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徐乃欣 , J.L.Dawson , G.E.Thopson , G.C.Wood




Energy spectra, g factors and their pressure-induced and/or thermal shifts of SrTiO3 : Cr3+ and SrTiO3 : Mn4+ II: Pressure effects on ground-state g factor and splittings of t(2)(3) E-2 and t(2)(3) (4)A(2) of SrTiO3 : Cr3+

Communications in Theoretical Physics

By using the wavefunctions obtained from diagonalizing the complete d(3) energy matrix at normal and various pressures, the g factor of the ground state of SrTiO3:Cr3+ and its pressure-induced shift have been microscopically calculated. Only by taking the local strains around Cr3+ in SrTiO3:Cr3+ (which are about twice the bulk ones) and corresponding P-chi dependence, can we obtain a good agreement between the calculated result of pressure-induced shift of ground-state g factor and the experimental one. The physical origins of this pressure-induced shift have been explained. It is found that the change of Dq(-1) with pressure makes main contribution to the pressure-induced shift of ground-state g factor of SrTiO3:Cr3+. By using the wavefunctions obtained from diagonalizing the complete d3 energy matrix at normal pressure, the relevant matrix elements and accordingly strain-induced splittings of t(2)(3) E-2 and t(2)(3) (4)A(2) of SrTiO3:Cr3+ have been calculated. The important results of Y-c, Z(c), P-c and Q(c) have also been evaluated. It is the admixtures of basic wavefunctions resulted from the spin-orbit interaction and/or Coulomb interaction and/or Kramers degeneracy that make the strain-induced splittings of the levels nonzero. It is found that there are nonvanishing matrix elements of operators T2 xi, T2 eta and T2 zeta between wavefunctions with positive M-s and those with negative M-s', which have important effects on the strain-induced splittings of the levels.

关键词: crystal fields;energy spectrum;g factors;high-pressure effect;strain-induced splitting;theoretical calculations;ruby;crystal


冀克俭 , 刘元俊 , 张银生



关键词: 环氧树脂 , 核磁共振谱 , 微结构

低能电子碰撞Ar(e, 3e)双电离实验

贾昌春 , A.Lahmam-Bennani , A.Duguet , L.Avaldi , M.Lecas , Dal Cappello

原子核物理评论 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-4627.2002.z1.007

通过Ar(e, 3e)五重微分截面3维图的理论与实验比较发现, 在低能电子入射的情况下, 理论与实验存在较大的偏差.

关键词: (e,3e) , 双电离 , 五重微分截面


王涛峰 , 朱丽萍 , 孟庆华 , 王黎明 , 韩洪银 , 夏海鸿 , 黎光武 , 屈从会 , 顾先宝

原子核物理评论 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-4627.2007.03.008


关键词: 屏栅电离室 , E-E望远镜 , 电荷分辨能力


张振国 , 刘英 , 邹东红

机械工程材料 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3738.2004.09.010


关键词: 车轮 , E级热处理 , 力学性能

A study of the temperature dependence of g factor for MgO:V2+ crystal

Physica B-Condensed Matter

The temperature dependence of EPR g factor for MgO:V2+ crystal has been studied theoretically by considering both the static contribution due to the thermal expansion of crystal and the vibrational contributions due to the electron-phonon interaction of the acoustic and optical branches. The static contribution is calculated from the high-order perturbation formula of g factor and the thermal expansion coefficients alpha(T) at various temperatures. The vibrational contribution of acoustic phonons is obtained by using a Debye model for the lattice vibrations and that of optical phonons is calculated by use of a single frequency model. The calculated results show that for the g factor at various temperatures, the static contribution is dominant, but for the temperature dependence of g factor, i.e., (dg/dT)(p) or Delta g(T) = g(T) - g(0), the vibrational contributions from the acoustic and optical phonons are comparable with the static contribution due to thermal expansion. It appears that a reasonable theoretical explanation for the temperature dependence of g factor should take all of these contributions into account.

关键词: impurities


罗筑 , 陈梅红 , 涂兴文 , 孙华伟



关键词: 聚丙烯 , 环氧 , 力学性能 , 改性


贾昌春 , A.Lahmam-Bennani , A.Duguet , L.Avaldi , M.Lecas , C.Dal Cappello

原子核物理评论 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-4627.2002.02.018

通过比较Ar在低碰撞能量下的(e,3e)双电离实验结果和基于包含一次作用机制SO和TS1的一阶波恩近似的理论计算结果, 表明在动量转移方向上对称性的破坏显示非一次效应(例如二型两步作用机制)起非常重要的作用.

关键词: (e,3e) , 双电离 , 五重微分截面


辜信实 , 罗宜才

绝缘材料 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-9239.2000.02.004


关键词: E玻璃纤维纸 , 性能

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