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晕核6He(25 MeV/u)的单、双中子转移截面测量

叶沿林 , 庞丹阳 , 葛愉成 , 江栋兴 , 郑涛 , 王全进 , 李智焕 , 李湘庆 , 艾颖 , 张高龙 , 王佳 , 陈志强 , 胡青元 , A.Ozawa , Y.Yamaguchi , C.Wu , R.Kanungo , D.Fang , I.Tanihata

原子核物理评论 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-4627.2005.01.001

实验测量了25 MeV/u 的6He+9Be反应中的单、双中子转移微分截面.利用反应耦合道模型初步分析了实验数据, 计算大体重现截面值.转移反应对末态有相当的选择性, 并且双中子转移截面主要来自到基态的一步过程.后角度截面的上升可能与连续态的耦合有关.

关键词: 晕核 , 转移反应 , 反应耦合道模型

晕核6He(25 MeV/u)在9Be上的弹性散射研究

庞丹阳 , 叶沿林 , 江栋兴 , 郑涛 , 王全进 , 李智焕 , 李湘庆 , 陈志强 , 胡青元 , 张高龙 , 王佳 , A.Ozawa , Y.Yamaguchi , C.Wu , R.Kanungo , D.Fang , I.Tanihata

原子核物理评论 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-4627.2005.01.003

分析了北京大学核物理实验小组在日本RIKEN实验室完成的25 MeV/u 6He和9Be的弹性散射实验数据, 得到了弹性散射微分截面角分布.利用双折叠模型, 并通过拟合弹性散射微分截面得到了此弹靶体系在此能量下的弹性散射光学势.

关键词: 中子晕核 , 弹性散射 , 双折叠模型 , 光学模型 , 微分截面角分布

晕核6He(25 MeV/u)在9Be上的破裂反应

王佳 , 叶沿林 , 江栋兴 , 郑涛 , 王全进 , 李智焕 , 李湘庆 , 张高龙 , 庞丹阳 , 吴翠娥 , 陈志强 , 胡青元 , A.Ozawa , Y.Yamaguchi , R.Kanungo , D.Fang , I.Tanihata

原子核物理评论 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-4627.2005.01.002

25 MeV/u 6He+9Be反应的实验中利用多个探测器望远镜对反应产物进行了测量, 对实验中各个角度测量到的4He进行观察, 将其中两个有高能峰成分的探测器划分成三部分, 得到不同角度4He的单举能谱和破裂产生4He的微分截面.

关键词: 中子晕核 , 破碎反应 , 微分截面 , 6He


王海鸣 , A.Dax , G.Ewald , I.Katayama , R.Kirchner , W.Nortershauser , H.J.Kluge , T.Kühl , R.Sanchez , I.Tanihata , M.Tomaselli , C.Zimmermann

原子核物理评论 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-4627.2002.02.055

对丰中子晕核11Li的核电荷均方根半径的实验确定, 特别是其与9Li的半径的差值, 将对各种核模型进行灵敏的检验. 选择锂的合适跃迁, 利用激光光谱技术高精度测量该跃迁的同位素移位, 并扣除精确理论计算的质量移位贡献值, 可以用来确定有关同位素的核电荷均方根半径. 就目前能够提供的实验设备和手段, 对于不稳定锂的同位素8,9Li和短寿命丰中子晕核11Li而言, 这是能够得到与核模型相独立的电荷半径值的唯一可行的方法. 这类实验正在德国重离子研究中心(GSI)和欧洲核子中心的ISOLDE/CERN 上计划实施.描述了锂原子的激光激发共振电离途径和进行锂的同位素移位测量的实验装置, 并讨论了采用这种方法测量到的6,7Li的初步结果及其精度, 以及使用该方法研究不稳定核的灵敏性.

关键词: 晕核 , 同位素移位 , 电荷半径

Preparation of I_2 Clusters and Their Absorption Spectra

Zhaojun LIN , Zhanguo WANG , Wei CHEN and Lanying LIN(Lab. of Sendconductor Materials Science , Institute of Semiconductors , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beijing 100083 , China)


Samples have been prepared at different temperatures by loading I2 molecules into the cages of zeolite 5A, and the measurements of the absorption spectra have been carried out for the prepared samples. It is shown that I2 molecular clusters are formed in the cages of zeolite 5A,and it is also found that moIecuIar clusters which are bonded with intermoIecuIar forces have an important feature, namely, the intermolecular distance in molecular clusters can be changed on different preparing conditions and the blue shift of absorption edges can not be as the criterion of forming molecular clusters.


Galvanostatic electrodeposition and microstructure of copper (I) oxide film

Materials Research Innovations

Polycrystalline copper (I) oxide films were deposited on stainless steel substrate by galvanostatic electrodeposition method and were characterized by Xray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The effect of bath temperature, bath pH and current density on the compositon, grain size, surface texture and surface morphology of the electrodeposited films were investigated. The films deposited at low bath pH (less than or equal to 7) consisted of copper (I) oxide and metallic copper; while the films deposited at bath pH between 8 and 12 and bath temperature of 60 degrees C were pure copper (I) oxide. The preferred orientation of the copper (I) oxide films depended on the relative growth rate of (111) and (200) faces and could be controlled by adjusting the bath pH and/or the cathodic current density. (100)-oriented copper (1) oxide films could be deposited at pH=9 and current densities in the range of 0.25-1 mA/cm(2) while (111)-oriented films could be prepared at pH=12 or at pH=9 using the current densities between 1.5-2.5 mA/cm(2). Computer simulated crystallite shapes showed that the crystal shape changed from octahedral for (100)-oriented film to trucated pyramids and cubs for (111)-oriented film. And they were approved by scanning electron microscopy.

关键词: copper(I) oxide;electrochemical deposition;thin films;microstructure;electrochemical synthesis;thin-films

Mode I and mixed mode I/II fatigue cracking in Ni3Al(CrB) single crystals

Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures

Nominal mode I and mixed mode I/II fatigue tests were carried out using the intermetallic compound Ni3Al(CrB) in the form of single crystal specimens. The effects of crystal orientation and load mode on fatigue crack initiation and growth were studied. The fracture surfaces of the single crystals were characterized by a cleavage-like appearance and cracking occurred either on a single {111} plane or on multiple {111} planes irrespective of whether mode I or mixed mode I/II loadings were applied. It was found that the crack initiation and growth behaviour are dependent on both crystal orientation and applied loading mode. The cracking behaviour predicted by three mixed mode fracture criteria (MTS, SED and G criteria) in polycrystalline materials under mixed mode loading can be understood from the present results on single crystals.

关键词: fatigue cracking;mixed mode loading;crystallographic orientation;resolved shear stress;Ni3Al(CrB) single crystals;growth;alloy


吴崇试 , 潘奕

原子核物理评论 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-4627.2002.01.001

系统分析了A≈170区正常形变带[521]1/2-中的ΔI=1颤动现象. 根据旋称伙伴带的跃迁能量提取Δ2 Eγ (I)=[Eγ(I)+Eγ(I-2)]/2-Eγ(I-1)值, 表现出旋称相关的规则上下颤动. 其颤动幅度在低自旋端约为50 keV, 而后随自旋而增大或减小, 大体呈抛物线形. 利用改进的ab公式, 提取了相关的脱耦合系数. 运用Nilsson波函数, 探讨了原子核集体哈密顿量中高阶微扰项的可能形式.

关键词: 正常形变带 , 旋称伙伴带 , ΔI = 1颤动 , 脱耦合效应 , 改进的ab拟合


张国俊 , 许赵辉 , 刘忠洲

膜科学与技术 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-8924.2002.02.010

采用截留分子量(MWCO)1万的卷式超滤膜和截留分子量(MWCO)6 000的中空纤维超滤膜,去除I+G粗品液中影响I+G产品透光的色素、大分子蛋白及可溶性胶体蛋白,不需加碳、压滤等工序,产品透光合格率达100%,产品透光的合格稳定性较现有生产工艺大大提高,该工艺不仅可以省去加碳压滤等工序,而且可以保证产品一次性达到合格产品.

关键词: 肌苷酸 , 鸟苷酸 , 超滤 , 透光


秦秀娟 , 邵光杰 , 刘日平 , 王文魁

兵器材料科学与工程 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-244X.2006.01.012


关键词: ZnO , 纳米陶瓷 , 非线性伏安特性

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