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H.M. Lu and K.M. Fang Metallurgy School , University of Science and Technology Beijing , Beijing 100083 , China Z.X. Qiu Department of Nonferrous Metallurgy , Northeastern University , Shenyang 110006 , China


Multiple regression equations of liquidus temperature, electrical conductivity and bath density of the Na_3AlF_6-AlF_3-BaC1_2-NaCl system were obtained from experiments by using orthogonal regression method. The experiments were carried out in 100A cell with low melting point electrolyte, the influences of cathodic current density, electrolytic temperature, density differences of bath and liquid aluminum on current efficiency (CE) were studied; when the electrolyte cryolite ratio was 2.5, w(BaC1_2) and w(NaCl) were 48% and 10%, respectively, CE reached 90% and specific energy consumption was 10.97k Wb/kg/kg. Because of the fact that aluminum metal obtained floated on the surface of molten electrolyte, this electrolysis method was then defined as low temperature aluminum floating electrolysis. The results showed that the new low temperature aluminum electrolysis process in the Na_3AlF_6-AlF_3-BaC1_2-NaCl bath system was practical and promising.

关键词: low temperature aluminum floating electrolysis , null , null , null

Microstructure and Tensile Properties of ZK60 Alloy Fabricated by Simplified Rapid Solidification Powder Metallurgy (S-RS P/M) Process

Zhenya Zhang


This study investigated the microstructures and mechanical properties of ZK60 alloy prepared by a simplified rapid solidification powder metallurgy (RS P/M) processing system (S-RS P/M), which consists of warm press in dry air and hot extrusion. Microstructure characterizations showed that S-RS P/M alloy consisted of magnesium matrix and oxide stringers of ~1 μm in width. TEM (transmission electron microscopy) observations illustrated nano-size magnesia particles (10{30 nm) constituted oxide stringer in detail. Due to a relatively higher volume of nano-size magnesia particle produced during S-RS P/M process, 0.2% yield strength of S-RS P/M ZK60 alloy was found to be as high as 382 MPa, which is 10% higher than that of RS P/M alloy. The improvement in mechanical properties is mainly attributed to the combination effects of Orowan mechanism and coe±cient of thermal expansion (CTE) mismatch because of the approximately same average grain size.

关键词: Microstructure


刘勤 , 夏锄 , 刘晓东


在170,190,210,230,250℃的温度下,采用3.7×10~2,7.4×10~2和1.1×10~(-1)min(-1)的应变速率(平均)对Zn-5%Al共晶合金的m-C-δ(或m-k-δ)关系曲线(简称m-δ关系曲线)进行了测定.所有的曲线均随应变的δ增加而快速上升.俟达到某一定的应变量(极限应变量δ1)后。开始缓慢下降并保持平稳直至断裂.Zn-5%A1共晶合金的m-δ关系曲线不存在k_(?)=k_I(k_(I 1),k_(I 2),k_(I 3),……)=k_F(或C_0=C_I(C_(I 1),C_(I 2),C_(I 3),……)=C_F=1)的简单情况.可应用m-δ方程式[4,5]对曲线上各点C值(包括所有的C_I和C_F值)进行计算.C值随δ值的增加成近似的直线上升.直线的斜率在极限应变(δ1)处突然减小.


A study of spin-hamiltonian parameters for Hf3+ ions in orthophosphate MPO4 (M = Sc, Lu, Y) crystals

Solid State Communications

The spin-Hamiltonian (SH) parameters (g factors g parallel to, g perpendicular to and hyperfine structure constants (177)A parallel to, (179)A parallel to, (177)A perpendicular to, (179)A perpendicular to) of 5d(1) ion Hf3+ in zircon-type orthophosphate MPO4 (M = Sc, Lu, Y) crystals are calculated from two microscopic SH theory methods, the perturbation theory method (PTM) and the complete diagonalization (of energy matrix) method (CDM). The calculated results show that when the high-order (i.e., the third-order rather than the conventional second-order) perturbation formulas in PTM are used, the calculated values from both PTM and CDM methods are not only close to each other, but also in good agreement with the experimental values. This suggests that the two microscopic SH theory methods based on crystal-field theory are effective to the explanations of SH parameters for 5d(n) ions in crystals. The covalence effect, the signs of constants A(i) (i = parallel to or perpendicular to) and the core polarization constants K obtained from the calculations are also discussed. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

关键词: insulators;point defects;crystal and ligand fields;electron;paramagnetic resonance;electron-paramagnetic-res;phosphate single-crystals;epr parameters;cr3+ ions;laser;ruby

Studies of the spin Hamiltonian parameters and the local structure of tetragonal Zr3+ Centers in orthophosphate MPO4 (M = Sc, Lu, Y) crystals

Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section a-a Journal of Physical Sciences

The spin Hamiltonian parameters (g factors g(parallel to), g(perpendicular to) and hyperfine structure constants A(parallel to), A(perpendicular to)) of Zr3+ on the tetragonal M3+ (M = Sc, Lu, Y) sites of zircon-type orthophosphate MPO4 crystals are calculated by high-order perturbation formulas of d(1) ions in tetragonal symmetry. The crystal-field parameters are estimated by the superposition model and reasonable local structural data of impurity centers. The results show good agreement with the experimental values. It appears that in the case of size mismatch, the explanation of the spin Hamiltonian parameters of a paramagnetic impurity in crystals should take the impurity-induced local lattice relaxation into account.

关键词: EPR;spin Hamiltonian parameters;crystal-field theory;defect;structure;Zr3+;MPO4;(M = Sc, Lu, Y);electron-paramagnetic-res;d-orbital theory;superposition-model;single-crystals;cr3+ ions;ypo4;epr;lupo4;ruby;impurities

Exact solutions of nonlinear dispersive K(m, n) model with variable coefficients

Applied Mathematics and Computation

The variable-coefficient Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation with additional terms contributed from the inhomogeneity in the axial direction and the strong transverse confinement of the condense was presented to describe the dynamics of nonlinear excitations in trapped quasi-one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates with repulsive atom-atom interactions. To understand the role of nonlinear dispersion in this variable-coefficient model, we introduce and study a new variable-coefficient KdV with nonlinear dispersion (called vc-K(m, n) equation). With the aid of symbolic computation, we obtain its compacton-like solutions and solitary pattern-like solutions. Moreover, we also present some conservation laws for both vc-K(+)(n, n) equation and vc-K (n, n) equation. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

关键词: Vc-K(m, n) equation;Nnonlinear dispersion;Symbolic analysis;Compacton-like solutions;Solitary pattern-like solutions;Conservation;laws;compacton solutions;solitary patterns;equations;solitons




文章研究了晶体Er∶Lu2O3的生长、光谱特性、热传导率和能级跃迁表现.室温下采用971 um的半导体激光器泵浦,获得了1.4W的2.85μm连续激光输出,斜效率为36%.这超越了斯托克斯系数,因为低能级返回高能级粒子循环利用的的上转换过程,产生了目前为止效率最高的3μm激光输出.在激光二极管泵浦下,获得了5.9W的激光输出,斜效率为27%.

关键词: 热交换法 , 热传导率 , m激光器

CF4气氛中生长Re: LiM(Re=Tm,Ce;M=Lu,Y)F4晶体

那木吉拉图 , 阮永丰 , 苏小平 , 杨海 , 杨鹏 , 李楠



关键词: LiYF4 , LiLuF4 , 晶体生长 , 有效分凝系数

Secondary M6C precipitation in K40S cobalt-base alloy

Materials Letters

Secondary M,C precipitation was investigated in K40S cobalt-base alloy after 100 h aging at 950 degreesC. The results showed that it was closely related to the tungsten-rich zones inherited from the as-cast condition and the degeneration of the primary M7C3 carbide. A direct element reaction, 6M + C --> M6C, in which C comes from the decomposition of the M7C3 carbides, is suggested as the mechanism of secondary M6C precipitation in K40S alloy. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: M6C precipitation;aging;M7C3 carbide;superalloy


胡标 , 尹明 , 王庆平 , 闵凡飞 , 杜勇


基于文献报道的实验数据,采用相图计算(CALPHAD:CALculation of PHAse Diagrams)方法对V-M(M=Li,Na,K,Sc,Ag)5个二元系进行相图热力学研究.通过热力学优化计算获得了一套描述液相、(V)、(Li)、(Na)、(K)、(αSc)、(βSc)和(Ag)相的热力学参数.V-Li、V-Na和V-K体系中的气相视为由组元V、Li、Li2、Na、Na2、KK2混合的理想气体.与实验相图数据对比表明,获得的热力学参数能够准确地描述实验相平衡数据.

关键词: V-M(M=Li,Na,K,Sc,Ag) , CALPHAD方法 , 相图 , 热力学模型

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