


检索条件:任意字段=HUANG Zhi-quan  

  • 论文(11)

Establishment of Optimal Blade Clearance of Stainless Steel Rolling-Cut Shear and Test of Shearing Force Parameters

MA Li-feng , HUANG Qing-xue , HUANG Zhi-quan , CHU Zhi-bing , TIAN Ya-qin


The purpose aims to improve the plate shearing section quality and metal yield by means of optimal blade clearance adjustment model of rolling-cut shear and accurate calculation of the maximum shearing force, as well as for the system optimization design, structure optimization design to provide imp...

关键词: stainless steel , rolling-cut shear , blade clearance , shearing force , industrial test


许传龙 , 王式民



关键词: 颗粒静电 , 静电传感器 , 气-固两相流 , Hilbert-Huang变换


张巍 , 李久青 , 许江涛 , 陈昆

腐蚀学报(英文) doi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-6495.1999.06.004


关键词: 高强铝合金 , 稀土转化膜 , 耐蚀性学科



N。1Atmospheric Corrosivlty for Steels………………………………………………… .LIANG Caideng HO[I i。-tat(6)Caustic Stress Corrosion Cr。king of Alloy 800 Part 2.The Effect ...


Shock compression of monocrystalline copper: Experiments, characterization, and analysis

Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing

Monocrystalline copper samples with [001] and [221] orientations were subjected to shock/recovery experiments at 30 and 57 GPa and 90 K. The slip system activity and the microstructural evolution were investigated. Different defect structures, including dislocations, stacking faults, twins, microban...

关键词: Shock compression;Shock loading;Slip bands;Microtwins;Microbands;strain rate history;single-crystals;grain-size;constitutive;description;plastic-deformation;mechanical response;deformed metals;loaded nickel;substructure;recrystallization

Mean-field theory for ferroelectricity in Ca(3)CoMnO(6)

Physical Review B

An elastic Ising model for CoMnO(6) chain is proposed to explain the ferroelectricity induced by collinear magnetic order in Ca(3)CoMnO(6), and then a mean-field theory with interchain spin interactions based on this model is developed. With inclusion of the dynamics of polarization domains at finit...

关键词: calcium compounds;cobalt compounds;dielectric polarisation;ferroelectricity;Ising model;magnetic susceptibility;multiferroics;optical susceptibility;one-dimensional oxides;magnetic-properties;multiferroics;ca3co1+xmn1-xo6

Lu-induced orthorhombic phase in polycrystalline La0.7Sr0.3MnO3

Physica B-Condensed Matter

Polycrystalline La0.5Lu0.2Sr0.3MnO3 samples prepared by thermal decomposition are investigated by means of electron diffraction and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Besides rhombohedral La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 phase (R-phase) and hexagonal LuMnO3 phase (H-phase) reported by

关键词: orthorhombic lattice;octahedral;substitution;atomic bonding;la0.7-xluxsr0.3mno3 perovskites;transport-properties;magnetoresistance;films

Effects of A-site doping on microstructure and phase separation of La0.5RE0.2Sr0.3MnO3 (RE=Eu, Ho, Yb, Lu)

Materials Letters

Phase separation and microstructure of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 doped with rare earth elements (Eu, Ho, Yb and Lu) are studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Composition and diffraction analyses demonstrate that the ionic radius of doping element plays an important r...

关键词: ionic radius;crystalline structure;lattice constants;orthorhombic;perovskite;hexagonal non-perovskite;magnetoresistance;perovskites;films


陈伟 , 卢子兴

复合材料学报 doi:10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20151204.002

基于 Huang(北京大学)和 Wang(北京大学)的理论和热力学第二定律,研究了有限变形下闭孔泡沫铝的非线性压缩行为。通过引入内变量及内变量的演化方程,给出了有限变形下同时考虑细观结构参数和黏性效应的有效幂律势函数及相应的应力表达式。基...

关键词: 球形闭孔高密度泡沫铝 , 有限变形 , 有效幂律势函数 , 非线性力学行为 , 黏性


史秀志 , 邱贤阳 , 周健 , 陈新 , 范玉乾 , 卢二伟

中国有色金属学报(英文版) doi:10.1016/S1003-6326(16)64310-8

延时爆破中延期时间的准确识别对于优化爆破设计和降低爆破振动效应具有重要作用。以超大断面调压竖井导井爆破为例,对比分析了基于Hilbert?Huang 变换(HHT)的EMD识别法和瞬时能量识别法在精确短延时爆破中的延期时间识别能力,发现E...

关键词: 延期时间识别 , 短延时爆破 , 精确起爆 , 爆破降振 , Hilbert-Huang变换(HHT)

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