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Measures of Decreasing Blast Furnace Fuel Consumption and Improving Sinter Performance in Guofeng

YU Yuanhao , FENG Gensheng , SU Dongxue


To further decrease the fuel consumption of blast furnace in Tangshan Guofeng Iron and Steel Co Ltd, measures of improving the quality of sinter and pellet and the performances of raw materials were put forward through phase analysis and physical and chemical performance testing. The measures of increasing the grade of sinter, decreasing the sinter reduction degradation index at low temperature, and increasing the sinter soft melt performance at elevated temperature, as well as the reasonable process parameters of sintering were described in detail.

关键词: sinter;metallurgical property;process parameter



N。1Atmospheric Corrosivlty for Steels………………………………………………… .LIANG Caideng HO[I i。-tat(6)Caustic Stress Corrosion Cr。king of Alloy 800 Part 2.The Effect of Thiosul执e……………………………………… KONG De-sheng YANG Wu ZHAO Guo-zheng HUANG De.ltL。ZHANG Yu。。he CHEN She。g-bac(13)SERS slid E16CttOCh6iniC81 Stlldy Of Illhibit1Oli M6ch&tllsth Of ThlollY68 Oil ITOll ID H....



江虹 , 胡小莉 , 刘绍璞 , 秦宗会 , 湛海粼

应用化学 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0518.2003.09.016

在pH值为3.5~6.0,镧(Ⅲ)-依文思蓝(EB)与硫酸新霉素(NEO)、硫酸卡那霉素(KANA)、硫酸庆大霉(GEN)和硫酸妥布霉素(TOB)等氨基糖苷类抗生素反应可生成具有吸收峰和负吸收峰的三元蓝色离子缔合物.其最大吸收波长位于668~674 nm,线性范围从0~1.20×10-5g/mL至0~1.加×10-5g/mL,摩尔吸收光系数(ε)在3.10×104~6.17×104L/(mol@cm)之间;最大负吸收波长位于614~620 nm,线性范围从0~9.00×10-6g/mL至0~1.7×10-5g/mL,摩尔吸收光系数(ε)在4.33×104~1.04×105L/(mol@em).当用正负光吸收叠加时,灵敏度更高.探讨了反应条件、主要分析化学性质及三元缔合物的配合比(LA:EB:GEN=1:2:3).

关键词: 镧(Ⅲ),依文思蓝,氨基糖苷,抗生素,分光光度法


Y.L.Yang , F.J.Sun , D.Zhang


The formation of Fe-N compounds by laser nitriding in an atmospheric ambient was reported.By CW-CO2 laser irradiation on pure ferrite iron in the atmospheric am-bient,Fe-N compounds (including Fe2N,Fe3N and Fe4N) are formed as a result of a laser-enhanced and temperature-enhanced reactions.The samples were analyzed with X-ray diffraction.It is found that the laser power density,scanning speed and nitro-gen temperature are the main factors influencing the formation of Fe-N compounds.Nitrogen can be activated by pre-heating at some temperature.Nitrogen activation and sample surface melting by CW-CO2 laser greatly enhance the reaction between the sample surface and nitrogen beam.After annealing at 500℃ for Sh,some Fe2N and Fe3N converted into more stable Fe4N.

关键词: laser nitriding , null , null

Relationship between the Brittlement Susceptibility and H Permeation Current for UNS G11180 Steel in 5% NaCl Solution with H_2S

Xueyuan ZHANG and Yuanlong DU(State Key Lab. for Corrosion and Protection , Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Shenyang 110015 , China)


Sulfide stress corrosion cracking (SSCC) behaviour of UNS G11180 steel in 5% NaCl solution with H2S was studied by slow strain rate tensile test (SSRT), SEM and electrochemical hydro gen permeation technique. The results reveal different cracking mechanism and H permeation current (IH) through UNS G11180 steel plate in different concentration of H2S solution. The susceptibility to SSCC of UNS G11180 Steel in 5% NaCl solution with H2S was evaluated by the permeation current(IH, μA), which depends on the concentration (c×10-6) of H2S by the equation:IH = 8.525 ×c0.7249. lt is proved that the electrochemical H permeation method is a practical way to assess the susceptibility to SSCC.


Hardness of T-carbon: Density functional theory calculations

Physical Review B

We reconsider and interpret the mechanical properties of the recently proposed allotrope of carbon, T-carbon [Sheng et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 155703 (2011)], using density functional theory in combination with different empirical hardness models. In contrast with the early estimation based on Gao et al.'s model, which attributes to T-carbon a high Vickers hardness of 61 GPa comparable to that of superhard cubic boron nitride (c-BN), we find that T-carbon is not a superhard material, since its Vickers hardness does not exceed 10 GPa. Besides providing clear evidence for the absence of superhardness in T-carbon, we discuss the physical reasons behind the failure of Gao et al.'s and Simunek and Vackar's (SV) models in predicting the hardness of T-carbon, residing in their improper treatment of the highly anisotropic distribution of quasi-sp(3)-like C-C hybrids. A possible remedy for the Gao et al. and SV models based on the concept of the superatom is suggested, which indeed yields a Vickers hardness of about 8 GPa.

关键词: superhard rhenium diboride;elastic-constants;ambient-pressure;metal;borides;crystals;diamond;search;boron


K. Mii (Sumitomo Metal Industries , Ltd. , 1-t-3 Otemachi , Tokyo 100 , Japan)M Amano (National Research Institute for Metals , 1-2-1 Sengen , Tsukuba 305 , Japan)


The R & D of hydrogen absorbing alloys in Japan started in the early 1970s.Many alloys such as TiMm1.5 based alloys, Fe-Ti-O alloys (e.g. FeTi1.15 O0.024) andthe(mischmetal)Ni5 based alloys (e.g. MmNi4.5 Cr0.46 Mn0.04) were developed by the early 1980s. The application of these alloys to hydrogen storage, heat storage, heat pump, hydrogen purification and motor vehicles has been tried in many iaboratories,and the various techniques for using hydrogen absorbing alloys have been developed.The standarkization of evaluation methods for hydrogen absorbing alloys has been promoted by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), and four of them were established as Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS).Alloys for Ni-Metal Hydride batteries have been extensively investigated since 1987in Japun. Mm-Ni-Co-Al-Mn alloys (e.g. MmNi3.55 Co0.75Al0.9Mn0.4) have been devel-oped and commereialized since 1990. The amount of production of small-size Ni-MH batteries in 1995 was about three hundred milliion in number and about one hundred billion yen. The R & D for higher enerpy-density Ni-MH batteries is intensively in progress.MITI and STA (Science and Technology Agency) have promoted the R & D of hydro-gen absorbing alloys in Japan by carrying out the national projects such as Sunshine Program (MITI: 1974-1993) and Utilization of Wind Engeray (STA 1980-1985). The New Sunshine Program (MITI 1993-2020) have started in 1993. This program con-tains the application of hydrogen absorbing alloys to Economical- Enerpy- City System and to We-NET (International Clean Energy System of Technology Utilizing Hydro-gen: World Energy Network.

关键词: hydrogen absorbing alloy , null , null , null

提高本钢265 m2冷烧结矿及原料检验代表性的实践

李凤娟 , 吕国光

金属世界 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6826.2014.04.14

通过对烧结配料所需原料及对冷烧结矿成品检验采制样方法的分析,找出影响检验结果真实性的因素,采取有效的改进措施,使本钢原料厂一次配料、本钢炼铁厂265 m2烧结二次配料及265 m2烧结系统各项稳定率有了很大的提高,烧结矿实物质量和各项技术质量指标有了很大的进步,保证了高炉的稳定顺行。
  提高本钢265 m2冷烧结矿及原料检验代表性的实践
  Practice of Improving the 265 m2 Cold Sinter and Raw Material Inspection Representative
  LI Feng-juan, LV Guo-guang
  本钢炼铁厂265 m2烧结机生产所需要的含铁原料比较复杂,一次配料料种较多,且烧结含铁原料是由本钢原料厂二车间供料,原料质量的不稳定,会影响烧结矿质量的提高和新一号高炉的强化及高炉技术指标的改善。本钢质量管理中心驻冷烧检查站加强了对烧结配料所需原料及对冷烧结矿成品检验采制样代表性的研究,采取了一些改进措施,达到了良好的效果。含铁料成分稳定率、烧结矿各项质量和技术指标在稳步地提高。下面,对本钢质量管理中心驻冷烧检查站就提高采样及检验过程的准确性所采取的措施和办法进行说明。




