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丁学勇 , 陈星秋 , P.Rogl , J.E. Morral

金属学报 doi:10.3321/j.issn:0412-1961.2000.08.010

提出了预测三元系合金中原子浓度(原子分数,%)低于10的组元的扩散系数、本征扩散系数和热力学因子的模型;通过此模型预测1473 K时,Ni-Al-Cr(富Ni)三元合金系的扩散系数,并和实验值进行比较,模型预测结果良好.

关键词: 扩散系数 , 预测模型 , 三元合金系 , Ni-Al-Cr


吴爽爽 , 莫兴婵 , 韦成峰 , 韦小圆 , 朱文凤 , 覃远东 , 刘来君


采用传统的固相反应法制备了Cu欠量的CaCu3 Ti4 O12 (CaCu2.7Ti4 O12)陶瓷,研究了不同烧结时间对CaCu2.7Ti4O12相结构、显微形貌、介电性能和J-E非线性特征的影响.结果表明,延长保温时间降低了CaCu2.7-Ti4 O12陶瓷的中低频介电损耗和击穿场强并且显著提高了其介电常数.采用肖特基热电子发射模型对其非线性特征和电学性能的变化机理进行了分析,认为耗尽层宽度是影响电学性能的主要因素.保温30 h的CaCu2.7Ti4 O12陶瓷有望作为低压压敏电阻应用于半导体电路中.

关键词: CCTO陶瓷 , 电流-电压非线性 , 压敏电阻器 , 巨介电响应


臧超飞 , 何豫生 , 沈庆飞 , 昌俊 , 李春光 , 张国华 , 罗胜 , 齐志 , 尹道乐 , 丁克俭

低温物理学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3258.2001.04.008



Spin waves in a four-sublattice Heisenberg ferrimagnet or ferromagnet with different exchange constants (J(ab)=J(cd)not equal J(bc)=J(da))

Physical Review B

The Hamiltonian for a four-sublattice Heisenberg ferrimagnet or ferromagnet with different exchange constants (J(ab) = J(cd) not equal J(bc) = J(da)) was established. An extended Bogoliubov transformation was developed by solving an equation group, consisting of 20 equations and 20 unknowns. The procedure for solving the equation group was carried out by introducing a simple way of reducing the numbers of the equations and the unknowns. The spin-wave spectra in the present system have been determined by performing the standard Holstein-Primakoff transformation and the Bogoliubov one. It has been found that the spin-wave spectra of the present system depend on the exchange constants and that the degeneracy of the spin-wave spectra remains. The results for a special case (J(ab) = J(bc)) i.e., an antiferromagnet are discussed briefly. The spin-wave spectra of the four-sublattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet are found to be degenerative also and they are linear in k for small k.

关键词: model


薛旭斌 , 王青云 , 范会卿



关键词: 焊条 , 大理石 , 颗粒度 , 力学性能


周峰峦 , 郭震

物理测试 doi:10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1001-0777.20160084

推导了CTOD和J积分的关系,并且从试验角度利用三点弯曲试样进行CTOD试验,根据ASTM E1820对GB/T 21143-2014中公式34进行了评价,研究表明,在小屈服范围内,采用裂纹嘴张开位移可以同时得到CTOD和J积分,从而可以简化J积分的试验装置.

关键词: J积分 , CTOD , 小屈服


H.P. Chen and Z.J. Deng (State Key Lab. for Mechanical Behavior of Materials , Xi'an Jiaotong University , Xi'an 710049 , China)


The effect of specimen thinkness on JR resistance curve has been investigated using low and middle strength steels. As the J dominance regime is reached, the initial J-integral values, J(i), are definite even if the elastic component Ji(e) and plastic component Ji(p)vary with the thinkness of specimen. The wider the specimen width, the larger the Ji(e)/Ji and the smaller the Ji(p)/Ji. The crack propagation resistance, dJR/da and dJp/da, decreases, while dJe/da increases linearly with increasing specimen thinness.Based on the above experimental results, an empirical formula dJ/da = α+β. B is given, which can be used to evaluate the safety of practical structural components.A modified J-integral is presented, upon which a new view is Put forward that the increase in crack growth resistance is induced mainly by the increase in the plastic J-integral component with the crack propagation,

关键词: : fracture mechanics , null , null , null

Spin waves in several Heisenberg systems: Three-sublattice with different exchange constants (J(ab)=J(bc)not equal J(ca)) and a superlattice with the elementary unit of four or three different layers

Physical Review B

The quadratic Holstein-Primakoff spin-wave Hamiltonian for three-sublattice Heisenberg systems with different exchange constants (J(ab)=J(bc)not equal J(ca)) was diagonalized by a three-step procedure. The classical ground state was examined and the effects of quantum fluctuation on the ground state were discussed. The 0 K spin reorientation angles due to quantum fluctuations were found to originate from the asymmetry of the system. As an extended application of the spin-wave study of the multisublattice systems, the spin-wave spectra of a Heisenberg superlattice, which has four or three magnetic atoms or spins, in each magnetic unit cell in the x direction, were solved analytically in terms of creation and annihilation operators. It has been found that the spin-wave spectra of the present superlattice systems depend on the exchange constants J and J(1), and that the degeneracy of the spin-wave spectra remains for the superlattice of four atomic layers and is partially removed for the superlattice of three atomic layers mainly due to the asymmetry of the system. Another type of splitting of the energy level occurs which differs for those levels with different degeneracies. The mixing of the interface and the bulk modes were found for the spin-wave dispersion of the superlattices. It was predicted that even for different superlattices having the same exchange constants (either J or J'), i.e., without the oscillation of the exchange coupling, the asymmetry can lead to the oscillation of magnetic properties, such as magnetization and giant magnetoresistance.

关键词: ferromagnetic superlattices;reorientation transitions;magnetic;superlattices;modes;temperatures;film




关键词: 专利名称 , 高分子 , 树脂组合物 , 专利申请号 , 尺寸稳定性 , 抗冲击性 , 株式会社 , 成形性能

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