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G.L. Li , X.M. Meng , F. T. Zhang and Y.K. Wu (Laboratory of Atomic Imaging of Solids , Institute of Metal Research , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Shenyang 110015 , China)


The atomic level structures of fcc/bcc interfaces in an Fe-9Ni alloy have been examined by means of HREM. It has been found that the orientation of γ /α interface had great effects on its atomic structure. These interfaces with different orientations may be composed of only structural ledges, structural ledges with misfit dislocations,superledges with misfit dislocations or only misfit dislocations. A structural model of growth ledge was suggested. The terrace of growth ledge was composed of structuralledges or misfit dislocations. The atomic structure of the riser of growth ledge was the same as that of the side facet of γlath, which is composed of saperiedges with misfitdislocations.

关键词: Fe-9Ni alloy , null , null , null , null

Effect of Li and Ti Additions on L■α(Al)+Mg_2Si Pseudobinary Eutectic Reaction

Shengxu ZHAO , Shunpu LI , Deqian ZHAO , Mingxiang PAN and Xichen CHEN(Institute of Physics , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beijing 100080 , China)


Effect of Li and Ti additions on Lα(AI)+Mg2Si pseudobinary eutectic reaction in ternary Al-Mg-Si system has been investigated by thermoanalysis, directional solidification and metallographic techniques in this study. It has been found that Li addition causes decreasing of the volume fraction of Mg2Si, while a little amount of Ti causes to increasing, which is of a great importance to the adjustment of phase constitution and alloy properties. Doping components have little influence on the eutectic temperature.



孙顺平 , 李小平 , 于赟 , 卢雅琳 , 臧冰 , 易丹青 , 江勇


运用第一原理平面波赝势方法计算L12-Al3Li金属间化合物点缺陷的形成焓,并结合Wagner–Schottky模型,研究L12-Al3Li金属间化合物在523、673、823和1000 K时点缺陷浓度与成分之间的关系.结果表明:在这4个温度下,L12-Al3Li金属间化合物中Al空位浓度最小,Li空位浓度次之,Al反位和Li反位的缺陷浓度较大.Al反位和Li反位缺陷浓度在理想金属间化合物Al3Li化学计量比成分处基本相同,不过两种反位的缺陷浓度随着合金成分相对于化学计量比成分的偏离而变化显著,在富Al端Al反位缺陷浓度较大,在富LiLi反位缺陷浓度较大.运用Arrhenius方程计算点缺陷的有效形成焓,结果显示Al反位和Li反位的有效形成焓较小且基本相同,Li空位次之,Al空位最大.

关键词: Al3Li金属间化合物 , 第一原理计算 , 点缺陷浓度 , 形成焓 , Wagner–Schottky模型




氯化钾镀锌液配方中,氯化钾的含量通常是200~ 250 g/L,但在生产维护时分析镀槽中的氯化钾有时高达近400 g/L.认为以EDTA滴定法及硝酸银滴定法分别测总锌与总氯,然后从总氯中减去氯化锌所占氯的量而计算出氯化锌含量的常规化验方法有一定的局限性,尤其不适用于大生产已久的镀液.介绍了控制氯化钾含量的方法:先调整pH,接着通过赫尔槽试验分析并调整锌离子浓度,然后分析并调整光亮剂及硼酸,最后通过试验确定氯化钾补加量.

关键词: 镀锌 , 氯化钾 , 分析 , 调整 , 赫尔槽试验

Theoretical studies of g factors and defect structures for cubic, tetragonal, and orthorhombic Fe+ Centers in alkali halides MX (M = Li, Na; X = F, Cl)

Communications in Theoretical Physics

The EPR g factors for cubic, tetragonal and orthorhombic Fe+ centers in alkali halides MX (M = Li, Na; X = F, Cl) are calculated from second-order perturbation formulas of g factors based on cluster approach for 3d(7) ions in three symmetries. From calculations, the g factors of these Fe+ centers in MX crystals are reasonably explained and the defect structural data for the tetragonal and orthorhombic Fe+ centers are estimated. The results are discussed.

关键词: crystal;and ligand-field theory;electron paramagnetic resonance;defect structure;atomic screening constants;spin-orbit interaction;superposition model;resonance-spectra;epr parameters;crystal-field;scf functions;ions;co2+


常晓亮 , 王旭 , 王兰芳 , 张俊善 , 祝美丽

机械工程材料 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3738.2007.04.004


关键词: 316L不锈钢 , 熔盐 , 腐蚀

Investigations of the zero-field splittings and g factors for the rhombic Cr3+-Li+ and Cr3+-Na+ defect centers in Cs2CdCl4 crystals

Physica B-Condensed Matter

The high-order perturbation formulas for the zero-field splitting parameters D and E, and g factor g(x), g(y), g(z) for 3d(3) ions in rhombic symmetry are derived by using a two spin-orbit coupling parameter model, in which both the contributions from the spin-orbit coupling of central d(3) ion and that of the ligands are considered. From these formulas, spin Hamiltonian parameters for the rhombic defect centers Cr3+-Li+ and Cr3+-Na+ in Cs2CdC4, crystals are calculated by considering the suitable defect-induced lattice distortions. The results agree well with the observed values. The contributions to spin Hamiltonian parameters from the spin-orbit coupling of ligands are discussed. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: crystal- and ligand-field theory;electron paramagnetic resonance;spin-orbit coupling;Cr3+;Cs2CdCl4;superposition model;ions

钼酸盐系列缓蚀剂在含5g/L Cl-溶液中对Q235钢的缓蚀研究



  通过电化学阻抗谱(EIS),研究了钼酸盐系缓蚀剂在含g">5g/L Cl-溶液中对Q235钢的缓蚀性能,结果表明:由钼酸盐为主盐与硅酸盐、磷酸盐、有机胺A复配而成的缓蚀剂,可以达到低成本、高缓蚀率的效果.并通过失重法实验对此配方进行了验证,复配缓蚀剂的缓蚀率接近88.4%,明显高于单组分缓蚀剂.

关键词: 钼酸盐 , inhibitor , compound inhibitors

钼酸盐系列缓蚀剂在含5g/L Cl-溶液中对Q235钢的缓蚀作用


腐蚀学报(英文) doi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-6495.2009.02.034

通过电化学阻抗谱(EIS),研究了钼酸盐系缓蚀剂在含5g/L Cl-溶液中对Q235钢的缓蚀性能,结果表明:由钼酸盐为主盐与硅酸盐、磷酸盐、有机胺A复配而成的缓蚀剂,可以达到低成本、高缓蚀率的效果.并通过失重法实验对此配方进行了验证,复配缓蚀剂的缓蚀率接近88.4%,明显高于单组分缓蚀剂.

关键词: 钼酸盐 , 缓蚀 , 复配缓蚀刺


阎峰云 , 刘兰 , 夏心俊 , 何玲

功能材料 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-9731.2017.02.032

采用化学共沉淀法制备出SrAl2O4∶Eu3+红色荧光粉,尝试向粉体中添加辅助激活剂(Li+、Na+、K+),改变粉体中基质元素相对比例,并对粉体进行XRD、荧光光谱分析.结果表明,样品中加入相同摩尔的Li+、Na+、K+辅助激活剂,掺入Li+的粉体发光强度最好.改变Li+的掺入量,当Li+的量为0.04 mol时,粉体发光强度最好.改变粉体中基质Sr2+的含量,当掺入Ba2+时,荧光粉发射峰出现"蓝移"现象;当掺入Ca2+时,荧光粉发射峰出现"红移"现象.

关键词: 共沉淀 , 红色荧光粉 , 辅助激活剂 , 基质

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