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Secondary Hardening, Austenite Grain Coarsening and Surface Decarburization Phenomenon in Nb-Bearing Spring Steel

ZHANG Chao-lei , LIU Ya-zheng , ZHOU Le-yu , JIANG Chao


The secondary hardening, the austenite grain coarsening and the surface decarburization phenomenon of Nb-bearing spring steel were investigated, and the effects of niobium on tempered microstructure was studied using scanning electron microscope. The results show that the micro-addition of niobium increases the tempering resistance and produces secondary hardening. The effect of niobium on the size and distribution of cementite particles is one of the primary reasons to increase the hardness after tempering. The grain-coarsening temperature of the spring steel is raised 150 ℃ due to Nb-addition. Furthermore, both the secondary hardening and the austenite grain coarsening phenomenon congruously demonstrate niobium begins observably dissolving above 1100 ℃ in the spring steel. Besides, niobium microalloying is an effective and economy means to decrease the decarburization sensitivity of the spring steels.

关键词: spring steel , microalloying , secondary hardening , grain coarsening , surface decarburization

Effects of Niobium and Vanadium on HydrogenInduced Delayed Fracture in High Strength Spring Steel

ZHANG Chaolei , LIU Yazheng , JIANG Chao , XIAO Jinfu


Influence of vanadium and/or niobium additions on delayed fracture behavior in high strength spring steel was studied by hydrogen permeation method and slow strain rate technique (SSRT), and its mechanism was analyzed. The results show that apparent diffusion coefficient of hydrogen in microalloyed spring steels NbVsteel and Nbsteel is lower than that in nonmicroalloyed steel 60Si2MnA. Percentage of strength reduction in SSRT in air after precharged hydrogen of the microalloyed steels is smaller than that of 60Si2MnA. Addition of the microalloys changes the fracture characteristics. Thence, vanadium and/or niobium additions are a very effective and economy means to improve the hydrogeninduced delayed fracture resistance of high strength spring steel.

关键词: spring steel , microalloy , hydrogeninduced delayed fracture , slow strain rate technique , hydrogen permeation

Ion sputter erosion in metallic glass-A response to "Comment on: Homogeneity of Zr(64.13)Cu(15.75)Ni(10.12)Al(10) bulk metallic glass" by L-Y. Chen, Y-W. Zeng, Q-P. Cao, B-J. Park, Y-M. Chen, K. Hono, U. Vainio, Z-L. Zhang, U. Kaiser, X-D. Wang, and J-Z Jiang J. Mater. Res. 24, 3116 (2009)

Journal of Materials Research

The morphology of the dark and bright regions observed by transmission electron microscopy for the Zr(64.13)Cu(15.75)Ni(10.12)Al(10) bulk metallic glass strongly depends on the ion beam parameters used for ion milling. This indicates that the ion beam could introduce surface fluctuation to metallic glasses during ion milling.

关键词: room-temperature


倪永中 , 徐鸿


本文提出了一种基于粒子群算法和有限元方法的弹塑性本构方程参数的确定方法,并在此基础上开发了参数自动优化系统CMPI(Constitutive Material Parameter Identification).通过使最小二乘形式的目标函数达到极小值,实现参数的动态寻优;模型参数作为粒子群优化模块的输入,采用应变(应力)控制方法,调用材料非线性有限元模块计算特定参数时的应力(应变)响应,并计算与实验数据的误差,从而实现优化过程.CMPI目前适用于A-F类模型(Chaboehe、Ohno-Wang、Jiang-Sehitoglu)的参数优化,以此为基础,不难扩展到其他材料模型.

关键词: 粒子群 , 材料非线性 , 有限元 , Ohno-Wang 模型


张剑 , 周储伟 , 雷笑 , 叶见曙 , 卓家寿



关键词: CFRP筋 , GFRP筋 , 梁壳组合单元 , HPC梁 , 材料非线性



