QI Zhenzhong
YAO Weiguo
LIU Ling
JIA Junhui Institute of Solid State Physics
Academia Sinica
Introducing N_2 during sputtering and pre-oxidation of substrate were investigated to improve the adhesion of sputtered TiC coating to steel substrate. The results show that yeactive gas N_2 increases the adhesion of TiC coating to steel because of a graded interface existing between coating and substrate. The interaction of discharge plasma with the surface of substrate was discussed. Pre-oxidation of substrate is effective for improving the adhesion due to the fomation of FeTi0_3 which appeared as an inteylayer between coating and pre-oxidized substrate.
Physical Review B
Metastable Fe100-xAlx alloys have been formed by ball milling of elemental Fe and Al powders: supersaturated body-centered-cubic solid solutions for x less than or equal to 70, and an amorphous phase for x > 70. Quantitative x-ray-diffraction measurements show that the total root-mean-square displacement (rms) and the static rms in the Fe100-xAlx solid solutions increase significantly with increasing Al content, The total rms at the instability point, however, reaches only 6.8% of the nearest-neighbor distance and is far below the critical value predicted by the Lindemann melting criterion, suggesting that the Lindemann melting criterion is not applicable for the solid-state amorphization. Instead. the Debye temperature of the supersaturated Fe100-xAlx alloys was observed to drop by similar to 22% at the point of amorphization, implying a corresponding softening in the average shear modulus of similar to 40%, which agrees with the microhardness measurements. These results strongly support the empirical elastic instability criterion For the solid-state amorphization process.
to-glass transition;crystal;transformation
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Growth kinetics and interfacial morphologies of the intermetallic compounds (IMCs) between single crystal Ag and Sn-4Ag, Sn-3Cu and Sn-37Pb solders were investigated by solid-state aging at 160 degrees C and liquid-state aging at 260 degrees C. Isothermal equation of chemical reaction and phase diagrams were used to explain the effects of Ag, Cu and Pb on the growth kinetics of IMCs under solid-state and liquid-state aging conditions. The diffusion coefficients for the three solder joints of Sn-4Ag/Ag, Sn-3Cu/Ag and Sn-37Pb/Ag were calculated after solid-state and liquid-state aging. It is found that Pb can effectively retard the growth of IMCs during liquid-state aging but has little influence on the growth rate of IMCs during the solid-state aging. Some local small cracks were frequently observed in the Cu(6)Sn(5) particles near interfaces of the Sn-3Cu/Ag solder joints after solid-state aging for several days. However, there were no such local small cracks when solders or interfaces did not contain the Cu(6)Sn(5) particles after the same aging time. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ag single crystal substrate;Lead-free solder;Intermetallic compounds;(IMCs);Growth kinetics;Local cracks;lead-free solders;electroless ni(p) metallization;intermetallic;compound;cu-sn;joints;ni;bi;nanoindentation;microstructure;wt.percent
Journal of Applied Physics
Interdiffusion-induced solid-state amorphization reaction (SSAR) in polycrystalline Ni/amorphous Si multilayers has been studied using an in situ x-ray diffraction technique together with transmission electron microscope observations, The amorphization reaction was found to occur both on the Ni/Si interfaces in terms of a planar-layer growth model and along the grain boundaries in the Ni sublayers. Thermodynamic and kinetic interpretations for the SSAR at grain boundaries are presented and an amorphous growth model is also suggested for elucidating the SSAR in polycrystalline Ni/amorphous Si multilayers.
Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing
We report on studies of solid state redox reactions induced by mechanical alloying (MA). The displacement reaction in the Fe-CuO system during MA may be completed by two steps: a rapid self-sustaining combustion reaction process, followed by a gradual reaction process. High densities of point and lattice defects, as well as a fine dispersion of reactants, are introduced in the powder mixture during MA. In addition, the displacement reaction in the Fe-CuO system produces a large negative heat. This combination of factors makes the redox reaction occur in the reaction regions, accompanied by self-heating. The self-heating may raise the temperature up to ignition temperature for a combustion reaction; this ignition temperature is greatly decreased by ball-milling. Combustion then takes place. The displacement reaction may be carried out rapidly during combustion. Complete reduction of copper oxides, including the intermediate oxidation state phase, Cu2O, appearing immediately after combustion, is observed after prolonged milling, during which the reduction is gradual; a similar self-sustaining reaction mechanism works in local reaction regions.
Z.S. Zhen
W.M. Mao
S.J. Yan
The Rheological behavior of semi-solid AZ91D at steady state is studied using a Couettetype viscometer in the present paper. The results show that the apparent viscosity ofsemi-solid AZ91D at the steady state increases with the solid fraction increasing, andgoes up sharply when the solid fraction reaches a certain value, which is called criticalfraction. In addition, the apparent viscosity of semi-solid AZ91D at the steady statetakes on a distinct downtrend with the shearing rate increasing, which indicates astrong shear thinning property. In addition, the critical solid fraction becomes higherunder larger shearing rate, owing to the more globular shape of the solid particles.Based on the present experiment results, an empirical equation is built as that, relatingthe steady state apparent viscosity of semi-solid AZ91D with the solid fraction fs andshearing rate γ at the same time: ηapp=10. 74exp(6.95fs)γ-0.86.
Rheological behavior
Yinxiao DU
Ming LEI
By a facile and efficient solid-state reaction route using an organic reagent cyanamide (CN2H2) as a precursor with another one being metal oxides, we successfully synthesized seven technologically important metal nitrides including cubic VN, CrN, NbN, hexagonal GaN, AlN, BN, and WN at moderate temperatures. The experimental results show that cyanamide (CN2H2) is a powerfully reducing and nitridizing reagent and the metal oxides are completely converted into the corresponding nitride nanoparticles at lower temperatures than that reported in the conventional methods. It is found that CN2H2 can exhibit some interesting condensation processes, and the final products, highly active carbon nitride species, play a crucial role in the reducing and nitridizing processes.
Journal of Materials Science
Solid state amorphizations in mechanically deformed Ni/Ti multilayer composites have been investigated by differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction. The growth of amorphous alloy in our Ni/Ti composites was facilitated by the large number of grain boundaries and relatively large degree of disorder induced in the metal layers by the cold rolling. The formation of different products of solid-state reaction in the Ni/Ti composites has bee,n elucidated in terms of magnetic and enthalpy analysis. It is thought that the solid state amorphization occurs first during heating, followed by the formation of intermetallic compounds through direct solid-state reaction of elemental nickel and titanium and by the crystallization of the amorphous alloy already formed by the solid state amorphization reaction. The values of the activation energy for interdiffusion and interdiffusion coefficient for the formation of amorphous alloy in the Ni/Ti composites have also been calculated.
diffusion couples;interdiffusion reactions;elemental composites;thin-films;ni/zr;ni;planar;binary;growth;alloys