2002年12月,共运行了2年.三级膜分离系统的通量均有不同程度的下降,一级下降约20%,二级下降约25%,三级下降约40%.整个系统运行良好,基本上实现了电镀废水的资源化.

关键词: 电镀废水 , 膜分离技术 , 截留率 , 通量

Energy levels of the d*(8) electron and d*(2) hole system

Physical Review B

In the investigation of the optical and magnetic properties of the semiconductors containing transition-metal ions, the one-electron orbital cannot be treated with a pure d orbital because of a strong covalence. This paper presents the energy matrix of the d*(8) and d*(2) (d* means a modified d function) system, in which the covalence is described by two covalent factors. The differences between the matrix diagonal elements of the t(2)(m)e(n) term of the d*(8) system and the t(2)(6-m)e(4-n) term of the d*(2) system vary with m and n. The d(N) electron system can be explained with the d(10-N) hole system because the difference between the energy matrix of the d(N) and d(10-N) systems has a fixed value. However, this kind of simple relation does not exist for the d*(N) and d*(10-N) systems when the covalence is considered. A numerical calculation shows that the variation of the energy levels with the covalence for Ni2+ in the d*(8) electron system is larger than that in the d*(2) hole system. The calculated energy levels obtained from the d*(8) matrix are in good agreement with the experimental data of the Ni2+ ion for ZnS:Ni and ZnSe:Ni. This suggests that the d*(8) electron system instead of the d*(2) hole system should be used in the investigation of optical and magnetic properties of semiconductor containing Ni2+ ions.

关键词: zns-ni;absorption;vanadium;impurities;spectra;ions


戴丰乐 , 齐召庆 , 汪宏涛 , 姜自超 , 张时豪 , 丁建华

功能材料 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-9731.2016.12.022

研究了m(M)/m(P)比值对磷酸镁水泥干燥收缩行为的影响,采用温度记录仪、压汞仪、X 射线衍射仪、扫描电镜及能谱仪等分析手段探讨了m(M)/m(P)比值对磷酸镁水泥干燥收缩的作用机理。结果表明,随着m(M)/m(P)比值的增大,磷酸镁水泥水化初期的膨胀量以及干燥收缩减小;水化8 h左右水泥开始收缩,龄期达到20 d左右收缩趋于稳定;磷酸镁水泥收缩量的减少,是由于m(M)/m(P)比值的增大导致磷酸镁水泥水化温度降低,孔隙率增大,水化产物MgKPO4?6 H2 O 减少,水化产物结构趋于疏松。

关键词: 磷酸镁水泥 , 干燥收缩 , m(M)/m(P)比值

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