Tayebe Rostami
Majid Jafarian
Somaieh Miandari
Mohammad G. Mahjani
Fereydoon Gobal
在NaOH溶液(0.1 mol/L)中考察了Ni, Co和Cu二元和三元合金修饰的石墨电极上甲醇电氧化反应性能.采用循环伏安法、计时电流法和电化学阻抗谱(EIS)等技术研究了修饰电极的催化活性和协同效应.这些催化剂在含有Ni, Cu和Co离子溶液的阴极电位上反复浸渍石墨电极制得.结果表明,在甲醇存在下, Ni基三元合金修饰电极(G/NiCuCo)对甲醇氧化反应的响应值明显高于其它样品.阳极峰值电流与扫描速率的平方根呈线性关系,表明该过程受扩散控制.在CA区域,该反应遵循Cottrellin特性,甲醇扩散系数为6.25×10–6 cm2/s.甲醇氧化反应速率常数为40×107 cm3/(mol·s).另外,采用EIS研究了修饰电极表面上甲醇催化氧化反应.
International Journal of Modern Physics B
The perturbation formulae of EPR parameters g factors g(x), g(y) and g(z) for the lowest Kramers doublet of 4f(1) ion in orthorhombic symmetry are established. In these formulae, the contributions of the covalency effects, the admixture between J = 7/2 and J = 5/2 states as well as the second-order perturbation (which is not considered in the previous works) via crystal-field and orbital angular momentum interactions are all included. According to these formulae, and by using the superposition model, the g-factors g., g(y) and g(z) for Ce3+ center in YBa2CU3O6+x superconductor are calculated. The results are discussed.
YBa2Cu3O6+x;EPR;superposition model;Ce3+;crystal-field
Optical Materials
The perturbation formulas of the EPR g factors g,, g and g. for a 4f(11) 1 ion in orthorhombic symmetry are established. In these formulas, the contributions to the g factors arising from the second-order perturbation terms and the admixture of various states are taken into account. The above formulas are applied to the orthorhombic Er3+ centers in YAG, YGG and LuGG garnets. By analyzing their g factors, we find that the polar angles theta(j)(') of the impurity-ligand bonds related to the Z axis of the crystals in these Er3+ centers are smaller than the host angles theta(j) in pure crystals, whereas the azimuthal angles, related to the X axis in the impurity centers are larger than the corresponding phi(j) in the hosts. The g factors and their anisotropies Delta g [= g(z) - (g(x) + g(y))/2] and delta g (= g(x) - g(y)) for Er3+ in the garnets based on the above local structural parameters are in good agreement with the observed values. In addition, the angular distortions Delta theta (= theta(j)(') - theta(j)) or Delta phi (= phi(j)(') - phi(j)) obtained by analyzing the EPR data in this work are different from Delta theta(2), or Delta phi(2) (for only the second set of ligands, i.e., j = 2) based on the superposition model crystal-field analysis in the previous work. The validity of the results is discussed. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR);defect structure;crystal-field;and spin hamiltonians;Er3+;garnets
Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis
The complete high-order perturbation formula of g factor for 3d(3) ions in cubic octahedral site was derived. In the formula, both the contribution Delta g(CF) to g-shift Delta g(=g-g(s), where g(s) =2. 002 3) due to crystal-field (CF) mechanism (related to the interactions of CF excited states with the ground state) and that (Delta g(CT)) due to charge-transfer (CT) mechanism (related to the interactions of CT excited states with the ground state, which is omitted in crystal-field theory) are included. By using the formula and the parameters obtained from the optical spectra of CaZrO(3) : Mn(4+) crystal, the g factor of CaZrO(3) : Mn(4+) was calculated. The result is consistent with the experimental value. The calculations show that the contribution is opposite in sign and about 62% in magnitude compared with the contribution Delta g(CF). It appears that both CF and CT mechanisms should be considered in the calculation of g factor for the high valence 3d(3) (e. g., Mn(4+) and Fe(3+)) ions in crystals.
electron paramagnetic resonance;g factor;charge transfer mechanism;crystal and ligand field theory;CaZrO(3);Mn(4+);atomic screening constants;scf functions;luminescence;manganese
Physica B-Condensed Matter
In this paper, by using only one adjustable parameter V' (the trigonal-field parameter), the zero-held splitting D, the g factors g(parallel to) and Delta g (= g(parallel to) -g(perpendicular to)) for CsMgCl3:V2+ crystal have been calculated from the high-order perturbation formulas based on the two spin-orbit coupling parameter model. The calculated results show good agreement with the observed values. A comparison between the calculated results from various crystal field theories are also made. It is found that the difference between signs D and Delta g for CsMgCl3:V2+ crystal is caused by the contributions from the excited multiplets, particularly those arising from the free ionic term (2)G. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
crystal and ligand field theory;electron paramagnetic resonance;spin-orbit coupling;V2+ ion;CsMgCl3;crystal;spectra;ions
Physica B-Condensed Matter
The perturbation formula of g factor for 3d(7) ion in cubic octahedral crystals has been obtained from a cluster approach. In the formula, the parameters related to the configuration interaction and the covalency reduction effect can be obtained from the optical spectra of the crystal under study and so no adjustable parameters are applied. From the formula, the g factors for Co2+ in fluoroperovskites LiBaF3, KMBF3, KZnF3 and CsCdF3 are calculated. The calculated results are in agreement with the observed values. The g factor following the order of LiBaF3 : Co2+ < KMgF3 : Co2+ < KZnF3: Co2+ < CsCdF3 : Co2+ is also explained. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
electron paramagnetic resonance;crystal- and ligand-field theory;Co2+;LiBaF3;KMgF3;KZnF3;CsCdF3;perovskite;transition;impurities;crystals
Mesoporous carbon CMK-3 was synthesized by using SBA-15 silica mesoporous as hard template and characterized through nitrogen adsorption/desorption and low angle X-ray diffraction. As-prepared material with large pores and high surface area was used to remove Orange G dye from aqueous solution. Adsorption experiments were carried out as batch studies at variety of contact times, pH, initial dye concentrations, temperatures and salt concentrations. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models were employed to simulate the equilibrium data of anionic dye. It was found that the equilibrium data were well represented by the Langmuir isotherm, yielding maximum monolayer adsorption capacity of 189 mg/g. Experimental data were analyzed using pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order kinetic models and obtained results indicated that kinetics followed a pseudo-second order equation.
CMK-3; Orange G; adsorption isotherm; kinetic